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Craft The World - Pocket Edition
开发商:Dekovir, Inc.
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40% off for a limited time!Craft the World 是一款关于一个矮人部落在玩家的带领下探索不同世界的游戏。它独特地结合了策略、方块建造沙盒以及塔防风格。o 从白雪覆盖的山头,到灼热的沙漠;从危险重重的洞穴,到满是怪物的废弃地牢,各种惊险刺激的区域等着你!o 收集资源、矿物质、矿石和各种珍贵石头。o 选择各种物品和建筑物,建造一座牢不可破的堡垒,防御矮人夜间入侵。o 种植和收获食物,为帮助你的人准备菜肴。o 研究新的盔甲、武器和炼金药。o 在你的堡垒周围的路上设满陷阱和导弹塔,抵抗成群结队入侵而来的怪物。o 建造一个广大的矿井网,配上升降机和铁路,抵达藏有最珍贵金属的丰富矿脉。o 但是,准备好面对来自地球深处的危险怪物!o 找到古老传送门卷轴,建造传送门,到达新的世界。
版本 1.1.010 中的新功能
A Brand New World!+ Added new 4th underground world. You can reach it through the portal from the 3rd world in campaign mode or by choosing an appropriate type of the world in custom game mode.New foes and peaceful creatures, new plants and additional recipes of items await you!+ Added new sounds for creatures and events.+ Improved AI of dwarves+ You can put on an equipment item on the selected dwarf by x2 clicking on the item at the equipment dialog.+ Now additional parameters are displayed for ranged weapons.+ Now dwarves build blocks of stucco considering to previously chosen type of these blocks.+ Small changes in the tech tree for old worlds - added several items from 4th world, luxury decorating technology was disconnected from others.+ Fixed progress calculation when placing item recipe from it manually.+ Balanced tuning for loot remaining from creatures. Now loot appears even after transfiguration spell.+ Fixed AI of gargoyles when they didn't want to break the shelter walls.+ Fixed several cases when items pass through the blocks if they fall from high altitude.+ Fixed bug when portal spell removes wheat at the same place.+ Giant ants now attack all creatures.+ Fixed bug with the appearing of ants' nests under water.+ Improved animation of big zombie.+ Added displaying of the notification icon about monsters' portal (instead of positioning screen) and notification icon about dwarf death.+ Fixed different bugs and game crushes+ Other minor changes.
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计?40.00类别: 版本: 1.1.010大小: 199 MB语言: 俄文, 德语, 意大利语, 日语, 法语, 简体中文, 英语, 西班牙语, 韩语开发商: Dekovir, Inc.偶尔/轻微的惊悚/恐怖题材偶尔/轻微的卡通或幻想暴力兼容性: 需要 iOS 5.1.1 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
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