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FVWM新手入门不完全手册 - 饮水思源Fvwm中文手册-FvwmButtons-ChinaUnix操作系统频道Gentoo Forums :: 阅读主题 - Introduction to FvwmButtonsfvwm配置文件-王垠_sylvan_新浪博客fvwm实例分析-布局部分_百度文库OpenBSD – 中文环境篇(转)-ba-ITPUB博客archlinux 以及fvwm 的一些简单配置 来自网络Fvwm95简介__河源下载站fvwm的设置 转自linuxsir的gentoo版 - 豆丁网前些天配的fvwm桌面 - FreeBSD China在Debian上用FVWM做自己的桌面 - bienilz - 博客园fvwm 控制窗口样式_PHP_IThao123 - IT行业第一站设置你自己的 FVWM2 [FreeBSDChina Wiki]Linux下配置窗口管理器fvwm[图文]_Linux教程_Linux公社-Linux系统...牛人的fvwm2rc-cvip-ChinaUnix博客~/.fvwm/.fvwm2rc - findstr的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET还是OpenBSD安装,抄得。-redsunchina-ChinaUnix博客taviso's fvwm - 技术文档 - 桌面应用 Linux时代 - 开源、自由、...fvwmFAQ中文版(-)-litary1986-ChinaUnix博客我的FVWM 配置文件,发在这里吧,需要的朋友改改图标就可以用了 - ...FVWM美化实战演练-cvip-ChinaUnix博客啊德的fvwm配置文件-cvip-ChinaUnix博客我有的FVWM配置文件-jinjianlee-ChinaUnix博客Configura??o & fvwm & .fvwm2rc*FvwmButtons(Swallow &wmcpuload& &Exec wmcpuload -w &&) *FvwmButtons(Title xmms, Icon noatun.png, Action 'Exec xmms &') *FvwmButtons(Title gqview...日&-&之后,FvwmButtons将使用以“*MyButtonBox”字符串开始的配置,而不是默认的&*Fvwm...Title 和 Swallow 选项的标记可以使用Title(flags)和 Swallow(flag...can i put there the fvwmtaskbar or is it better to make my own taskbar with fvwmbuttons and fvwmwindowmenu? i can use Swallow or Panel options in ...日&-&PagerPanel &Module FvwmButtons PagerPanel&) ##*MainPanel: Font -*-evermore...*PagerPanel: (Swallow FvwmPager &Module FvwmPager 0 3&) ##*Page...日&-&fvwm-crystal/fvwm/decorations/Aqua/Buttons\ with\ icons/Theme.fvwm-crystal ...(2x2,Swallow (UseOld,Kill) &cairo-clock& &Exec cairo-clock -s ...*FvwmButtonsBack #5c54c0*FvwmButtonsGeometry 120x30+400-2定义电子钟的大小和出现的位置 *FvwmButtons(Swallow(Respawn, NoHints) xdaliclock `Exec exec x...日&-&fvwm-2.5.10-fvwmbuttonshover.diff.gz
fvwm-2.5.10-long-data-elements.diff...将pager包含(swallow)在 button(tavis的fvwmShef等)中,是拖慢fvwm启...日&-&AddToFunc &RestartFunction& &I& Module FvwmButtons+ &I& Module FvwmTaskBar...Swallow(UseOld) &xclock& 'Exec xclock -bg \yellow \ -padding 0 ...日&-&Actions and even have it swallow other applications (more on this in the ...bottom right as shown in the figure.这里只是简单介 绍怎样设置Fvw...日&-&+ &Button-Bar& Module FvwmButtons
+ &Pager& Module FvwmPager 0 0
+...*buttonbar: (3x7 Frame 1 Swallow(UseOld) &FvwmIconMan& &Module FvwmIc...DeskTopSize 定义虚拟桌面的大小,也决定了FvwmPager的行和列。我决定把 FvwmPager模块用Swallow放到FvwmButtons中,于是定义成把虚拟桌面定义成1行4 列。
EwmhBase...日&-&fvwm 控制窗口样式_Controlling Window Styles For readability, the commands in this section are not sorted alphabetically. The description of ...日&-&FvwmButtons + Style &*& SloppyFocus, DecorateTransient + Style &*& BorderWidth 1, HandleWidth 3 + Style &*& NoPPosition + Style &*& WindowSh...日&-&重新配置了一下我的fvwm(Linux下一个小巧但强悍的窗口管理器),比以前的漂亮多了。... *FvwmIconMan-Icons: DontShow Class=FvwmButtons,FvwmIconMan,FvwmPager,Fvw...+ I Module FvwmButtons MainPanel+ I Module FvwmAuto 500 Raise Nop+ I ...*PagerPanel: (Swallow FvwmPager &Module FvwmPager 0 3&)*PagerPanel: Font...日&-&FvwmButtons PagerPanel&) #*MainPanel: Font -*-simsun-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-* #*PagerPanel: Geometry 80x352 #*PagerPanel: (Swallow ...*FvwmButtons(Swallow(Respawn, NoHints) xdaliclock `Exec exec xdaliclock -bg gray40 -fg yellow -fn 12x24`) bg背景色, fg前景色, fn字体大小 上面的...日&-&+ I Module FvwmAnimate + I Module FvwmEvent + I Module FvwmProxy + I Module FvwmAuto FvwmAutohide -menter FuncAutoEnter + I Module FvwmButto...FVWM FAQ中文版[转]转自http://www.linuxfans.orgFAQ问题索引:0.最常见问题-The most frequently asked questions 0.1 fvwm启动几分钟以后日&-&*FvwmIconMan-Icons: DontShow Class=FvwmButtons,FvwmIconMan,FvwmPager,FvwmIdent...Swallow (Close, Respawn, FvwmModule) &FvwmScript-Clock& 'Fv...fvwm-2.5.10-fvwmbuttonshover.diff.gz fvwm-2.5.10-long-data-elements.diff...将pager包含(swallow)在button(tavis的fvwmShef等)中,是拖慢fvwm启动速度的主要...日&-&+ I Module FvwmButtons FvwmDockerDestroyFunc ExitFunctionAddToFunc Exit...*FvwmDocker: (2x1, Swallow &Time& `FvwmScript $[fvwm_script]/Time`...日&-&这份文件是从网上摘抄下来,然后经地自己的修改,现在比较适合自己的一个配置文件:/home/lee/.fvwm/.fvwm2rcImagePath +:/usr/local/share/icons:/usr/l...FvwmPager + I Module FvwmButtons -g 390x40+400+0 FvwmDock + I Module FvwmAnimate + I Exec exec gnome-settings-daemon ### Salir AddToFunc ExitFunct...帐号:密码:下次自动登录{url:/nForum/slist.json?uid=guest&root=list-section}{url:/nForum/nlist.json?uid=guest&root=list-section}
贴数:2&分页:Keep It Simple发信人: EOF (Keep It Simple), 信区: XWindow
标&&题: Re: fvwm如何让焦点能自动停在打开的子窗口上?
发信站: 水木社区 (Tue May 15 11:56:20 2007), 站内 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Grabbing the focus when a new window is created &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& New normal or transient windows with the FPGrabFocus or FPGrab- &&&&&&&&&&&&&& FocusTransient style automatically receive the focus when they &&&&&&&&&&&&&& are created.&&FPGrabFocus is the default for windows with the &&&&&&&&&&&&&& ClickToFocus style.&&Note that even if these styles are dis- &&&&&&&&&&&&&& abled, the application may take the focus itself.&&Fvwm can not &&&&&&&&&&&&&& prevent this. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The OverrideGrabFocus style instructs fvwm to never take away &&&&&&&&&&&&&& the focus from such a window via the GrabFocus or GrabFocusTran- &&&&&&&&&&&&&& sient styles.&&This can be useful if you like to have transient &&&&&&&&&&&&&& windows receive the focus immediately, for example in a web &&&&&&&&&&&&&& browser, but not while you are working in a terminal window or a &&&&&&&&&&&&&& text processor. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The above three styles are accompanied by FPReleaseFocus, FPRe- &&&&&&&&&&&&&& leaseFocusTransient and FPOverrideReleaseFocus.&&These control &&&&&&&&&&&&&& if the focus is returned to another window when the window is &&&&&&&&&&&&&& closed.&&Otherwise no window or the window under the pointer &&&&&&&&&&&&&& will receive the focus. && 【 在 beninu (葛之覃兮) 的大作中提到: 】
: 比如,运行vncviewer,会提示输入密码,
: 每次都得用鼠标找到密码输入框。
: 怎么让焦点自动停在新打开的子窗口上?
: ...................
&& -- &&&&&&&&&&&&RTFM &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RTFS &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&UTSL &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&RTFB &&&&&&&&&&&&STFW &&&&&&&&&&&& RTFAQ &&&& ※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 160.39.202.*]
Keep It Simple发信人: EOF (Keep It Simple), 信区: XWindow
标&&题: Re: fvwm如何让焦点能自动停在打开的子窗口上?
发信站: 水木社区 (Tue May 15 13:21:58 2007), 站内 && 老实说,fvwm 的 man page 是我看到过的最详细的 man page 了 && 【 在 beninu (葛之覃兮) 的大作中提到: 】
: It works.&&
&&&& -- &&&&&&&&&&&&RTFM &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RTFS &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&UTSL &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&RTFB &&&&&&&&&&&&STFW &&&&&&&&&&&& RTFAQ &&&& ※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 160.39.202.*]


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