
I am getting above sometimes.I am inserting values in three tables Company,Merchant and users at a time.Guid is kept as primary key(uniqueidenitifier).Why this error is coming i am unable to find it is happening sometimes.Any idea to rectify it ??
29906 articles.
How are you generating the GUID?& C# code or are you having the database generate it?
Database is generating it.
Hi Brijesh Singh,
How did you go about inserting the values into the three tables?
Usually, you will receive this exception in these scenarios:
In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, you connect to an instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS).
You import a maintenance plan from an Integration Services package that is stored in a different location. The Integration Services package was previously exported from a maintenance plan.
In SQL Server Management Studio, you modified the maintenance plan, and then you try to save the maintenance plan.
Are you experiencing the same issue? If so, please refer to the following document:&& &If your SQL Server is not SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (32-bit) or SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services (32-bit), you may also use SQL Profiler to see what the T-SQL statement was executing when the exception occurs. Jian KangMicrosoft Online Community SupportPlease remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
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Can somone please tell me why all of a sudden I am getting this
continuously on my console screen.
Do you have that IP address/URL in an access rule?
Craig Johnson
Novell Support Connection SysOp
*** For a current patch list, tips, handy files, books and
consulting services for BorderManager, go to ***
Yep I did.
I took it out and it works fine. Thx
&Craig Johnson& &craigsj@& wrote in message
& Do you have that IP address/URL in an access rule?...
In my database, I have a table with a uniqueidentifer field as the primary key.& I'm using SQL Server 2005.------------------------------------------------------------------MyTable------------------------------------------------------------------MyGuid& |& MyEmail& |& MyName------------------------------------------------------------------Given an email (a string), I'm trying to return the guid associated with that email.& I'm using LINQ to do this.& Here's my function:public static Guid GetGuidFromEmail(string Email)
I want to generate automatic Emails after setting up the mailto, cc, subject, body components dynamically.. Lotus Notes is my default email client.
&My code goes like this..message = string.Format(@&mailto:{0}?&cc={1}&subject={2}&body={3}&, recipients, cc, subject, messageText);
//Open registered email client with the formatted message.
The email generation fails in case of subject or message goes longer.. I cannot assure of a fixed length of this URL.. It varies in cases..
Please help me out to solve thi...Name:
Doctor Dave Bengard
Product: Firefox
Summary: xxxx
Sorry...But you SUCK...for not having any phone contact... AND, I just
tried your supposed chat, and what else...we are closed. You are jerks.
I deal with companies/corporations all over the country/world, and the
A-Holes as Ebay/Craig's List, et al.... that do their best to avoid
customer direct/personal contact suck, and are hiding something!! Doctor
Dave Bengard, 209-931-5580.
Browser Details: Mozilla/5.0 (W U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/ Firefox...
*** Now talking in #
*** Phant0m^ sets mode: +snt
*** MrWhite ( has joined #
&Phant0m^& yo
&Phant0m^& who u?
&MrWhite& just a lurker
&Phant0m^& ok
&Phant0m^& what fella are u
&Phant0m^& that was on the message board?
&MrWhite& why're u spamming grc?
&Phant0m^& d.max ?
&Phant0m^& spamming whats yea
&Phant0m^& mean
&Phant0m^& :P
&Phant0m^& Not spamming when your using proxys
*** MrWhite ( Quit
Jerry Johnson
Product: Firefox 2 Beta 2
Summary: xxxx
I've had very few problems, other than the fact that some of the old extensions don't work, and the program loads too slow.
Can you speed up the loading process?
Browser Details: Mozilla/5.0 (W U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.8.1b2) Gecko/ Firefox/2.0b2
Product: Shiretoko
Summary: xxxx
Browser Details: Mozilla/5.0 (W U; Windows NT 5.1; rv:1.9.1b3) Gecko/ Firefox/3.1b3
From URL:
Note to readers: Hendrix gives no expectation of a response to this feedback
but if you wish to provide one you must BCC (not CC) the sender for them to
Hi guys..i am asp programmer...and still don't get to this aspx. and vb concept..i just write script and the html in one page.i want to learn how to seperate those two side into two pages..any basic thing that i should know?..any website link?thanks...
this is called codebehind. what you're used to is 'inline'
you can use inline, no problem. what editor are you using?
RTFM - straight talk for web developers. Unmoderated, uncensored, occasionally unreadableJason Brown - MVP, IIS
don't laugh at me..i am using notepad..i am starting to use visual
well, with notepad you won'...I am using PFC's with PowerBuilder 6.5 on an Windows NT 4.0 development
environment. Here are the objects in this application:
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Product: Shiretoko Alpha 2
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From URL:
Note to readers: Hendrix gives no expectation of a response to this feedback
but if you wish to provide one you must BCC (not CC) the sender for them to
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Anyone may help? ...
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many thankyou's!
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baidu.jpg" target="_blank" title="点击查看大图" class="ikqb_img_alink"><a href="/7Po3dSag_xI4khGko9WTAnF6hhy/zhidao/wh%3D450%2C600/sign=fb1cb133e3c/5ab5c9ea15ce36d382d0be850b1fb你随便试一个
SQL语句查询出现异常,SQL语句:select id from …\r\nGUID 应包含带 4 个短划线的 32 位数(xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)。
因项目需要,今早用.net写了个web service,需要链接mysql数据库;
SQL语句查询出现异常,SQL语句:select id from …/r/nGUID 应包含带 4 个短划线的 32
在连接字符串中加入 Old Guids=
Server=SPort=3306;Database=DUid=UPwd=Ppooling=Old Guids=
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
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container: s,
size: '250,250',
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