色彩色差仪仪出现illumination error怎么办

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CM-2600D色差仪维修_可测量孔径3mm色差计CM-2600D色差仪维修_可测量孔径3mm色差计& 苏州 吴江 常熟 昆山&CM-d美能达分光测色计(分光式)便携式分光测色计是将性能优良、使用方便的测色计以轻便小巧的方式推向市场的测量产品。CM-2600D色差仪维修_可测量孔径3mm色差计产品介绍延伸现场测量的边界该新款便携式分光测色计具备空前直观且全面的用户界面,综合了多项创新技术特性,延伸了生产中现场色彩质量控制的边界。CM-2600d便携式分光测色计采用人体工程学及直观设计,使用极为简便。此新一代便携式分光测色计的主要特征有:单手操作、独特的样品(同步数字化光泽控制及数字化UV控制)的大型数据信息显示屏。在生产中使用便携式分光测色计的用户注重的是直观性和易用性,而非功能和性能。这就是柯尼卡美能达致力于开发采用人体工程学及直观设计的仪器,以方便使用和提供用户交互功能的原因。我们最终开发出了在大多数环境下均可方便操作的轻巧机身。它的一个显著特点就是配备了大型显示屏,并完全摒弃了以往仪器上为数众多的操作按钮。该型号仅装备了两个按钮:(通过操作菜单方便地进行导航,有如电脑鼠标一样简单易用)及执行测量的测量按钮。&信息中心&显示该机型能以图形或数字形式显示数据,有关测量色彩的情况一目了然。任何时候,您都可以选择使用简单的合格/不合格指标、包含色差描述的色度值或包含箱型或椭圆型临界的L*a*b*色彩图形进行显示。内置软件包含所有必要的色彩方程式、适合不同任务的标准光源,及大量特定行业及应用的指标。内置软件支持六种语言(英语、德语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语及日语),适于连接国际色彩交流网络。CM-2600d将小型试样精确定向观察简化到了极致。只需按一下按钮,即使是色彩非常暗的样品,非常亮的特殊照明LED都能让您舒适地观察样品。全球色彩交流网络一员CM-2600d完全融入了柯尼卡美能达覆盖范围极广的色彩测量系统。桌面式仪器系列具备的微小仪器误差及共享的软件系列构成了适合贯穿各种应用的制造过程中所有阶段的完整解决方案系统。因此,其不仅仅是一款新硬件,而且还是连接信息技术的新一代仪器的扩展。简洁、精密CM-2600d集操作简便、舒适、直观及高度精密、拥有专利的创新光学系统于一身,足以在几乎所有应用的质量控制中实现最佳的色彩测量。此项创新技术起初由桌面式分光测色计CM-3600d系列采用,内置于d/8&积分球中,包含数字化光泽控制,如今首次现身于便携式、数字化UV控制仪器中。整个光学系统包含高能氙弧照明和高分辨率一体式双光束单色仪,不含任何活动部件,因此耐用度及可靠性极佳。数字化光泽控制数字化光泽控制可以为每次测量同时提供包含反射分量(SCI)和不包含反射分量(SCE)的数据。数字化光泽控制不含机械活动部件,而是依次点亮两盏氙弧灯(用于SCI和SCE)。您可以在任何时候通过CM-2600d的显示屏查看这两种测量结果。数字化光泽控制技术的优点在于卓越的光学效果及不含任何活动部件,这使得CM-2600d经久耐用,足以满足便携式应用的需求。数字化UV控制CM-2600d是第一部拥有专利数字化UV控制的便携式仪器。此项创新技术极大地缩短了测量纺织品、纸张、清洁剂等用增光剂处理过的产品时的校准及测量时间。数字化UV控制技术不使用机械驱动滤光片等传统方法,而是使用两个氙弧灯(一个包含UV,一个不包含UV)和特殊算法。几秒之内即可显示出包含/不包含UV及不同照明条件下的测量结果。两种测量口径,可测量各种尺寸的样品CM-2600d可切换&P8mm(MAV)和&P3mm(SAV)测量口径,使用灵活方便。更换孔罩简便、快捷。两种镜片位置设定可确保与两种口径相关的数据的准确性。这两种口径可测量所有尺寸和形状的样品,无需耗时对结构表面进行平均测量,避免在测量小尺寸样品时产生错误结果。低价之选&&CM-2500d操作简便性及性能与CM-2600d相同,但不具备以下功能:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 无UV调校&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 只提供8mm口径所有型号及其内置软件均符合DIN5033、5036、6174、JISZ8722、ISO7724、ISO2470、ASTMD2244、E308、E313、E1164、BS6923、ASTMD1925及VDA建议280 1~3部分等国际标准。产品特点CM-2600D色差仪维修_可测量孔径3mm色差计产品概况可准确测量应测定的位置。拥有明亮的取景器和携带方便的时尚机身。虽然是便携式分光测色计,但却可以在8mm和3mm的测量口径间转换。请根据样品尺寸进行选择。携带方便的机身和明亮的取景器可以迅速、准确、方便地捕捉到测量位置。可以各种角度测量。机身小巧轻便、机盘操作灵活、大型液晶显示。CM-2600d 以电池驱动,可方便地调节方向至合适的测量角度,甚至可以从上方进行测量。清晰的大型液晶显示再加上旋转显示功能的使用,在将该分光测色计从一只手转移到另一只手时也可以很容易地看清显示的内容。此外,功能使得设置操作简单易用。优异的可靠性和耐用性。追求免维修化的设计理念。数字技术的引入可尽量减少活动部件的数量。主要用途适用于塑料、涂料、电器、化工产品、化妆品、印刷、建材、纤维等领域。主要特征&&可同时测量SCI(含反射分量)和SCE(不含反射分量)。先进的数码控制。仅需1.5秒即可同时完成SCI和SCE测量。&良好的可靠性和耐用性。追求免维修化的设计理念。追求免维修化的设计理念。数字技术的引入可尽量减少活动部件的数量。&内置UV瞬间调整功能的便携式分光测色计(CM-2500d)。具有UV瞬间调整功能的便携式分光测色计。&可以各种角度测量。机身小巧轻便、机盘操作灵活、大型液晶显示。以电池驱动的小巧轻便的机身可根据测量表面的状况多角度测量。&完美的彩色交流界面。符合所有相关标准,并具有一系列色彩方程,CM-2600的光学系统采用搭载积分球的扩散照明0&受光方式。精确定位测量目标。除明亮的取景器和便携、时尚的机身以外,也可在8mm和3mm的两个测量口径间转换测量。CM-2600D色差仪维修_可测量孔径3mm色差计主要规格&型号CM-2600dCM-2500d照明/受光光学系统d/8(扩散照明 8&方向受光),SCI(含反射分量)/SCE(不含反射分量)同时测定,符合CIE第15条、ISO 7724/1、ASTM E1164、DIN 5033 Teil7、JIS Z8722 Condition C标准。积分球尺寸&P52mm受光素子两对40素子硅光电二极管阵列分光手段平面绕射光栅波长范围360nm~740nm测量波长间隔10nm半带宽约10nm反射率测定范围0~175%;分解能力: 0.01%测量用光源三个脉冲氙弧灯二个脉冲氙弧灯测量时间约1.5秒(荧光测定时:约2秒)约1.5秒测量最小间隔SCI/SCE测定时间3秒(荧光测定时:4秒)SCI/SCE测定时间3秒可测量次数使用碱性电池时:约1000次测量口径/照明口径MAV:&P8mm/&P11mmSAV :&P3mm/6mm(可在MAV和SAV之间切换)MAV:&P8mm/&P11mm重复性分光反射率:标准偏差0.1%以内(360~380nm的波长域为0.2%以内)色度值:标准偏差&DE*ab 0.04以内(测量条件:白色校正后,将白色校正板以10秒间隔测定30次)仪表误差△E﹡ad 0.2以内(MAV/SCI) BCRA系列IItile 12色的平均值(对比主机测量值)UV调校即时数字调整(无机械调整) 带UV400nm截止滤光片无UV调校测量模式单次测量/多次测量自动取平均值(自动模式:3、5、8次/手动模式)接口RS-232C标准观察条件2&/10&视野(CIE 1931/2&、CIE 1964/10&)观察光源A、C、D50、D65、F2、F6、F7、F8、F10、F11、F12(可在两种光源下同时评价)显示数据分光值、分光表、色度值、色差值、色差表、PASS/FAIL(合格/不合格)结果色度图/表色值L*a*b*、L*C*h、CMC(1:1)、CMC(2:1)、CIE94、搜寻器Lab、Yxy、胡塞尔、XYZ、MI、WI(ASTM E313)、YI(ASTM E313/ASTM D1925)、ISO亮度(ISO 2470)、浓度状况A/T、WI/Tint(CIE/Ganz)、CIE00保存数据数量1700条数据(SCI/SCE为1条数据) * &defined in COND.&模式下可存储700条数据。* COND、TASK模式抽样数据及色差基准值总数是否合格的判定色差的临界值(可设定箱型/椭圆型临界值)电源4节AA电池或AC适配器尺寸(W&H&D)69 & 96 & 193mm重量约670g(不含电池)使用温度/湿度范围(*1)5~40&C,相对湿度80%以下(35&C)、不可结露保管温度/湿度范围0~45&C,相对湿度80%以下(35&C)、不可结露标准配件白色校正板、目标罩&P8mm、目标罩&P3mm、RS-232C线缆、AC适配器、4节AA电池另售配件硬盒、防尘罩盒、防尘罩、SpectraMagic&NX(软件)、零位校正盒*1北美产品的使用温度/湿度范围:5~40&C,相对湿度80%以下(31&C)、不可结露contentCM-2600d / 2500dSpectrophotometer (spectral type)A portable device providing the performance and convenience of a benchtop spectrophotometer in a compact package.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Introduction&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Features&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&SpecificationsIntroductionExpanding the boundaries for on-site measurementA well proven portable spectrophotometer with unprecedented intuitive and comprehensive user interface combined with many innovative technical features which expands the boundaries for on site color quality control in production.The CM-2600d portable spectrophotometer has convinced thousands of users world-wide due to it&s ergonomic and intuitive design, and therefore unprecedented ease of use.Single handed operation, the exclusive "Navigation wheel", the unique sample observation device and the large data information display combined with world&#39;s first" technology such as simultaneous numerical gloss control and numerical UV control are the main highlight features of this portable spectrophotometer.Whoever uses a portable spectrophotometer in production wants to use it intuitively and easily, regardless of it&#39;s features and capabilities. This is why Konica Minolta has focused their efforts in developing an instrument which has set new standards in ergonomic and intuitive design and therefore ease of use as well as user interactivity. The result is a sleek and lightweight body with horizontal alignment that allows perfect operation, especially for flat samples. . The first thing you will notice is the large display and total absence of numerous operation buttons found on traditional instruments. In fact there are only two of them: the unique "Navigation wheel" which allows easy navigation through the operation menu - as easy as using a computer mouse - and the measurement button to perform measurements."Information Centre" DisplayDisplaying data graphically or numerically, it shows you all the facts about the measured color at a glance. Whether it is simple Pass/Fail indications, colorimetric data with descriptive color difference, or L*a*b* color graph with box or elliptical tolerances, one is in control at any time. The internal software contains all necessary colorimetric equations and standard light sources to cover different tasks as well as numerous industry and application specific indices. The internal software communicates in six languages (English, German, French, Spanish Italian and Japanese) and thus is prepared for an international color communication network.Sample observation for precise targeting of small specimens has never been as simple as with the CM-2600d. With one touch and even on very dark samples, the very bright special illumination LED allows comfortable and true sample viewing.Part of a global color communication networkThe CM-2600d fits perfectly into Konica Minolta&#39;s broad range of color measuring systems. The perfect inter-instrument agreement with the line of bench-top instruments, as well as the commonly shared line of software&s, creates a total solution suitable for all stages in the manufacturing process throughout all kinds of applications. It is therefore not just a fine piece of hardware, but also the expansion into a new generation of instrumentation linked with the world of Information Technology..Simple yet sophisticatedThe CM-2600d combines very simple, comfortable and intuitive use with the highly sophisticated and patented Innovative Optical System to meet the highest expectations for color measurement in Quality Assurance of almost any application. Initially launched with the bench top Spectrophotometer CM-3600d series, this innovative technology, built into a d/8& sphere, includes Numerical Gloss-Control and, now available for the first time in a portable instrument, numerical UV-Control. Together with the high energy xenon flash illumination and the high resolution monolithic dual beam monochromator, the entire optical system is free from moving parts and therefore guarantees substantial advantages in raggedness and reliability.Unequalled: Numerical Gloss ControlThe Numerical Gloss Control which, for each measurement, provides simultaneous data with specular component included (SCI) and excluded (SCE). Instead of mechanical moving parts, the Numerical Gloss Control sequentially fires two xenon flashes, for SCI and SCE. At any time, you can show both measurement results in the display of the CM-2600d. The advantages of Numerical Gloss Control technology lies in its superior optical results as well as the absence of any moving parts making the CM-2600d rugged enough for portable applications.World first: Numerical UV-ControlThe CM-2600d is the world&#39;s first portable instrument to offer the patented numerical UV-Control. This innovative technology drastically reduces calibration and measurement procedure time when measuring products treated with optical brighteners such as Textiles, Papers and Detergents. Instead of using the mechanically driven filters of traditional methods, the numerical UV-Control technology uses two xenon flashes (one including UV and one excluding UV energy) and special mathematics. Within a few seconds, both results, with and without UV as well as under different illumination conditions can be displayed.Two measuring apertures to cover all sample sizesThe CM-2600d offers great flexibility of use with two interchangeable measurement apertures with &P 8 mm (MAV) and &P 3 mm (SAV). Changing the aperture mask is very easy and quick. The two lens position settings guarantee perfect data correlation with both apertures. These two apertures enable to measure samples of all size and shapes and avoid taking time consuming average measurements on structured surfaces or faulty results on small samples.CM-2500d the lower cost optionSame simplicity and same performance but without the following features:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& No UV adjustment&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8mm aperture onlyTogether with their comprehensive built in software, all models conform perfectly to international standards such as DIN, 6174; JISZ8722; ISO7724, ISO2470; ASTMD2244; E308, E313, E1164, BS6923 und ASTMD1925, as well as the VDA recommendations 280 part 1to 3.FeaturesProduct Overview&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Allowing measurement targets to be accurately acquired, this product&#39;s design also features a bright viewfinder and an easy-to-carry, stylish body. As a portable spectrophotometer, the CM-2600d provides a choice of two measurement diameters - 8mm and 3mm - that can be selected based on the size of the specimen to be measured. All in all, this configuration allows measurement of a wide range of subjects to be made in a speedy, accurate, and convenient manner.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Allowing measurements to be taken from many different angles, this product benefits from a compact, lightweight body, user-friendly controls, and a large LCD panel. Powered by batteries, the CM-2600d can be easily oriented to match the angle of measurement, even overhead. An easily viewable LCD panel and a display reversing function ensure that, even when you move this spectrophotometer from your left hand to your right, or vice-versa, display content will always be easy to see. Furthermore, a "Navigation wheel" makes setting operations simple and convenient.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The CM-2600d&#39;s highly reliable design ensures a long maintenance-free service life. Numerical techniques have been employed in this instrument to reduce the number of moving parts as much as possible.Principal ApplicationsPlastics, paint, electrical products, chemical products, cosmetics, printed matter, building materials, fabrics, etc.Main Features&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Capable of performing simultaneous SCI (specular component included) and SCE (specular component excluded) measurements. Highly advanced numerical gloss control ensures that SCI and SCE measurements can be simultaneously completed in as little as 1.5 seconds.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Excellent reliability and long service life. A highly reliable design eliminates the need for maintenance. Numerical techniques have been employed in this instrument to reduce the number of moving parts as much as possible.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The CM-2600d is the world&#39;s first* portable spectrophotometer with integrated functionality for instantaneous UV adjustment.* First portable-size spectrophotometer with instantaneous UV adjustment.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Support for measurement from a wide range of angles. The CM-2600d boasts a compact lightweight body, user-friendly controls, and a large LCD panel, and because it is powered by batteries, this highly-portable spectrophotometer can be easily oriented to measure surfaces at any angle.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& * Support for trouble-free color communication. Compliant with all relevant standards and featuring a range of color equations, the CM-2600&#39;s optical system uses a sphere geometry 8& (di: 8&, de: 8&)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Accurate acquisition of measurement targets. In addition to a bright viewfinder and portable, stylish body, this spectrophotometer also allows selection of either 8mm or 3mm measurement diameters.SpecificationsPrincipal Specifications&ModelCM-2600dCM-2500dIllumination / obser vation systemd/8 (diffuse illumination, 8-degree viewing ), equipped with simultaneous measurement of SCI (specular component included)/SCE (specular component excluded) Conforms to CIE No.15,ISO 7724/1,ASTM E1164,DIN 5033 Teil7 and JIS Z8722 Condition C standard.Sphere Size&P52mmLight-receiving elementSilicon photodiode array (dual 40 elements)Spectral separation deviceDiffraction gratingWavelength range360nm to 740nmWavelength pitch10nmHalf bandwidthApprox. 10nmReflectance range0 to 175%, resolution: 0.01%Light source3 pulsed xenon lamps2 pulsed xenon lampsMeasurement timeApprox. 1.5 seconds (approx. 2 seconds for fluorescent measurement)Approx. 1.5 secondsMinim um interval between measurements3 seconds for SCI/SCE (4 seconds for fluorescent measurement)3 seconds for SCI/SCEBattery perfomanceAlkaline manganese:approx. 1000 measurementsMeasurement/illumination areaMAV : &P8mm/&P11mmSAV : &P3mm/6mm (Selectable between MAV and SAV)MAV : &P8mm/&P11mmRepeatabilitySpectral Reflectance:Standard deviation within 0.1% (360 to 380nm within 0.2%)Colorimetric Value : Standard deviation within &DE*ab 0.04(Measurement conditions:White calibration plate measured 30 times at 10-second intervals after white calibration was performed)Inter instrument agreementwithin&DE*ab 0.2 (MAV/SCI) Average for 12BCRA Series II color tiles compared to values measured with master body.UV adjustmentInstantaneous numerical adjustment (no mechanical adjustment required) With UV400nm cut filterNo UV adjustmentMeasurement modeSingle measurement/automatic averaging of multiple measurements(auto mode: 3, 5, 8 times/manual mode)InterfaceRS-232C standardObserver2/10 degrees (CIE 1931/2&,CIE 1964/10&)IlluminantA, C, D50, D65, F2, F6, F7, F8, F10, F11, F12 (simultaneous evaluation is possible using two light sources)Display dataSpectral value/graph, colorimetric value, color difference value/graph, PASS/FAIL resultColor space / colorimetric dataL*a*b*, L*C*h, CMC (1:1), CMC (2:1), CIE94, Hunter Lab, Yxy, Munsell, XYZ, MI, WI (ASTM E313), YI (ASTM E313/ASTM D1925), ISO Brightness (ISO 2470), Density statusA /T, WI/Tint (CIE/Ganz), CIE00Data memory1700 pieces of data (as SCI/SCE 1 data) * 700 pieces of data in the "defined in COND." mode.* Total of the sample data for the COND and TASK modes and color diference target dataTolerance judgmentTolerance for color difference (both box and eliptical tolerances can be set)Power source4 AA-size battery or AC adapterSize (W&H&D)69 & 96 & 193mmWeightApprox. 670g (without batteries)Operating temperature / humidity range (*1)5 to 40&C, relative humidity 80% or less (at 35&C) with no condensationStorage temperature/humidity range0 to 45&C, relative humidity 80% or (at 35&C) with no condensationStandard accessoriesWhite calibration plate, Target mask &P8mm, Target mask &P3mm , RS-232C cable, AC adapter,AA-size battery (&4)Optional AccessoriesHard case, Dust cover set, Dust cover, SpectraMagic&NX (software), Zero calibration box&&*1Operating temperature/humidity range of products for North America : 5 to 40&C, relative humidity 80% or less (at 31&C) with no condensation


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