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最高售3980元 福徕斯发布FLC8 C定制耳机
网易数码讯:9月9日下午著名耳机品牌福徕斯科技(FLC&TECHNOLOGY)在北京天域联达耳机旗舰店召开了新品发布会,期间公布了自家研发的圈铁混合扬声器定制耳机品牌——福徕斯。作为一家定制耳机的品牌,此次福徕斯发布了FLC8&C定制耳机和半膜套件FLC00,并宣布对老产品FLC8进行升级更新。福徕斯新FLC8&C拥有多项专利调音技术,在全频段可调加入了APRV&ECS&MFO技术,正式发布售价为3980元。另外,中高频可调的MFO技术耳机售价为2980元。在耳机的设计方面,“APRV” LITE技术可以让圈铁耳机的低频风格发生改变,使得低频表现可以在动铁式与动圈式中切换;“ECS”LITE技术可以让耳塞的低频量感随意增减,并且丝毫不影响中高频;“MFO”LITE技术是指利用正弦波与负弦波的抵消实现动圈与动铁的融合,不同于现今市面上主流的采取电子元件“阉割”动圈单元的方案。采用这种技术最大的优势在于,顺利克服了圈铁耳机设计中的最大难点——单元衔接。利用这些开创性的技术,福徕斯科技才造就出了“无电子分频器”,无单元衔接问题并且可以自由调节高中低三频的圈铁耳机。
同时,现场还发布了FLC00半膜套件,该套件价格为799元。可以将任何入耳式耳机改为个人专属定制,获得定制耳机独特的包围感。此外耳机的隔音性能也将由于半膜套件提升至30db,据悉,一般世界顶级耳塞的隔音指数为26db,而半膜套件的推出,使得任何耳机都可以拥有超越世界顶级耳塞的隔音水准。最后宣布将老款产品FLC 8进行彻底更新,这次升级除了将耳机线材更换为99.99999%单晶铜线外,还升级了产品配件及包装,据了解,这种纯度的线材一般应用于售价上千的升级线,堪比黄金。同时,新产品FLC8&C拥有的三项开创性技术也被下放到FLC 8身上。总结:此次发布的调音技术仍只是LITE简化版本,未来的产品能否给消费者带来更优质的听觉享受呢?对于这款新型品牌的圈铁混合式定制耳机,最高售价3980元你会买买买么?
不做嘴炮 只管约到
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6.换调音小配件的时候一定要小心啊!一定要小心啊!重要的事情说三遍,一定要小心啊!我拿个镊子跟拔萝卜一样地在启那个调音件,一不留神就跟导弹发射一样地飞出去了!然后楼主就跟狗[DOG FACE]一样地趴在地上六感全开地去寻找,还好找到了
听过原版 我觉得太淡了点 佩戴坑爹了点 不过确实是好塞子
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或head fi上对flc8s的测评_福徕斯吧_百度贴吧
原帖地址:Pros: that sweet & detailed midrange!, instrument separation, versatility, build quality, bass speed, coherency, good resolutionCons: tweezers useless even when correctly operated (better use your fingernails), upper treble refinement could be slightly better, microphonic stock cable优点:甜美并且饱满的人声!分离度,可调音设计,乐器相应速度,低音的弹性,顺滑,良好的分辨率缺点:没用的正确操作,即使(更好的使用你的指甲),上高音细化可能会稍微好一点,颤股票电缆Preamble:There are various universal in-ears out there that feature replaceable sound tuning filters that guarantee for a (sometimes more, sometimes less significant) sound alteration to one’s personal preference, but there hasn’t been any that allows for 36 filter combinations – well, at least until now, as the FLC Technology FLC8s does indeed offer three filter groups that can be combined to 36 possible filter combinations.FLC Technology () is a Chinese audio company that was founded in 2011 by Forrest Wei. The letters F, L and C (pronounced “Fu Lai Si”) by the way stand for “Happiness/Fortune comes here”. Before FLC, Forrest has worked as engineer at various renowned audio companies for many years (his vita contains Ultimate Ears, Jabra, MWM Acoustics and Harman), and this experience can be indeed heard with his latest creation, the FLC8s. Before this model, FLC Technology offered a custom-moulded hybrid in-ear that offered the same patented filter technology.What’s quite special about the FLC8s is that unlike many other hybrid in-ears which feature a coaxial driver design layout where the midrange/high frequency drivers sit in front of the dynamic woofer and end in a large single-bore nozzle, Forrest’s creation features an independent dual-bore design that merges before the nozzle, which allows for the individual tuning of the different driver designs.A sample of the FLC8s In-Ears was provided to me free of charge for the purpose of an honest evaluation. My hearty thanks go to FLC Technology’s Forrest Wei and Lend Me UR Ears for this opportunity.There are various universal in-ears out there that feature replaceable sound tuning filters that guarantee for a (sometimes more, sometimes less significant) sound alteration to one’s personal preference, but there hasn’t been any that allows for 36 filter combinations – well, at least until now, as the FLC Technology FLC8s does indeed offer three filter groups that can be combined to 36 possible filter combinations.FLC Technology () is a Chinese audio company that was founded in 2011 by Forrest Wei. The letters F, L and C (pronounced “Fu Lai Si”) by the way stand for “Happiness/Fortune comes here”. Before FLC, Forrest has worked as engineer at various renowned audio companies for many years (his vita contains Ultimate Ears, Jabra, MWM Acoustics and Harman), and this experience can be indeed heard with his latest creation, the FLC8s. Before this model, FLC Technology offered a custom-moulded hybrid in-ear that offered the same patented filter technology.What’s quite special about the FLC8s is that unlike many other hybrid in-ears which feature a coaxial driver design layout where the midrange/high frequency drivers sit in front of the dynamic woofer and end in a large single-bore nozzle, Forrest’s creation features an independent dual-bore design that merges before the nozzle, which allows for the individual tuning of the different driver designs.A sample of the FLC8s In-Ears was provided to me free of charge for the purpose of an honest evaluation. My hearty thanks go to FLC Technology’s Forrest Wei and Lend Me UR Ears for this opportunity.前言:我们的耳朵喜欢各种各样好的声音,但是没有一款耳机是可以满足所有需求的 - 嗯,至少到之前是,但是现在不是了,作为福徕斯音响科技的FLC8s确实提供完美的36种声音方案。FLC科技()是中国音响公司,是由韦工创立于2011年。字母F,L和C(发音为“福徕斯”)的方式代表“快乐/财富来这里。” FLC之前,阿甘曾在各种知名音响公司工作多年的工程师为(包括Ultimate Ears的,捷波朗,MWM声学和哈曼),常年的工作让他拥有大量的调音经验,在制作FLC8s非定制之前,他一直在做定制耳机,并且同样拥有多种调音功能,至今仍在销售。与市面上所有的全贴耳机都不同,flc8s并没有采用同轴单元设计布局,其中中频/高频单元放置在一个大单口径喷嘴里,韦工程师的创作提供一个独立的双孔设计的喷嘴,通过调解动圈和动铁发出频率不同的频响来完成调音。我衷心的感谢去FLC技术的韦工借我flc8s这个机会。
Technical Specifications:Price: ~ $349 ()Sensitivity: 107 dB/mW @ 1000 HzFrequency Response: 20 Hz – 20 kHzDrivers: 1x 8.6 mm dynamic, 2x Balanced ArmatureImpedance: 11 OhmsCable Length: 1.2 mAbout Hybrid In-Ears:As you can read from the technical specifications, the FLC8s is a little different from most In-Ears and doesn’t only use dynamic or Balanced Armature transducers, but combines both in one shell.Most In-Ears use dynamic transducers for audio playback which have the advantage of covering the whole audible spectrum and achieving a strong bass emphasis without much effort. Valuable dynamic drivers are often said to have a more bodied and musical bass that has a more soft impact and decay and lacks of the analytical character that BA transducers are known for. On the downside, in contrast to headphones with other driver principles, dynamic transducers often have a lower resolution.Higher-priced and professional IEMs mostly use Balanced Armature transducers, which usually have got a higher resolution than dynamic drivers, are faster, more precise and have got the better high-level stability, which is important for stage musicians that often require higher than average listening levels. On the downside, it is quite hard to cover the whole audible spectrum with just a single BA transducer and strongly emphasised bass is only possible with multiple or big drivers. Some people also find In-Ears with BA transducers to sound too analytical, clinical or cold (in several active years in a German audio community where I wrote multiple reviews, gave dozens of purchase advice and help, from time to time I heard people that got into BA earphones for the first time using these attributes for describing BA earphones, especially their lower frequencies).Hybrid IEMs unite the positive aspects of both driver principles and use one dynamic transducer for lows reproduction and at least one BA driver for covering mids and highs, wherefore the often as “musical” described bass character remains and the BA transducers add resolution and precision to the mids and highs – and that’s what the FLC8s does with its technology. It is addressed to those people who perceive the clinically-fast character of BA transducers as unnatural, but want to keep the mids’ and highs’ resolution, speed and precision.Delivery Content:For me, a valuable product deserves an appropriate packaging, and the FLC definitely does not disappoint in this regard.On the outside, the slightly larger, surprisingly heavy and sturdy box is rather plain looking with its pale sand colour and the silver logos, but offers a quite interesting and well-thought, unique way to open it, whereon the arrow with the “open here” text in the lower left corner already gives a hint. The front (and all ensuing sides that can be opened) is magnetically attached and can be folded up, kind of like a chest. Then, the in-ears which are embedded in blue foam become visible. Pushing on the foam where the black arrow with the “press to open” text is located, inside this upper layer are large plastic tweezers and a quick-start guide that explains the filters and gives some combination examples.On the front, another arrow with “open here” text points to the left side which can be swung open as well, then the whole top layer with the foam can be flipped away to the right side, which is pretty cool in my opinion. Inside the second layer, one can see the blue foam again which embeds the carrying case for the in-ears as well as the small cylinder that contains the filters.In a plastic bag are a 6.35 to 3.5 mm adapter, a cleaning tool, an airplane adapter, four pairs of black silicone tips, three pairs of white silicone tips (the fourth pair of the white tips is already installed) as well as finally six spare tuning filters for the bass and sub-bass.
保存至快速回贴福徕斯 flc8 s flc8c flc8s 圈铁入耳动铁动圈HIFI耳塞耳机
套餐类型 : 官方标配
颜色分类 : FLC8S深蓝新版现货 FLC8S红色新版现货 定制耳机固定低频FLC8-C 定制耳机全频可调音FLC8-C FLC8S深蓝2.5mm平衡版 FLC8S红色2.5mm平衡版
佩戴方式 : 入耳式
耳机售后服务 : 全国联保
插头直径 : 3.5mm
耳机输出音源 : 随身视听
缆线长度 : 1.2m
耳机类别 : HIFI耳机 监听耳机
型号 : 其他/other
京ICP备号-15 / 京公网安备10
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