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Homer 英语
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Homer 英语教程是一款最有效、最可靠的应用程序,它可以教您的孩子阅读和理解英语经证实,可以使早期阅读成绩提高 74%第一个月免费试用——可自由试用我们屡获殊荣的英语学习系统该系统由美国教师和行业专家设计、测试和运营 塑造充满自信的美式英语读说能力 “Homer 是我儿子学习英语的最好教程。他现在能完全理解英语,在班级内名列前茅!非常有效!”——Cindy Homer 是唯一一款全程英语教程。经证实,该教程的使用者不需要教师指导就能让阅读成绩几乎翻一倍。采用哈佛大学和斯坦福大学的最佳研究成果。 通过将 Homer 的专业课堂导入 iPad、电脑或 iPhone 上,您可免去寻找价格不菲且可靠性低的家教的烦恼。 Homer 的开创性英语学习系统直接讲授 50 多个重要阅读技巧。只需要一个应用软件,小朋友们便可以学习朗诵和阅读美式英语、吸收文化元素、改善自身口音。 Homer 的 Phonics 课程、故事、音乐和游戏均根据最可靠的儿童英语学习科学研究而设计。 ——2015 年荣获“教师选择金奖” 最新研究证明,连续 6 个星期每天使用 Homer 学习 15 分钟基本上可以将学龄前儿童早期读写能力测试分数提高一倍。本课程由哥伦比亚大学的阅读专家根据哈佛大学和斯坦福大学的研究倾情打造。 “在仅仅 6 个星期内,每天使用 Homer 学习 15 分钟的学生,在没有教师辅导的情况下显著提高了与未来正确理解阅读相关的关键技巧。这点很了不起。”——Susan B. Neuman 博士,前美国教育部助理部长兼纽约大学幼儿读写能力教育教授 Homer 包括:——1000 多门采用开创性的循序渐进 Homer 英语学习法的 Phonics 课程,适合 2-8 岁儿童——我们屡获殊荣的电子书库存储有 200 多个小故事——200 多个构建高级知识体系的科学课程——培养创新能力的艺术与音乐课程——简单易用、不断引导、助力孩子且趣味十足——150 多份可打印的课程表、学习趣味游戏和活动,可供额外练习——60 本启蒙读物——您孩子自己可以阅读的启蒙书籍!——Homer 对孩子启蒙书籍的记录将会成为您难忘的回忆! 父母可以通过在线仪表板查看子女的学习情况。查看 /ParentTools. 评论 “这是教授阅读技巧最全面的应用程序之一。”——《纽约时报》 “这是让孩子兴奋起来的好方法……尽管有些孩子还没做好阅读的准备,有些孩子还没喜欢上阅读,但是他们都能从中找到乐趣。”——常识媒体 “如果现在有人让我推荐一款幼儿阅读应用程序,我就推荐它。”——《福布斯》 “重塑传统儿童文学精华。”——《金融时报》 “这是一款适用于 3-6 岁儿童的综合性阅读工具,它以平板电脑为载体,教导儿童学习阅读和积累知识和词汇的方法。”——Microsoft NBC
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版本 4.0.4 中的新功能
Homer has released some new content and learning games, including creature creation, letter puzzle and some new levels for every reading stage!
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计提供 iOS 版 iMessage App免费类别: 版本: 4.0.4大小: 143 MB语言: 中文, 丹麦文, 俄文, 博克马尔文挪威文, 印地文, 印度尼西亚文, 希伯来文, 德语, 意大利语, 日语, 柬埔寨文, 法语, 波兰文, 泰文, 爱沙尼亚文, 瑞典文, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 缅甸文, 老挝语, 芬兰文, 英语, 荷兰文, 菲律宾文, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙语, 越南文, 阿拉伯文, 韩语, 马来文开发商: HomerLearning, Inc.为 5 岁以下儿童设计兼容性: 需要 iOS 9.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
4.0&&&&&18 份评分
&&&&&372 份评分
热门 App 内购买项目
Homer Learn to Read Membership?50.00Homer Unlimited Access?518.00Homer Unlimited Access?138.00Discover Zoo + About Us Multi-Pack?60.00Learn to Read Single Pack: Level 3?12.00Learn To Read 3-8 Multi-Pack?45.00Discover Single Pack: Feathered Friends?12.00Learn to Read Single Pack: Level 4?12.00Discover Single Pack: Flight?12.00Discover Single Pack: Reptiles?12.00iPad Pro - Apple推荐8款国外最流行的免费儿童阅读APP,有趣又有料
粑粑麻麻还在给宝贝玩iPad游戏吗?不如帮他们下载些有趣又有料的童书APP,开启文学大门!今天,小E要为粑粑麻麻推荐8款免费下载的优秀童书APP,这些APP在国外教育网站上被多次推荐哦!它们可不是简单的ebook,而是包含彩色绘画、有声阅读、互动游戏、甚至动画的多媒体童书,画面和音效设计一定会让宝贝爱不释手!1、Farfaria Storybooks这是一款专为孩子们设计的移动图书馆,适合2-10岁孩子用。内置有900多本好书,每天都可以选择一本免费下载。大家熟悉的著名的儿童童话这里都能下载到,比如《绿野仙踪》、《彼特潘》、《三只小猪》、《白雪公主》等等。这款App在国外家长中很红,因为家长们觉得使用这款App就好像每天带孩子去图书馆一样。免费选书来读,哪怕不是太喜欢,第二天还可以选其他的书,基本0成本,很是方便。适用机型:iPad、iPhone、ipod推荐年龄:2-10岁2、Bookboard这是一款免费的书库App,注册会员就可以访问内置的超过500本书。这些书涵盖了年龄范围很广,从幼儿园到学龄的孩子都可以看。而且如果内购为付费会员,这些书还可以下载到本地随时读。这本书有个特别的解锁功能,'read more to get more'(读更多的书,就能免费得到更多的书),特别能激励孩子们读更多的书。适用机型:仅iPad推荐年龄:2-10岁3、I Like Stories这也是一个书库App,内置30多本书,其中6本是免费的。所有书都题为“我喜欢...”,故事的内容都跟孩子的生活很相关,比如动物、颜色、绘画...简单,适合入门。有个好玩的功能特别值得推荐,孩子使用这款App不只可以阅读,书中的内容还能帮助激发孩子针对某个话题表达自己的想法,甚至加入自己的照片、画作等等制作一本属于自己的书。适用机型:iPad、iPhone、ipod推荐年龄:5岁以下4、Learn with HomerHomer是一款很著名的早期学习系统,是由教育专家专门为孩子设计的”学习阅读英语”课程。如果孩子快读或已经读小学了,英语有点基础,Homer是很好的选择。据说全球有35万孩子每天使用这个应用,教学内容有:音素认知、发音、词汇、流利阅读和阅读理解练习。它的动画、音效设计都很讨孩子喜欢。适用机型:仅iPad推荐年龄:3-7岁5、Memetales这是一款专为4-10岁孩子设计的阅读应用,注册会员就可以免费下载15本书,并且每周还会保持更新。值得推荐的是,每本书不仅带有原声阅读,还配有对应的互动游戏。而且必须要先读完这些书,才能解锁。画面的卡通形象很是夸张搞笑,孩子们一定喜欢。适用机型:iPad、iPhone、ipod推荐年龄:4-10岁6、Timbuktu Magazine这是一款移动儿童杂志,获得了2013年的“最佳儿童杂志奖”。每年12期,每期有2个故事免费。推荐这款App是因为杂志中故事的设计跟传统纸质杂志很是不同,视觉效果很炫,还有一些互动游戏,很能吸引孩子们一直读下去。适用机型:仅iPad推荐年龄:9-12岁7、Poetry from the Poetry Foundation 这款App内置了几千首免费阅读的诗歌,并且每月更新一次。虽然不是专门为孩子设计,但其中的内容也有很多适合孩子阅读的主题,比如春天、友谊,等等。特别推荐这款App给大孩子们,因为诗歌最能展现一门语言的韵律,经过翻译的诗歌,哪怕翻译的再美,总还是少了点什么。读诗哪怕不能完全读懂诗歌的含义,单是感受语言的美感对学习一门语言也是很有帮助。适用机型:仅iPad推荐年龄:12岁以上8.Raz-KidsRaz-Kids是美国一个分级阅读APP,从美国幼儿园的A级一直升到美国小学毕业的Z级,另外还有零基础的aa级(看图认单词),总共有1000多本有声书,全是纯正美音。适用机型:iPad、iPhone适合年龄:4-15岁本文部分内容引用自小花生网(微信号:xiaohuasheng99),已获授权。福利时间
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Homer - Kids Learn to Read App
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Welcome to Homer — the #1 learn to read program for kids ages 2-8, shown to increase early reading scores by 74%. We’ll craft a personalized learning pathway for your child, tapping into their interests & passions to motivate learning while teaching critical reading skills, plus even more:-Get 1,000+ lessons covering phonics, letter recognition, sight words, ABCs for Preschool to Grade 1-No need to buy Homer grows with your child from ages 2 to 8-Exciting animated story library for toddler, preschool, older kids-Have fun offline with over 150+ printable worksheets and learning games-See results quickly with our parent dashboard-For Preschool kids, a full pre-literacy program gets them ready to read-For Pre-K and older kids, a full reading and spelling program gets them reading fluently-Track progress and personalize plans for up to 4 children on one account We’re #1 because we actually teach kids to read. Kids love us because they are having fun. After a 30-day FREE trial, Homer costs only $7.99/month. You’ll need to enter your Apple ID and set up payment for the trial, but can easily cancel at any time in your iTunes account settings.And unlike most apps that just offer reading and spelling practice, Homer is home to the most advanced reading curriculum that teaches a child to read and spell one step at a time while they explore topics they are passionate about. How do we do it? Our advanced algorithm delivers to your child exactly what lessons they need when they need it and your child chooses what passions they want to explore to deepen their knowledge.Educators can access Homer free in . Perfect for small groups, center time, & libraries.PRESS AND TESTIMONIALS“This is the 1st learning program that my 4 yr old wants to continue to use! Most apps she likes for a few days & is back to something else.. she has chosen this over her favorite "YouTube" kids! That speaks volumes! I think the interaction is a huge part.”-Ashley G. Mom of a 4 year-old“My daughter uses Homer every single day! Her teachers tell me she is reading way above grade level and I know it’s because of Homer.”- Kelly S., Mom of a Kindergarten student"In just six weeks, with no intervention from teachers, students who used HOMER for 15 minutes per day improved the key skills most highly correlated with future reading success. That’s a big deal.”- Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education, Professor of Early Childhood & Literacy Education, NYU quoted in USA Today.We love hearing from our users! Contact
for help or suggestions, or visit /hc/en-usFOR EDUCATORSThroughout , HOMER is free to qualified and verified teachers and librarians to support educational instruction with progress tracking for up to 32 individual students.SUBSCRIPTION PRICING AND TERMSHOMER offers an auto-renewing subscription for $7.99 per month, billed monthly starting at the end of the 30 day free trial.Your HOMER subscription will automatically renew at the end of each month and your credit card will be charged automatically through your iTunes account. You can turn off auto-renew at any time during your free trial from your iTunes account settings and your account will not be charged. After your auto-renewing monthly subscription begins, you can turn off auto-renew at any time from your iTunes account settings but refunds will not be provided for any unused portion of the term. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24 hours prior to the end of the current period.Privacy Policy:/privacy/Terms of Use:/terms/
What's New in Version 4.0.4
Homer just got better! We've crushed some big bugs to make learning faster, easier and more fun.
Customer Reviews
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We ran out of pathways and there won't be another available until November 22nd. Why so long? Any way to get it faster?
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This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadOffers iMessage App for iOSFreeCategory: Version: 4.0.4Size: 143 MBLanguages: English, Arabic, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Malay, Norwegian Bokm?l, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, VietnameseSeller: HomerLearning, Inc.Made for Ages 5 and UnderCompatibility: Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
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Top In-App Purchases
Homer Learn to Read Membership$7.99Homer Unlimited Access$79.99Homer Unlimited Access$20.99Discover Zoo + About Us Multi-Pack$8.99Learn To Read 3-8 Multi-Pack$6.99Learn To Read 3-5 Multi-Pack$3.99Learn to Read Single Pack: Level 3$1.99Learn to Read Single Pack: Level 4$1.99Learn To Read 3-9 Multi-Pack$7.99Discover Single Pack: Feathered Friends$1.99
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