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Steam支持游戏和DLC退款 部分内购亦可申诉
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fanbu 发表于
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没买过DLC 但是觉得不应该冲突
UID449654主题阅读权限200帖子精华0积分119417金钱74067 荣誉844 人气20205 在线时间65535 小时评议56
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~时崎狂三~ 发表于
没买过DLC 但是觉得不应该冲突
UID2629062主题阅读权限60帖子精华0积分3461金钱8891 荣誉15 人气263 在线时间8533 小时评议4
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不会 如果包含你以前拥有的dlc相当于覆盖了 只会多出你以前没有的dlc。。
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UID449654主题阅读权限200帖子精华0积分119417金钱74067 荣誉844 人气20205 在线时间65535 小时评议56
帖子精华0积分119417金钱74067 荣誉844 人气20205 评议56
织田qj 发表于
不会 如果包含你以前拥有的dlc相当于覆盖了 只会多出你以前没有的dlc。。
UID1159838主题阅读权限60帖子精华0积分4943金钱24986 荣誉23 人气199 在线时间11645 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 4943, 距离下一级还需 1057 积分
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UID449654主题阅读权限200帖子精华0积分119417金钱74067 荣誉844 人气20205 在线时间65535 小时评议56
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pilotlin 发表于
另:找代购千万要小心,X宝上处处都是陷阱。绝对不能贪便宜 ...
UID2629062主题阅读权限60帖子精华0积分3461金钱8891 荣誉15 人气263 在线时间8533 小时评议4
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3461, 距离下一级还需 2539 积分
帖子精华0积分3461金钱8891 荣誉15 人气263 评议4
xialei_026 发表于
磊叔我这儿有几家收藏的店铺 应该是没问题的。。。
系统:WIN7 64位
CPU:至强E3-.30Ghz 四核
内存:8GB X2(金士顿 1600Mhz)
显卡:GTX970 4GB(华硕)
UID449654主题阅读权限200帖子精华0积分119417金钱74067 荣誉844 人气20205 在线时间65535 小时评议56
帖子精华0积分119417金钱74067 荣誉844 人气20205 评议56
织田qj 发表于
磊叔我这儿有几家收藏的店铺 应该是没问题的。。。
UID2629062主题阅读权限60帖子精华0积分3461金钱8891 荣誉15 人气263 在线时间8533 小时评议4
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 3461, 距离下一级还需 2539 积分
帖子精华0积分3461金钱8891 荣誉15 人气263 评议4
xialei_026 发表于
刚刚不久入了一家110元的,已经顺利装上,没有任何冲突,现在已经圆了文明五的梦了。 ...
110 感觉贵了一些。。。
系统:WIN7 64位
CPU:至强E3-.30Ghz 四核
内存:8GB X2(金士顿 1600Mhz)
显卡:GTX970 4GB(华硕)
UID449654主题阅读权限200帖子精华0积分119417金钱74067 荣誉844 人气20205 在线时间65535 小时评议56
帖子精华0积分119417金钱74067 荣誉844 人气20205 评议56
织田qj 发表于
110 感觉贵了一些。。。
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名称: GameGuru
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购买 GameGuru
-66%? 68? 23
购买 GameGuru Starter Bundle
包含 3 件物品:
GameGuru, GameGuru - Death Valley Combat Pack, GameGuru Mega Pack 1
特价促销!1月2日 截止
-66%? 88? 30
购买 GameGuru SciFi Bundle
包含 3 件物品:
GameGuru, GameGuru - Sci-Fi Mission to Mars Pack, GameGuru Mega Pack 1
-65%? 100? 35
购买 GameGuru Fantasy Bundle
包含 3 件物品:
GameGuru, GameGuru - Fantasy Pack, GameGuru Mega Pack 2
-65%? 112? 39
购买 GameGuru Premium Bundle
包含 5 件物品:
GameGuru, GameGuru - Buildings Pack, GameGuru - Death Valley Combat Pack, GameGuru Mega Pack 1, GameGuru Mega Pack 2
-65%? 133? 46
购买 GameGuru Unlimited
包含 8 件物品:
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-25%-74%? 634? 163
购买 The Game Creators Collection
包含 7 件物品:
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-25%-74%? 676? 173
此软件的 DLC
The Game Creators today launched their Kickstarter campaign for , a unique multiplayer sandbox world where game makers and game players can create, share and play games.
MyWorld will launch with RPG, Racing and Sci-Fi game genres.
With great game play, a mix of game genres and the ability to mash things up, the possibilities are endless in the MyWorld multi-game construction kit.
At the heart of MyWorld is the ability to link worlds together, construct multiple level games and adventure through them with friends. Via ‘portals’ game makers and game players can cross over into worlds created by other users and play the games they've made to be discovered. Any game level can be linked to any other level and can be easily chained together to create a unique experience.
Lee Bamber, CEO of The Game Creators said today, “Our vision was to create the World of Worlds, a universe populated by games created by MyW where you can take any world and make it your own, and with the easy to use controls build exciting new experiences to play and share with friends.
On release there will be a host of games to play through and, as the community starts to produce and share their own creations, many more will come online.”
MyWorld is built in Unity and uses the industry renowned Photon Multiplayer technology to create multiplayer sessions between players. This tech is at the centre of MyWorld and ensures users can meet up to create, play and share their MyWorld games.
Rick Vanner, Development Director of The Game Creators, said, “We have self-funded the project to date and already developed the main core game engine for MyWorld, and we have many of the game construction elements in place and working. This Kickstarter will allow us to add more resource to our development and take it to a whole new level. We are releasing on Steam in September 2017, with a mobile version available shortly after.”
What began as a simple update with a few well-meaning fixes has turned into something much more substantial with a range of core improvements to GameGuru, a full change log can be found in the official GameGuru forum thread announcing this update.
Performance and Occlusion
Some of the additions you can expect from this update include a performance improvement and smoother in-game movement and rotations, thanks to work done with the internal delta timers.
Occlusion has now been augmented with 'predictive occlusion' which anticipates camera movements and eliminates the pop-effect you might occasionally see when strafing from a covered area, and new entity properties have been added to allow per-entity control of occluders and occludees.
Sky and Shaders
You can now control which shader your in-game sky uses, and the Galaxy Seed sky now uses a new shader which allows you to see the rotating planets and awesome sky in all its glory.
The new default grass setting has been raised from medium to high to give the MMS game a better looking visual for new users.
Zombies and Sounds
New sound effects and zombie behavior script improve the ability to scare your players, and new sound slots for all entities permit much more varied sound effect control within your games, including a new property to control what happens to entity collision when they are turned to ragdolls.
Full Weapon Control
New LUA commands have been added to allow the customization of all weapon attributes from within your scripts, allowing player and weapon progress systems to be developed, so you can now start with a basic gun and add elements to your game to improve them over the course of your game, and in any way you wish.
Legacy Terrain Generator
We have restored the random terrain generator to the legacy version that was popular prior to the C++ conversion work on the engine, so you can once more have your valleys and hills, with an improved range of the hills for even grander landscapes.
Per Entity Specular
A much-requested feature was the per-entity control of specular terms, which you can use to control the specular reflection of light on entities, with the added functionality of being able to take the modulation above 100 percent and below 0, creating some very dramatic effects if required such as super shiny surfaces to simulate metals.
In addition to the above, many small and large fixes ensure the engine continues to improve with every update, and a glowing nod from our internal beta testers means we think you will enjoy this monster update and give you a faster and better experience running up to Christmas.
Thanks for your patience for those who are waiting for the imminent Easy Building Editor, which is nearing completion and will be part of the V1.14 update coming to a GameGuru near you!
Welcome to GameGuru, the easy game maker. Our mission is to create the easiest and most enjoyable game creator. Join us and our great & enthusiastic community on this journey.
Imagine creating a world that you and your friends come together and play... and creating it could be a matter of minutes with no technical jiggery-pokery needed at all! Of course, you can happily spend hours, days..even weeks creating your masterpiece, the great thing about GameGuru is, you won't be held up by learning strange alien languages or using complex modelling tools. The time you spend with GameGuru is all about creating and having fun whilst doing it.
With GameGuru you can make a multiplayer game in just a few minutes.
Providing your friend has a copy of GameGuru, you can host a level and your friend can join in. Up to 8 players are supported.
GameGuru comes with over 20 ready-made game levels and demos for you to play and enjoy. They will show you the sort of games that can be created and how they were done, plus you can adapt these pre-made game levels and put your own unique spin on them. You’re then ready to go and design your own unique games!
We believe there is nothing on the market which is as easy to use and as quick to allow you to share your creations with others.
GameGuru offers you an easy yet comprehensive game creation process that is open to non-programmers and designers/artists, or anyone who aspires to become a game creator. It also has powerful editing tools for those who want to take their game creation to an even greater and more complex level. The power is there at your fingertips.
As a welcome bonus, we have also included an expansion pack with over 2.8 GB of additional game assets for you to get started, completely free! In fact, all the art you see in the screenshots above are included in GameGuru and you are free to include them in your games, no strings attached.
We do sell additional content DLCs, but with over 6,000 megabytes of game assets already crammed into GameGuru, the DLCs are entirely optional.
You just need to follow these easy steps – welcome to the world of game creation!
Create your virtual 3D world – Game Design
Construct huge game levels with the easy to use Level Editor. Sculpt your initial game design, add content and then play your game with one click of the Test Game icon:
Design your game and levels adding hills, mountains, water, paths, terrains until you have created the world you want for your game
Add all your environmental items, pick animated 3D objects including buildings, trees/vegetation, man-made objects/barriers with pre-set customizable properties
Set the mood by controlling all aspects of the 3D rendered scene with easy to use sliders and combo box choices, including sky/ambiance, day/night scenes, lighting settings.
Decide what your game is – Game Plan
Have you ever wanted to create the game only you can dream of? Now you have the tools to do exactly that, possibly for the first time ever! You can create games very quickly and easily, or add more and more depth as you wish to create a unique game experience:
Create your dream game, whether it’s Modern-day FPS Action, Horror/Zombies, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Cartoon/Zany, Medieval/Historical and many more - you choose!
Give your game objectives, missions, weapons, puzzles, collectables from a suite of pre-set objects supplied, or create/buy/customise new objects.
Add characters to your game from the stock media or design your own with the Character Creator.
Now make your game come to life! – Game Crafting
Using the editing tools you can add more depth and details to your game, make the scenes more complex and improve the objectives of your game to challenge experienced gamers:
Use the 3D editing mode to fine-tune your game design
Add all the game-play aspects you want in your game and make adjustments
Use the assets supplied free with GameGuru or import your own
Use the editing tools to make your characters and objects unique, give them additional behaviors using the powerful LUA scripting language.
Create, share & sell your game – The final result!
Once you have your finished game you can make it available to your friends and other gamers. GameGuru is unique in what it can offer, all at no additional cost:
Build your final game - ready to play and share
Save your standalone game as an executable file to use as you wish
Publish your game and sell it to others, all royalty free
Make, share and play multiplayer games with other GameGuru users
Our mission
Our mission is to develop an affordable game creator that's easy and fun to use, taking away some of the traditional difficulties of games development and allowing both new and experienced users the ability to create games quickly. We're a UK Indie development team with over 20 years of experience and we're an Intel Black Belt developer.
GameGuru is being designed by gamers for gamers and we want to design and create it along with our active and enthusiastic community. As the product is community lead, the software is in constant development and growing all the time, and we invite you to share the journey with us and help shape GameGuru into an awesome creative tool.
Our Vision
Our vision is to produce The Ultimate Easy To Use 3D Game Creator for the PC - A solution that is easier and more affordable than it’s competitors, with a strong community lead development to keep it growing and improving.
We'll embrace new and exciting hardware, acting as champions as we pioneer new experiences and in the process creating fresh new game creating communities. We'll keep expanding the gaming possibilities of GameGuru as we move forward.
Developing game creation tools is what drives us - we're super passionate about finding ways to make the whole game creation process as easy as possible.
The Technical Stuff
For those who want to understand more – here are the main elements of GameGuru:
3D Game Engine & Editor
Easy to use, drag & drop style
Birds eye view & 3D fly editing systems
Game world – Construct levels for your games
Terrain editor – With easy to use controls you can create unique environments
Infinite vegetation system – Vegetation is auto generated, just paint it on the map
Rendering engine – powering the shaders to make your games look great
Level of detail – The game engine supports Level Of Detail technology (LOD)
Cascade shadow mapping – Real-time dynamic sun shadow
Lightmapping – Add fast shadows to your levels with the shadow baking system
Ambient Occlusion Mapping – A feature of the lightmapper
Sky maps – Choose from a wide range of high-resolution sky maps
Occlusion Culling System – Fast rendering from a special object culling system
Water plane – A reflective water plane adds a visual touch to your levels
Light Rays – Let the light flood your game scenes with cool god rays
Shaders for all – shader technique modes to best suit your PC’s capabilities
Import your own .x / .3DS files
Connect to the Asset Store to extend your library of game assets
GameGuru uses the Bullet Physics engine to create realistic physics events
Rag-doll deaths of characters
Game Characters & Weapons
Customize character in-game properties
Simple Character Creator
A.I scripts control characters - Scripts are coded using the LUA language
GameGuru comes equipped with a range of stock weapons and ammo packs
Modern day weapons – Colt 1911, Shotgun, Uzi, Magnum, Launcher and Rifle
Explosive Munitions – RPGs, grenades and landmines
Ammo pick-ups – Reload weapons during game-play with ammo pickups
Animated – Fully animated weapons with improved handling and realistic sounds
Jet-pack - A special Jet-pack object lets you fly around your game world
Multiplayer on Steam (GameGuru is required by all users to play multiplayer games)
Build games with multiplayer features
Create death-match levels
Make Team death-match levels
Build Co-op Multiplayer games
Up to 8 players can play your game
Play with friends
Build Games
Save standalone single player games as executable files
Distribute your games royalty free
Game Creator Store
Online Store – Easily add game ready assets to your project
Model Packs – Collections of media are supported by the store
Sell – Artists and musicians can sell their own media to the community via the store
Almost 10,000 game ready assets now available and growing
Steam wallet supported
Development Road Map
GameGuru is in continual development, a list of forthcoming features can be found
Our road-map is to continue developing GameGuru until our community is satisfied we have all the main game elements included. With GameGuru released we will continue to improve and develop it further. All existing customers will receive lifetime updates free of charge.
Choosing Your Game Engine
GameGuru is not designed to compete with professional development tools such as Unity, Unreal and Cry-engine which are ideally suited to producing commercial apps and games. GameGuru is a recreational game maker, not a professional tool, and is still very much in development.
GameGuru is unsuitable for serious game development projects at this time, and we highly recommend you visit the forums and ask many questions before you make a decision on the game making tool for you.
操作系统: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
处理器: Intel Dual-Core 2GHz or AMD Dual-Core 2GHz
内存: 2 GB RAM
图形: NVIDIA GeForce 400 series or AMD Radeon HD 6000 series, 1GB Video Card (Minimum Shader Model 2.0)
DirectX 版本: 9.0c
存储空间: 需要 4 GB 可用空间
声卡: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
操作系统: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 - (64 Bit)
处理器: Intel Quad-Core (i5 2300) or AMD Octo-Core (FX 8150)
内存: 4 GB RAM
图形: NVIDIA GeForce 660Ti or greater, AMD Radeon HD 7950 or greater, 2GB Video Card (Minimum Shader Model 2.0)
DirectX 版本: 9.0c
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间
声卡: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
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