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<font color="#ff/11/19 GMAT逻辑解题思路
<font color="#ff/05/24更新 常见逻辑错误,见二楼
大家好~先介绍一下自己的background: 大三上考GMAT,很幸运的取得了780分的成绩。之后去了心仪的学校念研究生,目前已经回国工作。考完GMAT以后就非常喜欢这门考试(尤其是逻辑,觉得很有趣,哈哈),所以现在工作之余也会帮助GMAT考生复习备考。在备课的过程中,整理了相关科目的复习方法,这里分享一下GMAT逻辑部分题型的解题方法。对于GMAT逻辑,每个人都有自己的解题思路,如果你觉得下面写的有道理,希望可以给你帮助;如果你觉得不太好,希望你可以早日找到适合自己的方法,取得高分 :)
GMAT逻辑一直是中国学生最头疼的题型,当年在准备GMAT的过程中,我也曾被逻辑弄得摸不着头脑。但是,今天在这里想跟大家说GMAT逻辑并不难,之所以头疼只是因为你以前从来没有见过这种题型。一旦掌握了解题方法,GMAT逻辑一定是GMAT VERBAL部分最容易拿分,也最好复习的部分。GMAT逻辑不像语法需要记忆大量的语法点或者以一个外国人的身份判断怎么样的表达最地道,也不像阅读需要快速准确的阅读理解能力。逻辑归根到底就是一种分析问题的能力。 逻辑按照类型可以分为assumption/weaken/strengthen/conclusion/boldface等几种类型。很多培训机构针对不同的题型有不同的解题方法,这样的好处是可以迅速地了解各种题型。但是在实战中,如果考生先判断题型,再按照相应的方法解题往往会用掉很多的时间,更别提一开始就判断错题型的情况。所以我个人的建议是解题方法上不要刻意区分不同的题型,任何逻辑题最终要达到的效果是一样的,那就是things make sense, 即问题能说清了。 在正式开始讲之前,先做两个定义:Facts: 题干中给出的信息(它们一定是正确的)Conclusion:题干中由Facts推出的结论 正式讲解开始根据逻辑顺序不同,可以将其逻辑分为三大类,以堆积木为例子(没错,说的就是小孩子常玩的堆积木):
<font color="#. Assumption/weaken/strengthen积木已经堆好了(题干中已经有conclusion)Assumption: 这个积木之所以能拼好是因为除了使用已经提供的原料A(题干中的facts),我还使用了其他没有摆出来的原料B(assumption)。如果没有这个原材料B,这个积木就会塌。Weaken:在这个拼好的积木的基础上,加上一个新的东西(weaken条件),这个积木变得没有以前那么稳,更容易塌。Strengthen: 在这个拼好的积木的基础上,加上一个新的东西(Strengthen条件),这个积木变得更稳,更站的住脚。 总结起来:Assumption 条件: Facts–Assumption 条件 =》 conclusion 不成立Weaken条件:Facts +Weaken条件 =》 conclusion 成立的概率降低Strengthen 条件:Facts + Strengthen条件&&=》 conclusion 成立的概率变高 <font color="#. Conclusion你的面前有一堆原材料(facts),你可以拼出一个什么东西(conclusion)。 <font color="#. Boldface你面前有一个拼好的积木,其中某一块积木在这个作品中是起什么作用的?(例如:地基,屋顶,支撑的柱子等)
今天的重点是Assumption/weaken/strengthen题型。我们先举一个中文的例子:题干:小明刚毕业来上海工作,他需要租房子。目前他手上有两套候选的房子,一个1000/月,一个3000/月,因此他应该选3000/月,因为这个房子住起来更舒服。 在看问题之前我们先把facts& conclusion整理出来,Facts: 小明要租房,一个1000/月,一个3000/月Conclusion: 应该租3000/月,因为更舒服 从facts到conclusion,逻辑的漏洞在于作者做了假设,第一:房子越贵越舒服(题干中没有提到);第二:小明找房子只关注房子是否舒服。 因此如果问题是,<font color="#. underlying assumption是什么?答案即为:房子越贵越舒服(题干中没有提到);小明找房子只关注房子是否舒服。<font color="#. 什么可以weaken这个论点?答案可以为:房子的价格跟房子是否舒适没有直接的关系;小明觉得价格也是一个需要考虑的因素(住得舒服是一方面,但也要省钱);小明希望住得地方可以离公司近一些,而3000的比较远,等等。<font color="#. 什么可以strengthen这个论点?答案可以为:研究标明,房子越贵越舒服;小明很看重或者只看重房子的舒适程度;小明对房子额价格不敏感,等等。
通过上面这个例子总结一下GMAT逻辑题的解题方法:1. 读题干,找出Facts& Conclusion2. 分析从Facts推导到Conclusion的过程中的逻辑漏洞3. 看问题,根据第二步发现的问题,找出相应的解答(1)如果是assumption题,答案需要是逻辑漏洞的反面(取非)(2)如果是weaken题,答案即为某一个逻辑漏洞(3)如果是strengthen 题,答案可以用来弥补逻辑漏洞
下面我们看几个GMAT试题:<font color="#. Scientistsare discussing ways to remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere byincreasing the amount that is absorbed by plant life.&&One plan to accomplish this is to establishgiant floating seaweed farms in the oceans. When the seaweed plants die, they will be disposed of by being burnedfor fuel.Whichof the following, if true, would indicate the most serious weakness in the planabove?
Some areas of ocean in the Southern Hemisphere do not contain sufficient nutrients to support large seaweed farms.When a seaweed plant is burned, it releases an amount of carbon dioxide comparable to the amount it has absorbed in its lifetime.Even if seaweed farms prove effective, some people will be reluctant to switch to this new fuel.Each year about seven billion tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere but only about five billion tons are absorbed by plant life.Seaweed farms would make more money by farming seaweed to sell as nutritional supplements than by farming seaweed to sell as fuel.
解题步骤1. 读题干,找出Facts &ConclusionFacts: (1)通过让植物吸收更多carbon dioxide来降低空气中carbon dioxide的量& && && &&&(2)计划之一是在海里种giantfloating seaweed & && && &&&(3)seaweedplants 死后,会作为燃料烧掉Conclusion: 在海里种giantfloating seaweed 可以减轻excess carbon dioxide fromthe atmosphere.(注:本题中并没有用到conclude, thus, therefore等明显表示conclusion的词语,但是题干中conclusion非常的明确)。2.分析从Facts推导到Conclusion的过程中的逻辑漏洞题干中的逻辑链可能有以下几个方面的问题:(1)万一 giant floating seaweed 不太能absorbcarbon dioxide,计划就行不通了(2)如果giant floating seaweed 吸收的并没有比释放的少,计划就行不通了3.看问题,根据第二步发现的问题,找出相应的解答Whichof the following, if true, would indicate the most serious weakness in the planabove?根据上一步的分析,答案为When a seaweed plant is burned, it releases an amount of carbon dioxide comparableto the amount it has absorbed in its lifetime.
<font color="#. Ingeneral, jobs are harder to get in times of economic recession because manybusinesses cut back operations.&&However,any future recessions in Vargonia will probably not reduce the availability ofteaching jobs at government-funded schools. This is because Vargonia has just introduced a legal requirement thateducation in government-funded schools be available, free of charge, to allVargonian children regardless of the state of the economy, and that currentstudent-teacher ratios not be exceeded. Whichof the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
The current student-teacher ratio at Vargonia’s government-funded schools is higher than it was during the most recent period of economic recession.During recent periods when the Vargonian economy has been strong, almost 25 percent of Vargonian children have attended privately funded schools, many of which charge substantial fees.Nearly 20 percent more teachers are currently employed in Vargonia’s government-funded schools than had been employed in those schools in the& &&&period before the last economic recession.Teachers in Vargonia’s government-funded schools are well paid relative to teachers in most privately funded schools in Vargonia, many of which rely heavily on part-time teachers.During the last economic recession in Vargonia, the government permanently closed a number of the schools that it had funded.
解题步骤 1. 读题干,找出Facts & ConclusionFacts: (1) 一般来说,经济差,工作少(注:在本题中没有实质用处)& && && &(2) Vargonia 法律规定不管经济如何government-funded schools 免费向所有Vargonianchildren提供教育而且目前的 student-teacher ratios 不能被超过。Conclusion:未来经济危机, Vargonia government-funded schools不会降低老师的招聘数量。 2.分析从Facts推导到Conclusion的过程中的逻辑漏洞如果经济危机时,公立学校的学生人数少了,那么在满足目前的 student-teacher ratios的前提下,需要的老师人数也会相应减少。3.看问题,根据第二步发现的问题,找出相应的解答Whichof the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?根据上一步的分析,如果要strengthen那么就应该弥补漏洞,即:经济危机时,公立学校学生人数应该增多。答案为Duringrecent periods when the Vargonian economy has been strong, almost 25 percent of Vargonian children have attended privately funded schools, many of which chargesubstantial fees. 经济好的时候,25%的学生读昂贵的私立学校è经济不好的时候这些学生中会有一部分转到公立学校=》公立学校学生增多=》招聘更多老师。
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
Facts: 题干中给出的信息(它们一定是正确的)
Conclusion题型中,题干中只有Facts没有Conclusion, 问题则是“通过题干的facts, 我们能推出什么Conclusion”。 不同于Assumption/weaken/strengthen题需要我们去寻找facts到conclusion的逻辑漏洞,Conclusion题需要我们将facts之间的关系理清楚,推出相应的结论。
1. 题干(facts):上海的面积小于北京的面积,而且上海的人口密度小于北京的人口密度
&&=> 面积乘以密度等于总人口
&&结论: 上海的总人口小于北京的总人口
2. 题干(facts): 小明比小红长得高,小王比小红小明都长得高
&&=> 身高: 小明&小红 以及 小王&小红, 小王&小明
3. 题干(facts):研究表明,绝大多数情况下教育程度越高,人越有礼貌;Lily高中毕业,Lucy大学毕业
&&=>Lucy 教育程度 & Lily 教育程度;教育程度与礼貌,绝大多数时候正相关
&&结论:It’s likely that Lucy is more polite than Lily (注意题干中给出的是一个general的情况,所以我们只能说有很有可能lucy比Lily更礼貌,但不是Lucy一定比Lily更有礼貌)。
1. 找出题目中的每一个facts
2. 在不加入任何其他条件的情况下,通过这些facts可以推出哪些conclusion
1. Parasitic wasps lay their eggs directly into the eggs of various host insects in exactly the right numbers for any suitable size of host egg. If they laid too many eggs in a host egg, the developing wasp larvae would compete with each other to the death for nutrients and space.&&If too few eggs were laid, portions of the host egg would decay, killing the wasp larvae.
Which of the following conclusions can properly be drawn from the information above?
(A) The size of the smallest host egg that a wasp could theoretically parasitize can be determined from the wasp's egg-laying behavior.
(B) Host insects lack any effective defenses against the form of predation practiced by parasitic wasps.
(C) Parasitic wasps learn from experience how many eggs to lay into the eggs of different host species.
(D) Failure to lay enough eggs would lead to the death of the developing wasp larvae more quickly than would laying too many eggs.
(E) Parasitic wasps use visual clues to calculate the size of a host egg.
1. 找出题目中的每一个facts
a) parasitic wasp 把卵产在host insects的卵中,而且根据host 的卵的大小,parasitic wasps 会相应的调整产卵的数量(exactly right number);
b) 如果产卵过多, 幼虫会因为营养和空间
c) 如果产卵过少,host eggs 会腐烂,杀死wasp的幼虫
=>facts b)和c)都是在具体的解释facts a) 即为什么wasps 产卵的数量必须跟host eggs大小保持一致的关系(exactly right number)。
所以可以推出的conclusion为: numbers of parasitic wasps eggs
size of host eggs。因此正确选项为A(因为知道了wasp’s egg-laying behavior 可以知道wasp 一次最少的产卵数量,再根据上面的conclusion从而知道相对应的host egg的大小),其他选项文中没有提到。
2. A company's two divisions performed with remarkable consistency over the past three years:&&in each of those years, the pharmaceuticals division has accounted for roughly 20 percent of dollar sales and 40 percent of profits, and the chemicals division for the balance.
Which of the following can properly be inferred regarding the past three years from the statement above?
(A) Total dollar sales for each of the company's divisions have remained roughly constant.
(B) The pharmaceuticals division has faced stiffer competition in its markets than has the chemicals division.
(C) The chemicals division has realized lower profits per dollar of sales than has the pharmaceuticals division.
(D) The product mix offered by each of the company's divisions has remained unchanged.
(E) Highly profitable products accounted for a higher percentage of the chemicals division's sales than of those of the pharmaceuticals division.
1. 找出题目中的每一个facts
a)过去三年,pharmaceuticals division 占到公司20%的销量+40%的利润;
b)过去三年,chemicals division占到公司80%的销量+60%的利润
所以可以推出的conclusion为: pharmaceutical division 利润率&chemicals division 利润率。因此正确答案选择C,其他选项文中没有提到。
3. When a polygraph test is judged inconclusive, this is no reflection on the examinee.&&Rather, such a judgment means that the test has failed to show whether the examinee was truthful or untruthful.&&Nevertheless, employers will sometimes refuse to hire a job applicant because of an inconclusive polygraph test result.
Which of the following conclusions can most properly be drawn from the information above?
(A) Most examinees with inconclusive polygraph test results are in fact untruthful.
(B) Polygraph tests should not be used by employers in the consideration of job applicants.
(C) An inconclusive polygraph test result is sometimes unfairly held against the examinee.
(D) A polygraph test indicating that an examinee is untruthful can sometimes be mistaken.
(E) Some employers have refused to consider the results of polygraph tests when evaluating job applicants.
1. 找出题目中的每一个facts
a)如果测试结果是inconclusive, 那么测试结果不能说明被测试的人是否诚实;
4. United States hospitals have traditionally relied primarily on revenues from paying patients to offset losses from unreimbursed care.&&Almost all paying patients now rely on governmental or private health insurance to pay hospital bills.&&Recently, insurers have been strictly limiting what they pay hospitals for the care of insured patients to amounts at or below actual costs.
Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the information above?
(A) Although the advance of technology has made expensive medical procedures available to the wealthy, such procedures are out of the reach of low-income patients.
(B) If hospitals do not find ways of raising additional income for unreimbursed care, they must either deny some of that care or suffer losses if they give it.
(C) Some patients have incomes too high for eligibility for governmental health insurance but are unable to afford private insurance for hospital care.
(D) If the hospitals reduce their costs in providing care, insurance companies will maintain the current level of reimbursement, thereby providing more funds for unreimbursed care.
(E) Even though philanthropic donations have traditionally provided some support for the hospitals, such donations are at present declining.
1. 找出题目中的每一个facts
a) 有史以来,美国医院通过收取付钱病人的钱来补偿不付钱的病人
b) 现在,几乎所有付钱病人的钱都来自于医疗保险
c) 医保只会付给医院成本或者低于成本的钱
5. To protect certain fledgling industries, the government of country Z banned imports of the types of products those industries were starting to make.&&As a direct result, the cost of those products to the buyers, several export-dependent industries in Z, went up, sharply limiting the ability of those industries to compete effectively in their export markets.
Which of the following can be most properly inferred from the passage about the products whose importation was banned?
(A) Those products had been cheaper to import than they were to make within country Z's fledgling industries.
(B) Those products were the ones that country Z was hoping to export in its turn, once the fledgling industries matured.
(C) Those products used to be imported from just those countries to which country Z's exports went.
(D) Those products had become more and more expensive to import, which resulted in a foreign trade deficit just before the ban.
(E) Those products used to be imported in very small quantities, but they were essential to country Z's economy.
1. 找出题目中的每一个facts
1. 划线句子在文中起什么作用
2. 划线句子之间是什么关系
1. Astronomer: Observations of the Shoemaker-Levi comet on its collision course with Jupiter showed that the comet broke into fragments before entering Jupiter's atmosphere in 1994, but they did not show how big those fragments were. In hopes of gaining some indication of the fragments' size, astronomers studied spectrographic analyses of Jupiter's outer atmosphere.&&These analyses revealed unprecedented traces of sulfur after the fragments' entry. The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but many astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur. Since sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer, it is likely that some of the fragments were at least large enough to have passed through Jupiter's outer atmosphere without being burned up.
In the astronomer's argument, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
(A) The first presents a circumstance for which the astronomer o the second is part of that explanation.
(B) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclu the second is that conclusion.
(C) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclu the second provides evidence in support of that conclusion.
(D) The first provides evidence in support of the conclu the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that conclusion.
(E) The first is a judgment advanced in support of the conclu the second is that conclusion.
1. 划线句子在文中起什么作用
第一句讲述的是一个事实以及一个猜测,第二句是一个明显的结论(这里的结论并不仅仅是指conclusion,也可以是explanation, hypothesis,claims, judgement等,只是说从结构上来说是作者通过前面给出的信息推出的一个结论).
2. 划线句子之间是什么关系
(A) The first presents a circumstance for which the astronomer o the second is part of that explanation.(astronomers并没有给第一句话中的circumstance 解释)
(B) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclu the second is that conclusion.(weighs against 错误,这两句话并没有矛盾)
(C) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclu the second provides evidence in support of that conclusion.(与B相同,这两句话并没有矛盾)
(D) The first provides evidence in support of the conclu the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that conclusion. (与B相同,这两句话并没有矛盾)
(E) The first is a judgment advanced in support of the conclu the second is that conclusion.
2. Plant scientists have used genetic engineering on seeds to produce crop plants that are highly resistant to insect damage. Unfortunately, the seeds themselves are quite expensive, and the plants require more fertilizer and water to grow well than normal ones. Thus, for most farmers the savings on pesticides would not compensate for the higher seed costs and the cost of additional fertilizer. However, since consumer demand for grains, fruits, and vegetables grown without the use of pesticides continues to rise, the use of genetically engineered seeds of this kind is likely to become widespread.
In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
(A) The first supplies a cont the second is the argument's main conclusion.
(B) The first introduces a development that the argument predicts will ha the second is a state of affairs that the argument denies will be part of that outcome.
(C) The first presents a development that the argument predicts will ha the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that prediction.
(D) The first provides evidence to support a prediction that the argu the second is that prediction.
(E) The first and the second each provide evidence to support the argument's main conclusion.
1. 划线句子在文中起什么作用
2. 划线句子之间是什么关系
(A) The first supplies a cont the second is the argument's main conclusion(第一句话讲述的事实,不存在contest).
(B) The first introduces a development that the argument predicts will ha the second is a state of affairs that the argument denies will be part of that outcome.(第二句话中出现的outcome并没有被deny)
(C) The first presents a development that the argument predicts will ha the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that prediction.
(D) The first provides evidence to support a prediction that the argu the second is that prediction. (第一第二句之间应该是对立关系,而不是相互支持关系)
(E) The first and the second each provide evidence to support the argument's main conclusion.(第一第二句支持的是不同的观点)
3. During the past year, Pro-Tect Insurance Company's total payout on car-theft claims has been larger than the company can afford to sustain.&&Pro-Tect cannot reduce the number of car-theft policies it carries, so it cannot protect itself against continued large payouts that way. Therefore, Pro-Tect has decided to offer a discount to holders of car-theft policies whose cars have antitheft devices. Many policyholders will respond to the discount by installing such devices, since the amount of the discount will within two years typically more than cover the cost of installation. Thus, because cars with antitheft devices are rarely stolen, Pro-Tect's plan is likely to reduce its annual payouts.
In the argument above, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
(A) The first and the second are both evidence offered by the argument as support for its main conclusion.
(B) The first presents a problem a response to which t the second is the judgment reached by that assessment.
(C) The first is the position the argumen the second is a judgment the argument uses to support that position.
(D) The first is a development that the argum the second is a prediction the argument makes in support of the explanation it offers.
(E) The first presents a development whose likely outcome is at i the second is a judgment the argument uses in support of its conclusion about that outcome.
1. 划线句子在文中起什么作用
2. 划线句子之间是什么关系
这两句话都是针对同一个问题,即公司annual payout的问题。第一句话中提到的部分使得annual payout不能减少,第二句话说到的部分使得annual payout可以减少。同时文中therefore, thus 都表明第一句话中出现的问题,导致了第二句话的出现。
(A) The first and the second are both evidence offered by the argument as support for its main conclusion. (第一句话不support conclusion)
(B) The first presents a problem a response to which t the second is the judgment reached by that assessment.
(C) The first is the position the argumen the second is a judgment the argument uses to support that position.(作者并没有想要establish第一句,而且第二句也没有用来support第一句)
(D) The first is a development that the argum the second is a prediction the argument makes in support of the explanation it offers.(第一句是一个事实,作者没有explain)
(E) The first presents a development whose likely outcome is at i the second is a judgment the argument uses in support of its conclusion about that outcome.(第一句话是事实,结果是肯定的,不存在第二句话本身就是conclusion, 而不是support conclusion)
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大家好~好久没有更新解题技巧了,春暖花开的季节又可以温暖而愉快的学习了~之前大致的讲解了逻辑题的解题思路,没有看的同学,请先看一楼。如果看过一楼,那么请往下看: 逻辑题千变万化,所以我一直不提倡用公式化的方式来解题,而是建议学生将自己代入情景中,用日常生活中的思维来分析逻辑漏洞。不过不管逻辑题怎么变化,常见的逻辑漏洞也不外乎几类。接下来,我会根据OG中出现的题目,分析讲解常见的逻辑漏洞。
1.主观加入题干没有的条件/assumptionOG2016-Q2Astronomer: Moststars are born in groups of thousands, each star in a group forming from thesame parent cloud of gas. Each cloud has a unique, homogeneous chemicalcomposition. Therefore, whenever two stars have the same chemical compositionas each other, they must have originated from the same cloud of gas.Which of thefollowing, if true, would most strengthen the astronomer’s argument?(A) In some groupsof stars, not every star originated from the same parent cloud of gas.(B) Clouds of gasof similar or identical chemical composition may be remote from each other.(C) Whenever astar forms, it inherits the chemical composition of its parent cloud of gas.(D) Many stars invastly different parts of the universe are quite similar in their chemicalcompositions.(E) Astronomerscan at least sometimes precisely determine whether a star has the same chemicalcomposition as its parent cloud of gas. 1. 读题干,找出Facts & ConclusionFacts: 1.绝大多数的星星都是跟很多星星一起作为一个group形成的,每个group中的星星都源自于同一个parent cloud of gas.<font color="#.每个cloud 都有一个唯一且同质的化学成分,i.e. 每一个cloud中的气体的成分相同,且跟其他cloud气体成分不同。Conclusion: 只要两个星星有相同的化学成分, 他们一定源自于同一个cloud of gas.
2. 分析从Facts推导到Conclusion的过程中的逻辑漏洞这道题的逻辑漏洞在于将cloud of gas 的化学成分的相同毫无依据的延伸到了形成的star的化学成分的相同。比如star A 形成于Cloud A, Star B 形成于Cloud B, 根据题目中的facts, 我们可以知道的只是Cloud&&A 跟Cloud B 的化学成分不同。但是Star 在形成过程中,如果发生了变异并没有保持所在Cloud的化学成分,那么Star A 和Star B 是可能有同样的化学成分的。(例如could A 包含氧气和一氧化碳, Cloud B包含氧气和二氧化碳,那么如果是氧化反应则都形成二氧化碳, Star A和Star B的成分就是一样的了)。
3. 看问题,根据第二步发现的问题,找出相应的解答Strengthen问题的答案是要弥补漏洞,i.e. 只要来自同一个cloud of gas, star的化学成分一定是一样的。正确选项为C.
总结:这种类型题目的明显特征就是从facts 推导到conclusion的过程中,缺了一个环节,逻辑链不完整。而作者想当然的地“加入了题干没有的条件/assumption”,补足了逻辑链。中国学生很容易做错这种题型,请切记GMAT逻辑很重要的原则就是不要没有根据的加条件! 2. A与B同时发生不代表A导致了BOGIt is widelyassumed that people need to engage in intellectual activities such as solvingcrossword puzzles or mathematics problems in order to maintain mental sharpnessas they age. In fact, however, simply talking to other people—that is, participating in social interaction,which engages many mental and perceptual skill —suffices. Evidence to this effect comes from a study showing thatthe more social contact people report, the better their mental skills. Which of the following,if true, most seriously weakens the force of the evidence cited?(A) As people growolder, they are often advised to keep exercising their physical and mentalcapacities in order to maintain or improve them.(B) Many medicalconditions and treatments that adversely affect a person’s mental sharpnessalso tend to increase that person’s social isolation.(C) Many peopleare proficient both in social interactions and in solving mathematicalproblems.(D) The study didnot itself collect data but analyzed data bearing on the issue from priorstudies.(E) The tasksevaluating mental sharpness for which data were compiled by the study were moreakin to mathematics problems than to conversation. 1. 读题干,找出Facts & ConclusionFacts: 1. 人们需要智力活动来保持大脑的灵敏。& && && & 2. 证据显示社会接触越多的人,大脑能力越好Conclusion: 只要跟人说话(社会接触,会用到心智能力),就可以保持大脑的灵敏。 2. 分析从Facts推导到Conclusion的过程中的逻辑漏洞这道题是典型的“将同时发生默认为因果关系”的思维。社会接触越多的人,大脑能力越好,不一定代表社交导致大脑能力的提升。可能是(1)大脑能力好的人,更愿意跟人接触;(2) 有一个第三方因素,同时导致了社会接触多以及大脑能力好。 3. 看问题,根据第二步发现的问题,找出相应的解答Weaken题型,正确答案需要指出逻辑漏洞。正确选项为B:降低大脑能力的药物治疗,同时会让人更加孤立。也就是说大脑不好的人,更不愿意社交,i.e. 不是社交导致大脑变好,而是大脑好的人更愿意社交。
总结:这种类型题目的明显特征就是the more, the more, 将A与B同时发生等同于A leads toB. 逻辑漏洞分为两种 (1)A与B同时发生,instead of A leads to B, B leads to A。(2)A与B同时发生,是因为C导致了A, C也导致了B,但是A与B之间没有直接的关系。举个例子,研究发现做慈善的人比较长寿,人在做慈善的时候会感觉很好,因此做慈善会导致人长寿。Weaken条件是: 一般来说只有家庭条件比较好的人才会做慈善,而这些人因为生活水平高所以会长寿。 家庭条件好即为C,它同时导致了A与B的发生,但是A与B 之间没有关系。 3. 忽略他因OGIn Coloradosubalpine meadows, nonnative dandelions co-occur with a native flower, thelarkspur. Bumblebees visit both species, creating the potential for interactionsbetween the two species with respect to pollination. In a recent study, researchersselected 16 plots con all dandelions were rem the remaining eight control plots were left undisturbed. The controlplots yielded significantly more larkspur seeds than the dandelion-free plots,leading the researchers to conclude that the presence of dandelions facilitatespollination (and hence seed production) in the native species by attractingmore pollinators to the mixed plots.Which of thefollowing, if true, most seriously undermines the researchers’ reasoning?(A) Bumblebeespreferentially visit dandelions over larkspurs in mixed plots.(B) In mixedplots, pollinators can transfer pollen from one species to another to augmentseed production.(C) If leftunchecked, nonnative species like dandelions quickly crowd out native species.(D) Seedgermination is a more reliable measure of a species’&&fitness than seed production.(E) Soildisturbances can result in fewer blooms, and hence lower seed production. 1. 读题干,找出Facts & ConclusionFacts 1: 外地的D和本地的L一起生长,B蜜蜂帮这两个植物授粉& && &&&2. 研究人员将16块种有两种植物的土地,均分成了两个部分,其中一部分D被移除,另一部分保持不变。& && &&&3. 保持不变的地上L的产种量明显高于移除了D的地上L的产种量Conclusion: D吸引了更多的传粉者 ,从而使得L的授粉更加便利。 2. 分析从Facts推导到Conclusion的过程中的逻辑漏洞从facts 到conclusion 有一个完整的逻辑链:D和L在一起种植=&D吸引B=&B为L授粉=&L的产种量多。这里逻辑的漏洞在于默认题目中说的逻辑链是对的,而忽略了其他的原因。题干中唯一可以确认的是,有D的土地上L种子比较多,但是L种子多这个事件是否是D造成的,是不确定的。有可能是其他的原因,例如: 种植密度越大越利于L产种子,除去D的那一块地所在的地理环境不利于L产种子,除去D的时候土壤受到了破坏,不利于L产种子等等。 3. 看问题,根据第二步发现的问题,找出相应的解答Weaken题型,正确答案需要指出逻辑漏洞,即其他的原因导致了L在没有去除D的土地上产种子比较多。正确选项为E.
总结:这种类型题目的明显特征是题干中已经有一个完整且说得通的逻辑链。但是这个逻辑链中有些部分只是作者的推测并没有facts来支撑。这种题的做法是弄清楚哪些是客观发生的即facts, 哪些是作者的推测,然后看作者在推测的过程中是否忽略了其他的原因。
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感谢楼主~ 很清晰!请务必继续~!
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感谢楼主~ 很清晰!请务必继续~!
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谢谢楼主啊啊!感觉讲的超级清楚,特别是conclusion那块!这里礼拜就要3战了,也就是最后一站,希望可以开 ...
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我当年准备GMAT考试时使用的是排除法,不过 ...
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