购买watch 苹果手表a15544充电器

[text]返回顶部&/&表里都是如此精致,苹果Apple Watch智能手表拆解围观&·&&0评论&·&&0香蕉&/&&&/&&已收藏&/&&/&表里都是如此精致,苹果Apple Watch智能手表拆解
今天苹果Apple Watch已经发到首批购买的消费者手上,早上我们也转载了部分开箱图赏。当然作为普通用户,他们肯定不会第一时间就把它给肢解了,这事还是要留给专业的iFixit来办吧。(注:由于时间关系,先发图片,文字部分今晚继续更新)如大家所见,iFixit已经完成了对38mm&运动版的拆解,后面还有不锈钢版,由于内部都是一样的构造,所以就没有详细的拆解了。这里先重温一下Apple Watch的参数,这款手表采用一块272×340像素的AMOLED屏幕(42mm是312×390),内置定制的S1系统级封装处理器(SiP/System in Package)和8GB闪存芯片,支持NFC、Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n和蓝牙4.0,另外还有加速度计、陀螺仪、心率监测器、麦克风和小型扬声器。我又把最后的可修复分数和评价提前了。iFixit表示,这个表带虽然没有采用工业标准,但可更换还是件好事;虽然屏幕有点难拆,但作为首先拆开的部件,更换还是很方便的;固定电池的双面胶强度一般,拆的话还是很容易;然而其他核心部件全都封装在S1里了,这个可以说是整个主板了,有什么坏了就得整个更换。转一个网友的话:同样是白色长条,你抽出来apple&watch,而我却是小米排插。我想我们之间还差100个白色长条。包装里的完整内容有教如何佩戴磁吸式充电器心率计的样子扬声器和麦克风按一下就可以把表带退出来中国组装38mm运动版是A1553,42mm是A1554Apple Watch拆解是从屏幕入手,所以要加热融化双面胶/粘合剂这里有Apple Watch的两个重要功能:Taptic Engine和数码表冠和机械手表内部对比电池包后面就靠这层双面胶固定了,强度一般S1用奇怪的螺丝固定,iFixit还得把螺丝刀“加工”过之后才顺利拧下表里都是如此精致,苹果Apple Watch智能手表拆解该投稿暂无简介今天苹果Apple Watch已经发到首批购买的消费者手上,早上我们也转载了部分开箱图赏。当然作为普通用户,他们肯定不会第一时间就把它给肢解了,这事还是要留给专业的iFixit来办吧。今天苹果Apple Watch已经发到首批购买的消费者手上,早上我们也转载了部分开箱图赏。当然作为普通用户,他们肯定不会第一时间就把它给肢解了,这事还是要留给专业的iFixit来办吧。[+展开简介]投1蕉安利给基友官方下载友情链接反馈本站不提供任何视听上传服务,所有内容均来自视频分享站点所提供的公开引用资源。Copyright (C)
AcFun. 保留所有权利收藏成功!
单位发的Apple Watch A1554,蓝宝石晶面,316L不锈钢,陶瓷背面,官方价格5288,详细信息如图所示,全新未拆封。
小贴士:全新未拆封Apple Watch A1554 42mm信息由列表网网友发布,其真实性及合法性由发布人负责。列表网仅引用以供用户参考。详情请阅读列表网免责条款。
本公司节水控制系统,采用非接触式 IC 卡,结合高性能电磁阀,根据用户的实际用水量自动计费,按暂停能停水停费,将卡片拿开则完成一消费周期;不仅对用水情况精确管理,更重要的是在全球水资源匮乏的今天,提高了人们用水效率,增强了节约用水意识,避免了各种水资源的浪费,卡片可反复充值,可设置用水费率,可限制每日的用水量,非常适合于学校、企事业单位、工厂、政府机关等地的澡堂、浴室、公寓、开水、饮用水、自来水等领域的用水管理。
◆ 采用计时/计流量方式扣费:可以对费率进行灵活设置,符合各种要求。
◆ 用户充值简易方便:可以通过充值机进行卡内充值和管理中心充值两种方式。
◆ 限额功能:可对用户卡进行每天限额的个性化设置。
◆ 预扣款:客户可以选择先预扣款,未使用余额可补回卡内。
◆ 阶梯收费模式:不同级别可以设置不同的消费费率。
◆ 联网方式:采用485、TCP/IP网络连接水控到管理中心,方便数据采集和参数设置。
◆ 脱机方式:采用收费转存方式把款转入水控机内。(只限IC系统)
◆ 安全性:采用黑名单方式挂失卡片。对丢卡用户的利益能有效的保护。
◆ 红外控制功能:出水停水采用红外感应。
◆ 显示方式:全数字显示,清晰明了,(可分别显示扣款金额、当次流量、累计流量,限于一体计流量水控机)。
◆ 全防水设计:上下壳接缝双层设计并有硅胶密封件防水,电路板喷有防水油漆,具有双层保护。
◆ 下传参数和收集数据:可用参数卡下传参数(只适用于脱机无数据不挂失方式),采用手持采集机下传参数及收集数据。
◆ 可在软件里自行设置计时或计流量方式,是否需要红外开关。
◆ 一控二方式:一个水控机控制两个电磁阀。
◆ 备注:水控有多种方式可选,脱机、联网、计时、计流量。
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全新未拆封Apple Watch A1554 42mm 相关广告
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Apple Watch (Regular - Steel, 42 mm)
Identifiers: Watch Standard 42mm - MJ3V2LL/A* -
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Apple explains that the Apple Watch is "an incredibly accurate timepiece, an intimate and immediate communication device and a groundbreaking health and fitness companion" that is required to be paired with an also carried iPhone 5 or newer for most functions.All Apple Watch devices are controlled with a "Digital Crown" and the Retina caliber displays include "Force Touch" capability that can differentiate between a light tap and a heavier press for more navigational possibilities.Battery life is an Apple estimated "up to 18 hours" overall, but more specifically "up to 3 hours" of talk time, "up to 6.5 hours" of audio playback or working out, "up to 48 hours" of use as a watch (using it 20 seconds per hour), and "up to 72 hours" of low power "Power Reserve" usage. It charges via a custom inductive charger with MagSafe capability.This particular Apple Watch, the "regular" model in the 42 mm size, features a 312x390 display with a protective sapphire crystal layer packed in a 316L stainless steel housing with a zirconia ceramic back and sapphire crystal "lenses" that connect to the charger.There originally were ten specific configurations of this Apple Watch that vary by finish and band. With a silver colored stainless steel body, Apple originally offered a white rubber "Sport Band," a black rubber Sport Band, a black "Classic Buckle" leather band, a stainless steel "Milanese Loop" band, a black, "Bright Blue", "Stone," or "Light Brown" "Leather Loop" (pictured, left) band and a stainless steel "Link Bracelet" band. With a "diamond-like carbon" (DLC) "Space Black" stainless steel housing, Apple originally offered a matching "Space Black" stainless steel "Link Bracelet" (pictured, right).On September 9, 2015, Apple discontinued five options -- the stainless steel body with the black rubber Sport Band, black Classic Buckle, black Leather Loop, Bright Blue Leather Loop, and brown Leather Loop options -- and introduced five new ones -- a stainless steel body with a (PRODUCT) RED rubber Sport Band, a black stainless steel body with a black Sport Band, a stainless steel body with a Saddle Brown Classic Buckle, a stainless steel body with a black Classic Buckle, and a stainless steel body with a "Midnight Blue" Leather Loop (which is more subdued than the Bright Blue replaced).On March 21, 2016, Apple discontinued five options -- the stainless steel body with the white rubber Sport Band, (PRODUCT) RED rubber Sport Band, "Stone" Leather Loop band, "Midnight Blue" Leather Loop band, and black Classic Buckle (brown interior) options -- and introduced five new ones -- a stainless steel body with a "Marine Blue" Classic Buckle, White Leather Loop band, "Storm Gray" Leather Loop band, and Pearl Woven Nylon strap option as well as a black stainless steel body with a black Milanese Loop band option.Also see: What are all the differences between the "regular" Apple Watch models?What are the main differences between the Apple Watch, the Apple Watch Sport, and the Apple Watch Edition?
Tech Specs
Global Original Prices
Popular Q&As
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related details. The most commonly needed info is &open& by default, but all info is important.
Introduction Date:
March 9, 2015*
Discontinued Date:
The "Introduction Date" refers to the date a model was introduced via press release. The "Discontinued Date" refers to the date a model either was replaced by a subsequent system or production otherwise ended.*This device first was revealed as a demonstration on September 9, 2014, but with limited specifics, "introduced" in more detail on March 9, 2015, became available for pre-order on April 10, 2015, and actually was available as a product on April 24, 2015. On September 9, 2015, Apple discontinued five options and introduced five new ones. On March 21, 2016, Apple again discontinued five options and introduced five new ones.
Processor Speed:
Processor Type:
*Apple provides no information on the processor used in the Apple Watch beyond that it is an "entire computer system on a single chip" encapsulated in resin. Apple refers to this processor as the "S1". However, third-party analysis from , determined that the processor is a Samsung-produced single core 32-bit 28 nm APL0778 processor that runs around 520 MHz.
Onboard RAM:
Storage Capacity:
*Apple makes no official mention of storage capacity. However, as first reported by , the Apple Watch models all have 8 GB of storage capacity, 2 GB of which can be used for music storage and 75 MB of which can be used for photo storage independently from music and photos stored on a paired iPhone.
Song Capacity:
Photo Capacity:
*Apple does not provide an estimate of song and photo capacity, but based on the 2 GB of storage for music and 75 MB of storage for photos, 200 songs and 100 photos is a reasonable estimate.
Case Type:
Form Factor:
Apple Watch (Regular, 42 mm)
This "regular" Apple Watch has a 42 mm form factor and uses a 316L stainless steel housing.
Housing Color:
Digital Crown
*The "regular" Apple Watch is available with either a stainless steel finish and a variety of bands or a "diamond-like carbon" (DLC) black finish over stainless steel and a matching black stainless steel band.
Built-in Display:
1.65& LCD*
Display Resolution:
*The entire face of the watch contains a roughly 1.65" LCD, but this is not all viewable area. Apple's Developer Guidelines for the Apple Watch specify that all 42 mm models have a viewable display resolution of 312-by-390 pixels. The "regular" Apple Watch display is "protected by sapphire crystal" as well.
Standard Wireless:
Standard Bluetooth:
The Apple Watch has built-in support for 802.11b/g and Bluetooth 4.0 to "pair seamlessly with your iPhone."
Battery Type:
Lithium Ion*
Battery Life:
*Apple provides no details on the type of battery in the Apple Watch, but it likely is a proprietary Lithium Ion. Apple reports that the device provides "up to 18 hours" of battery life which includes "90 time checks, 90 notifications, 45 minutes of app use and a 30 minute workout with music playback from Apple Watch via Bluetooth." Battery life for other uses varies -- reportedly "up to 3 hours" of talk time, "up to 6.5 hours" of audio playback or working out, "up to 48 hours" of use as a watch (using it 20 seconds per hour), and "up to 72 hours" of low power "Power Reserve" usage. Apple also notes that the 42 mm Apple Watch models "typically experience longer battery life" so it would be safe to assume that they have a slightly larger battery as well. In fact, as reported by , the 42 mm Apple Watch models specifically have a 3.78 V 0.93 Watt Hour (246 mA H) battery, which is larger than the 0.78 Watt Hour (205 mA H) battery in the 38 mm models.
Apple Order No:
Apple Subfamily:
Watch Standard 42mm
*MJ3V2LL/A refers to the 42 mm stainless steel Apple Watch paired with a white rubber "Sport Band." With a stainless steel housing and a black rubber Sport Band, the order number is MJ3U2LL/A. With a stainless steel housing and a black "Classic Buckle" leather band the order number is MJ3X2LL/A. With a stainless steel housing and a stainless steel "Milanese Loop" band, it is MJ3Y2LL/A. With a stainless steel housing and a black, "Bright Blue", "Stone," or "Light Brown" "Leather Loop" band it is MJYN2LL/A, MJ452LL/A, MJ432LL/A, and MJ402LL/A, respectively. With a stainless steel housing and a stainless steel "Link Bracelet" band it is MJ472LL/A. Finally, with a "Space Black" housing and a "Space Black" stainless steel "Link Bracelet" band it is MJ482LL/A.For the five options added September 9, 2015, the stainless steel body with a (PRODUCT) RED Sport Band is MLLE2LL/A, the black steel body with a black Sport Band is MLC82LL/A, and the stainless steel body with a Saddle Brown Classic Buckle, Black Classic Buckle, and Midnight Blue Leather Loop are MLC92LL/A, MLFA2LL/A, and MLFC2LL/A, respectively.For the five new options added March 21, 2016, the stainless steel body with a "Marine Blue" Classic Buckle is MMFU2LL/A, the White Leather Loop band is MMFV2LL/A, the "Storm Gray" Leather Loop band is MMFX2LL/A, and the Pearl Woven Nylon is MMG02LL/A. Finally, the black stainless steel body with a black Milanese Loop band option is MMG22LL/A.
Apple Model No:
A1554 (EMC 2871*)
Please note that these identifiers refer to more than one model.*The EMC number is not located externally.
Also see: All Apple Watch models with the
Model Number, the
EMC Number, and the
Model Identifier.
Pre-Installed OS:
Maximum OS:
*Apple originally referred to the operating system as "Watch OS" and changed this to "watchOS" on September 9, 2015 with the formal mention of watchOS 2.
1.65 x 1.41 x 0.41
Avg. Weight:
1.76 ounces
In inches - height by width by depth (42 mm x 35.9 mm x 10.5 mm, 50 grams).
Original Price:
Est. Current Retail:
*The price varies depending on finish and included band. Among the original options, the 42 mm stainless steel Apple Watch paired with a white rubber "Sport Band" is US$599 (MJ3V2LL/A, discontinued March 21, 2016). With a stainless steel housing and a black rubber Sport Band, it is US$599 (MJ3U2LL/A, discontinued September 9, 2015). With a stainless steel housing and a black "Classic Buckle" leather band it is US$699 (MJ3X2LL/A, discontinued March 21, 2016). With a stainless steel housing and a stainless steel "Milanese Loop" band, it is US$699 (MJ3Y2LL/A). With a stainless steel housing and a black, "Bright Blue", "Stone," or "Light Brown" "modern buckle" leather band it is US$799 (MJYN2LL/A, MJ452LL/A, MJ432LL/A, and MJ402LL/A, respectively, Black, Bright Blue and Light Brown discontinued September 9, 2015, Stone discontinued March 21, 2016). With a stainless steel housing and a stainless steel "Link Bracelet" band it is US$999 (MJ472LL/A) and with a "Space Black" housing and a "Space Black" stainless steel "Link Bracelet" band it is US$1099 (MJ482LL/A).For the five options added September 9, 2015, the stainless steel body with a (PRODUCT) RED Sport Band is US$599 (MLLE2LL/A, discontinued March 21, 2016), the black steel body with a black Sport Band is US$599 (MLC82LL/A), and the stainless steel body with a Saddle Brown Classic Buckle, Black Classic Buckle, and Midnight Blue Leather Loop are US$699 (MLC92LL/A, MLFA2LL/A, MLFC2LL/A, Black Classic Buckle and Midnight Blue Leather Loop discontinued March 21, 2016).For the five new options added March 21, 2016, the stainless steel body with a "Marine Blue" Classic Buckle, White Leather Loop band, and "Storm Gray" Leather Loop band are US$699 (MMFU2LL/A, MMFV2LL/A, MMFX2LL/A), and the Pearl Woven Nylon is US$599 (MMG02LL/A). Finally, the black stainless steel body with a black Milanese Loop band option is US$749 (MMG22LL/A).Photo Credit: Apple, Inc.
Global original prices for the Apple Watch (Regular - Steel, 42 mm) in 34 different countries an organized alphabetically by region.
For global original prices for all Apple Watch models in one particular country on a single page, please refer 's
Original Prices - North
& South America
MXN $11,999-$21,999
United States:
Original Prices - Europe
DKK 5,399-9,699
NOK 6.790-12.690
SEK 6.995-12.495
CHF 679-1'229
United Kingdom:
Original Prices - Asia
RMB 4,588-8,288
Hong Kong:
Rs 52,900-95,900
KRW 739,000-1,359,000
The Philippines:
THB 22,500-41,500
Original Prices - Australia & New Zealand
New Zealand:
If you have additional original prices for this model, please . Thank you.
Ten of the most popular Q&As about the Apple Watch line follow.
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Apple Watch 别名:苹果 iTime接听或拒绝来电,信息收发,随意更换表带
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Apple Watch Edition
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联系地址:北京北京朝阳区建国门外大街 1 号


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