艾伦多少岁 揭秘艾伦的年龄之谜?

We're back with Jaden Smith, we're going to play my game, Heads Up, Side Kick Edition.欢迎Jaden Smith回来 我们要玩“Heads Up 助手类”的游戏啦But Jaden needs someone to play with.不过Jaden需要一个搭档Please welcome his sister Willow Smith.有请他的姐姐Willow SmithUh-huh uh-huh.啊哈 啊哈Jaden and Willow will have one minute to try and act out all the clues behind me, And I will try to guess.Jaden和Willow有一分钟的时间表演出我背后的线索 我来负责猜So you're playing sidekick. You cannot speak.你们玩的是助手类的 不能说话You'll have to act out. And I will try to guess.得表演出来 我来猜You have one minute. Ready, set, 1, 2, 3, go.你们有一分钟的时间 准备 预备 1 2 3 开始OK. Oh, wow. Shaving your head.好 哦 哇 剃头No. OK yeah, all right. Slow motion.不对 好 嗯 好 慢动作Oh. Revolving door. Why was slow motion a sidekick?哦 旋转门 慢动作为啥属于助手类?Oh you're-- you're flying. And you're-- oh you're-- skiing! You're in a sled.哦 你们在 你们在飞 你在 你在滑雪 在滑雪橇And you're-- you're surfing! You're snowboarding.你在 你在冲浪 滑雪You're doing things that are making noises that are.你们在做发出声音的运动It sounds like there's air coming out of you.听起来就是嘴在喷气Oh. Oh, tug of war. Boom.哦 哦 拔河 厉害Oh wow, fail fall. We had a-- trust fall! Trust.哦哇 失败倒 是 信任倒 信任Yeah. Oh. Dang! What are you doing? Damn.嗯 哦 该死 你们在干嘛 讨厌It was-- last one was surgery.最后一个是手术We were trying to-- That was surgery? I was trying to--我们在 那是手术?我是想What was happening with her thigh?她的大腿咋了?It was it was in between the ligament.是韧带之间So you're doing amazing things, and thank you for the gift that you gave me and what you're doing for Flint, Michigan.你们在做很棒的事 谢谢你们送我的礼物 谢谢你们为密歇根弗林特所做的事Cheerios loves people who do good things, and I work with Cheerios, and we want to give you $50,000.Cheerios喜欢做善事的人 我跟Cheerios有合作 我们想送你们5万美元And-- Wow. Wow. Jaden and Willow will perform later in the show. We'll be back.哇哦 哇哦 稍后Jaden和Willow会在台上表演 马上回来
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201907/588906.shtml


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