
充电宝不规范使用 就会变充电“爆”!充电宝不规范使用 就会变充电“爆”!金火汽车百家号翻看新闻,充电宝冒烟、自燃的现象还真不少见,人们对于充电宝可真是爱恨交加,为什么我们平时离不开的它会变成安全隐患?到底怎么用才安全?戳图~本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。金火汽车百家号最近更新:简介:专注于各种汽车相关信息作者最新文章相关文章避免不明故障或砖机,请谨慎使用非任天堂switch官方充电器!_生活记录_什么值得买
& & & &近期看到越来越多的switch莫名其妙变砖后,各种排除,线路,玩法方式等等因素,在用不可描述的网线看到+一名热心严谨的玩家[Nathan K]以下简称K,通过自己充电器和设备精确测试switch电路运行等等情况后认为switch上的usb-c协议存在缺陷性,这可能是变砖玩家使用了非官方的充电器使用底座方式运行switch的一个间接原因。& & & &K使用非任天堂switch充电器外认为Delta Electronics(台达)生产的旗下品牌Innergie的45w充电器能胜任switch和底座两种方式的供电保证安全稳定,该充电器支持USB-PD &v1.0&,而且不仅在支持5v/12v/20v三种模式外,还额外支持switch要求的15v模式,能够互相只能切换电压以满足switch两种供电方式。& & & &K作者原文以及设备测试图:(有能力的自己翻译看即可或者自己用不可描述的网线去观看作者谷歌+)& &Good news: the + / + / +Delta Electronics 45w charger is robust and works to power both the Switch and Switch Dock!Bad news: the Nintendo Switch and Dock are chock full of USB-C protocol errors and flaws. See the attached.Although long in tooth, the Innergie is one of the few chargers that will actually properly power the Nintendo Switch and Dock. It is a USB-PD &v1.0& supply -- meaning it was designed around the 5v/12v/20v levels. (12v was split to 9v/15v in &v2.0&.)However, because it was USB-C compliant (followed the darn spec) and robustly engineered, it will work with the Switch even though it came out nearly two years before the Switch was released. (Hooray!) Innergie had the foresight to add 15v as an &optional and extra& voltage level and now it reaps the rewards. (It also has $3k $1mil in connected device insurance, so I can recommend it.)I've attached traffic logs highlighting the multiple errors in the Switch. I first tested the PSU side of the dock, then INSIDE the dock (Switch side of the dock), then on the Switch alone.Issues noted:[PSU side of dock:]* This is more of a quirk, but the Switch (and Dock) always request 0.5a before upgrading to the full amperage. However, this behavior is buggy and causes problems. (See below.)* The dock doesn't listen to the charger. The charger says &I can't do Dual-Role Data&, but the dock ignores that and tries a DR_SWAP anyway. (&50 DKP minus.&)* &The dock does not properly discharge Vbus to vSafe0v within the set time. Although this isn't strictly necessary since the dock's external port isn't Dual-Role Power, it means there is excessive capacitance in the Vbus line. This is strictly regulated in the Type-C spec.* The dock does not respond properly to DISC_ID requests from its port partner.[Switch side of the dock:]This is a bit of a mess. &:( So I've numerically coded the errors where possible.* (1a) The dock tells the Switch it is Dual-Role Power capable on the internal port. Meaning it is claiming the Switch tablet can theoretically power the dock itself, backwards! I don't know if this is a future planned addon for the Switch or not, but ....* (1b) ... in the Alternate Mode Adapter product descriptor (more on this later) it claims it does not need Vbus to operate. These two points (1a) and (1b) are contradictory. (Perhaps it switches the flag as necessary?)* (2) The dock &neuters& the USB-PD advertisements from the AC adapter. It only passes through the 5v and 15v levels. This just seems like poor future planning, especially since the Switch itself can accept multiple input voltages. Also, this means the dock passthrough is not Power Rules compliant.* (3a) The dock remembers to &subtract& some amperage from the 5v level (3a to 0.5a) to account for its own power use, like most other hubs. (Or, it only leaves a stub since 5v/0.1a is mandatory for &error message& signaling with USB-PD.) However, it forgets to deduct the same wattage from the 15v level! (15v/3a from the Innergie 45w should be reduced to around 15v/2.4a. The Switch 39w PSUs 15v/2.6a should be reduced to around 15v/2.0a.)* (3b) The Switch tablet is a power hog! Its maximum draw should be 2.6a, yet it hogs the whole 3.0a from the adapter. (This is similar to the bad behavior the + Pixel phone had -- it only needs 9v/2a=18w max, but it hogged 9v/3a=27w.)* (4a) The Switch and Dock use a proprietary &Nintendo AltMode&. This is fine. However, what's not fine is jumping the gun and entering the AltMode before even querying the Dock via a DISCover_SVID probe to see if it supports it!* (4b) The DISC_SVID probe exposing DisplayPort and &Nintendo& AltModes appears after the entry at (4a). This is bad because it means the Switch is assuming the presence of the AltMode merely because of the USB VID and PID in the DISC_ID above! This strongly hints the motivation was DRM, vendor-lockout, and shows poor consideration of forwards-compatibility. (Remember, Nintendo may release a different dock in the future... with different USB VID and PID! Hardcoding it is a bad idea, and instead it should rely on USB-PD commands to do it.)* (5) The Switch tablet itself also has the excess capacitance on Vbus and vSafe0v time problem the dock has. This is a much greater concern since it is a &Dual-Role Power& device. (It can accept power or give power.) This vSafe0v delay problem causes significant Power-Role Swap issues with safe, compliant hardware that correctly checks for 0v before swapping power. It can take up to 2 minutes for the Switch to naturally discharge Vbus.* (6) When the Switch finally does issue a DISC_SVID, and the dock replies, the dock messes up the reply. When you respond to a DISC_SVID request, you are supposed to &terminate& and pad the VDO message with &0000& (or &&). Nintendo completely forgot to do that here, and tells me their chipset is bad. This noncompliant behavior means even third-party docks will have to emulate this wrong behavior to work.... which is bad for everyone, especially the ecosystem. (Race to the bottom for &compatibility&.)[Switch itself:]* The Switch tablet always requests 0.5a before moving on to the full amperage. I don't know why it does this. Especially since this behavior causes major errors with the Switch if the charger does a SRC_CAP re-advertisement, as mentioned in my previous post.* The Switch doesn't listen to the charger. (Yes, this is the same as the dock.) The charger says &I can't do Dual-Role Data&, but the Switch ignores that and tries a DR_SWAP anyway. (&100 DKP minus.&)* The Switch does not respond properly to DISC_ID requests from its port partner.[Interesting notes from decoding the Dock DISC_ID command:]* The dock claims to be a dongle! No joke. &Alternate Mode Adapter&. All this means it is a USB-PD device that supports AlternateModes, and there is no &cable& in-between it and the device. (No SOP'.) It also suggests there are few obstacles to using a plain-jane USB-C-over-DisplayPort-to-HDMI adapter as a mobile dock. (There were no heatsinks or fans in the dock itself, to my observation. So I don't see why not.) I hope it may be possible to hook up a Switch directly to a USB-C monitor that has &39w USB-PD and DisplayPort. (I need to test this.)[More notes:]* Certain chargers crash the Switch and Dock outright. (87w Apple.)* Only 2 adapters I tested work. (The Innergie is one, I hesitate to name the other due to other flaws.)* If your Switch bugs out, it will refuse to charge with anything until it is hard-rebooted.* Most (80%) of chargers cause the dock to hard-crash. Instead of (properly) negotiating a 5v/0.1a &error message& to the Switch, the charge controller in the dock locks up and does not negotiate with the Switch at all.* The Switch and dock do not properly use the CAP_MISMATCH flag. Rather, they don't use it at all. This seems like the greatest oversight, since that's specifically why it's there. USB-PD has a requirement for flashing an error LED, or displaying an error, if there is a power problem. That's what the CAP_MISMATCH bit in a REQUEST is for.This has been a bit of a long-winded post, but it helps explain A LOT of the problems I've heard about. Hopefully Nintendo takes this post seriously and addresses these issues before ramping up production, per their recent notice. Some of these issues are chipset- and hardware- level, meaning they can only be fixed via a hardware revision ASAP.It's really, really hard to fix a problem after you've shipped a product. Given their recent notice, it seems it may muddy the waters of the USB-C ecosystem quite severely if left unchecked. And once again, I'm just a freelance volunteer engineer doing this testing -- dedicated teams should be the ones to look at this and implement it correctly.Comments or corrections are welcome, as always.& & & &大致问题总结:switch的机身USB-C并不是跟现有的标准数据一样(手机上的,其他上的),有任天堂自己单独设计的协议在里面或者说某种缺陷在里面,苹果的高电压电源不可以使用switch供电,大多数非认证官方充电器会造成故障,暂时只有硬重启switch一种方式。& & & &鉴于我并没有什么高端的物理电路理解,所以只能简单看下K标注的关键问题点翻译一下,如果你是个爱机人士或者处女座想法的玩家,唯一避免方法就是不要使用非switch官方充电器来给底座模式(TV模式)供电,如果可以的话充电也尽量使用官方充电器,不要使用自己的手机快充或者标明了支持USB-PD协议的其他品牌充电器给switch充电,在外面使用不属于交流电方式供电,K的文中也没提到,充坏了也不管我屁事,如果你有什么不爽的地方,你特么来打我呀!
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