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购买 iPhone 7 和 iPhone 7 Plus - Apple (中国)
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iPhone 7 和 iPhone 7 Plus 可使用中国移动、中国联通或中国电信的网络。根据所选运营商,你可以使用包括 GSM/CDMA/UMTS/TD-SCDMA/FDD-LTE/TDD-LTE 在内的现有网络技术。
目前 apple.com 出售的 iPhone 机型可使用来自兼容运营商的 nano-SIM 卡,并且支持全球众多 4G LTE 网络。请联系服务提供商了解详情。
iPhone 7 和 iPhone 7 Plus 提供两种存储容量:32GB 和 128GB。“GB”表示 10 亿字节。容量越大,你的 iPhone 能存储的内容越多,包括 app、游戏、照片、HD 视频、音乐及影片。如果你的音乐或照片库较大,或拥有很多 app,你适合考虑容量较大的 iPhone。如果你很少下载 app,或很少拍摄照片、视频,容量较小的 iPhone 可能更适合你。
是的,你需要。如果你从 apple.com 购买 iPhone,则此 iPhone 为无合约 iPhone。你可以直接联系运营商,了解适用于 iPhone 的服务套餐。
如果你从 apple.com 购买了不含 SIM 卡的 iPhone,就可以自行选择运营商,并且随时可以更换运营商。你也可以较低的价格从你的无线运营商处购买附带合约的 iPhone。
不可以。iPhone 中的 SIM 卡不能与 iPad 中的 SIM 卡互换。
大多数功能适用于你所在网络。某些功能 (例如可视语音信箱) 需要运营商支持,可能在你所在运营商网络无法实现。联系你的运营商了解更多详情,或阅读这一文章了解更多信息。
运营商出售的 iPhone 通常附带合约,针对原始购机价格给予补贴。如果你购买了无合约的 iPhone,则可以使用来自兼容运营商的任何 SIM 卡,包括你当前使用的运营商。
可以。iPhone 可在全世界支持 GSM 的网络中使用。因为 apple.com 出售的 iPhone 无需合约,所以你可以在目的地国家或地区的当地运营商处购买 SIM 卡和服务。或者你也可以向国内的运营商咨询有关国际漫游资费的信息。
不可以。通过 apple.com 下达的订单只能发运到采购所在的国家或地区。你也可以在出售 iPhone 的国家或地区为亲友选购 iPhone。只需访问你希望交付产品的国家或地区当地的商店即可。要轻松、快速地订购及听取专家建议,请致电 Apple Store 零售店的 Specialist 专家:400-666-8800。Business - Volume Purchase Program - Apple
Whether you have ten employees or ten thousand, the Volume Purchase Program makes it simple to find, buy, and distribute apps and books to meet your every business need.
The VPP store lets you purchase world-class apps and engaging interactive books that are great for business. Purchase content in volume and equip your entire workforce with innovation.
From the App Store.
Buy apps in volume for both Mac and iOS through the VPP store. Free apps are also available, so you can provide users with all the tools they need to get their jobs done.
Custom B2B apps for iOS.
Get custom B2B apps built uniquely for you by third-party developers. Custom B2B apps are delivered privately through the program and at any price, so your business gets exactly what it needs.
Books from the iBooks Store.
In addition to apps, books from the iBooks Store are available for purchase through the program. Tap into Multi-Touch books, and bring entirely new ways of learning to your workforce.
Buy content with purchase orders.
Businesses can buy Volume Purchase Program Credit (VPP Credit) with a purchase order for use on the VPP store. VPP Credit can be procured for a specific dollar amount and is delivered electronically to account administrators. Business customers can buy VPP Credit through their Apple purchasing account or through Apple Authorized Resellers.
The Volume Purchase Program provides businesses with complete ownership and control of content through mobile device management (MDM) solutions.
Flexible options.
When you buy apps and books in volume, you can wirelessly distribute apps via third-party MDM solutions directly to your devices. You also have the option to assign content to your users using redeemable codes.
Managed distribution.
Easily distribute apps to devices and employees while retaining ownership and control. Using an MDM solution, assign apps directly to your devices or invite users to participate if distributing via Apple ID. And when no longer needed, apps can be reassigned to another device or different employee.
Multinational support.
Apps purchased and distributed through the Volume Purchase Program can be assigned to users or devices in any country where the app is available. Developers make their apps available in multiple countries through the standard App Store publishing process in iTunes Connect.
In just a few simple steps, your business will be set up to purchase and distribute apps and books in volume.
Enroll in the Volume Purchase Program by creating an Apple Deployment Programs account. You’ll be asked to create a dedicated Apple ID for administering the program and provide basic information about your business.
Set up program administrators who are responsible for purchasing and distributing content for your organization. A program-specific Apple ID will be created for these new administrators.
Purchase through the program in three simple steps. First, log in to the Volume Purchase Program store and search for content. Second, enter the quantity you want to buy. And third, complete the transaction with a corporate credit card or VPP Credit.
Streamline company-wide distribution by assigning apps directly to devices using an MDM solution. Or distribute content to individual employees by providing them with redeemable codes for each app or book. Content can be assigned to devices or users in any country where the app is available from that country’s App Store.
Program Guide
The Volume Purchase Program is available in the following countries or regions:加载中,请稍后...
苹果iPhone 6(国际版/双4G)
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iPhone X 5.8寸 256G(苹果官网9605元)
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国行iPhone7PLUS 5.5寸 128G(苹果官网6333元)
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apple 30针原装数据线(iphone4s、ipad3以及之前的设备均可通用)
apple lightning原装数据线(iphone5、ipad4以及之后的设备均可通用)Burp Suite Editions_
$349.00 per user, per year
Web vulnerability scanner
Advanced manual tools
Essential manual tools
Community Edition
For researchers and hobbyists
Web vulnerability scanner
Advanced manual tools
Essential manual tools
Automated crawl and scan
Coverage of over 100 generic vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS), with great performance against all vulnerabilities in the OWASP top 10.
Different modes for scan speed, allowing fast, normal, and thorough scans to be carried out for different purposes.
Scan exactly what you want. You can perform a full crawl and scan of an entire host, or a particular branch of the site content, or an individual URL.
Support for numerous types of attack insertion points within requests, including parameters, cookies, HTTP headers, parameter names, and the URL file path.
Support for nested insertion points allowing automatic testing of custom application data formats, such as JSON inside Base64 inside a URL-encoded parameter.
Burp’s advanced application-aware crawler can be used to map out application contents, prior to automated scanning or manual testing.
Use fine-grained scope-based configuration to control exactly what hosts and URLs are to be included in the crawl or scan.
Automatic detection of custom not-found responses, to reduce false positives during crawling.
Advanced scanning for manual testers
View real-time feedback of all actions being performed during scanning. The active scan queue shows the progress of each item that is queued for scanning. The issue activity log shows a sequential record of all issues as they are added or updated.
Use the active scanning mode to interactively test for vulnerabilities like OS command injection and file path traversal.
Use the passive scanning mode to identify flaws such as information disclosure, insecure use of SSL, and cross-domain exposure.
You can place manual insertion points at arbitrary locations within requests, to inform the Scanner about non-standard inputs and data formats.
Burp Scanner can automatically move parameters between different locations, such as URL parameters and cookies, to help evade web application firewalls and other defenses.
You can fully control what gets scanned using live scanning as you browse. Each time you make a new request that is within your defined target scope, Burp automatically schedules the request for active scanning.
Burp can optionally report all reflected and stored inputs, even where no vulnerability has been confirmed, to facilitate manual testing for issues like cross-site scripting.
Different modes for scan accuracy, to optionally favor more false positives or negatives.
Cutting-edge scanning logic
Burp Scanner is designed by industry-leading penetration testers. Its advanced feedback-driven scanning logic is designed to reproduce the actions of a skilled human tester.
Advanced crawling capabilities (including coverage of the latest web technologies such as REST, JSON, AJAX and SOAP), combined with its cutting-edge scanning engine, allow Burp to achieve greater scan coverage and vulnerability detection than other fully automated web scanners.
Burp has pioneered the use of highly innovative out-of-band techniques to augment the conventional scanning model. The Burp Collaborator technology allows Burp to detect server-side vulnerabilities that are completely invisible in the application’s external behavior, and even to report vulnerabilities that are triggered asynchronously after scanning has completed.
The Burp Infiltrator technology can be used to perform interactive application security testing (IAST) by instrumenting target applications to give real-time feedback to Burp Scanner when its payloads reach dangerous APIs within the application.
Burp Scanner includes a full static code analysis engine for detection of security vulnerabilities within client-side JavaScript, such a DOM-based cross-site scripting.
Burp’s scanning logic is continually updated with enhancements to ensure it can find the latest vulnerabilities and new edge cases of existing vulnerabilities. In recent years, Burp has been the first scanner to detect novel vulnerabilities pioneered by the Burp research team, including template injection and path-relative stylesheet imports.
Clear and detailed presentation of vulnerabilities
The target site map shows all of the content that has been discovered in sites being tested. Content is presented in a tree view that corresponds to the sites’ URL structure. Selecting branches or nodes within the tree shows a listing of individual items, with full details including requests and responses where available.
The site map also shows the vulnerabilities that have been identified. Icons in the site tree allow vulnerable areas of the target to be quickly identified and explored.
Vulnerabilities are rated for severity and confidence to help decision makers focus quickly on the most significant issues.
All reported vulnerabilities contain detailed custom advisories. These include a full description of the issue, and step-by-step remediation advice. Advisory wording is dynamically generated for each individual issue, with any special features or remediation points accurately described.
Each reported vulnerability includes full information about the evidence on which it is based. This includes HTTP requests and responses with relevant features highlighted, and any out-of-band interactions with Burp Collaborator. The reported evidence enables developers to quickly understand the nature of each vulnerability, and the location within the application where a fix needs to be applied.
You can export beautifully formatted HTML reports of discovered vulnerabilities. The level and type of details included in the report can be customized for different audiences.
Intercept browser traffic using man-in-the-middle proxy
Burp Proxy allows manual testers to intercept all requests and responses between the browser and the target application, even when HTTPS is being used.
You can view, edit or drop individual messages to manipulate the server-side or client-side components of the application.
The Proxy history records full details of all requests and responses passing through the Proxy.
You can annotate individual items with comments and colored highlights, letting you mark interesting items for manual follow-up later.
Burp Proxy can perform various automatic modification of responses to facilitate testing. For example, you can unhide hidden form fields, enable disabled form fields, and remove JavaScript form validation.
You can use match and replace rules to automatically apply custom modifications to requests and responses passing through the Proxy. You can create rules that operate on message headers and body, request parameters, or the URL file path.
Burp helps eliminate browser security warnings that can occur when intercepting HTTPS connections. On installation, Burp generates a unique CA certificate that you can install in your browser. Host certificates are then generated for each domain that you visit, signed by the trusted CA certificate.
Burp supports invisible proxying for non-proxy-aware clients, enabling the testing of non-standard user agents such as thick client applications and some mobile applications.
HTML5 WebSockets messages are intercepted and logged to a separate history, in the same way as regular HTTP messages.
You can configure fine-grained interception rules that control precisely which messages are intercepted, letting you focus on the most interesting interactions.
Automate custom attacks using Burp Intruder
Burp Intruder is an advanced tool for automating custom attacks against applications. It can be used for numerous purposes to improve the speed and accuracy of manual testing.
Common use cases are fuzzing for vulnerabilities, enumerating valid identifiers, extracting interesting data, and actively exploiting discovered vulnerabilities.
You can place payloads in arbitrary positions with requests, allowing payloads to be placed within custom data structures and protocols.
Multiple simultaneous payloads of different types can be placed into different positions within the same request, and can be combined in various ways.
There are numerous built-in payload generators that can automatically create payloads for virtually any purpose in a highly configurable way. Payload generators include numbers, dates, brute forcer, bit flipper, username generator, ECB block shuffler, illegal Unicode, and case modification. Burp extensions can also provide completely custom payload generators via the API.
There are built-in wordlists for numerous common purposes, including directory and file names, common field names and values, fuzz strings, HTTP verbs and user agents. You can also easily configure a custom repository of wordlists for direct use within Intruder payloads.
Payload processing rules can be defined to manipulate generated payloads in arbitrary ways, to meet the exact needs of the custom attack being performed. Payload processing rules include the addition of a prefix or suffix, match and replace, substring, encoding or decoding in various schemes, or skipping payloads that match a regular expression. Burp extensions can also provide completely custom payload processing rules via the API.
Intruder attacks can be configured to automatically grep for custom match strings in responses. This function can be used for numerous purposes, including looking for error messages during fuzzing, confirming valid identifiers during enumeration tasks, and flagging successful exploitation of discovered vulnerabilities.
Burp Intruder can extract custom data items from responses. For example, you can cycle through a range of page identifiers and extract the title of each returned page, or iterate over all valid user IDs and extract the name and group of each user.
Intruder captures detailed attack results, with all relevant information about each request and response clearly presented in table form. Captured data includes the payload values and positions, HTTP status code, response timers, cookies, number of redirections, and the results of any configured grep or data extraction settings.
Advanced manual testing tools
All requests and responses are displayed in a feature-rich HTTP message editor. This provides numerous views into the underlying message to assist in analyzing and modifying its contents.
Individual requests and responses can be easily sent between Burp tools to support all kinds of manual testing workflows.
The Repeater tool lets you manually edit and reissue individual requests, with a full history of requests and responses.
The Sequencer tool is used for statistical analysis of session tokens using standard cryptographic tests for randomness.
The Decoder tool lets you convert data between common encoding schemes and formats used on the modern web.
The CSRF PoC Generator function can be used to generate a proof-of-concept cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack for a given request.
The Clickbandit tool generates working clickjacking attacks against vulnerable application functions.
The Comparer tool performs a visual diff between pairs of requests and responses or other interesting data.
The Content Discovery function can be used to discover hidden content and functionality that is not linked from visible content that you can browse to.
The Target Analyzer function can be used to analyze a target web application and tell you how many
static and dynamic URLs it contains, and how many parameters each URL takes.
The Compare Site Maps function can compare two site maps and highlight differences. This feature can be used in various ways to help find different types of access control vulnerabilities.
The Search function can be used to find interesting items of data within all Burp’s tools.
The Scheduled Tasks function can be used to automatically start and stop certain tasks at defined times and intervals.
Overcome connection challenges
Burp supports platform authentication using Basic, NTLMv1 and v2, and Digest authentication types.
You can load client SSL certificates and smartcards needed for authentication to protected applications during testing.
You can configure all details of SSL negotiation, to help deal with unusually configured targets.
Burp can automatically handle session handling mechanisms, including conventional logins and cross-site request forgery tokens.
You can record macros for repeating common sequences of requests, for use within the session handling mechanism.
You can create custom session handling rules to deal with particular situations. Session handling rules can automatically log in, detect and recover invalid sessions, and fetch valid CSRF tokens.
The powerful Burp Extender API allows extensions to customize Burp’s behavior and integrate with other tools. Common use cases for Burp extensions include modifying HTTP requests and responses on the fly, customizing the Burp UI, adding custom Scanner checks, and accessing key runtime information including crawl and scan results.
The BApp Store is a repository of ready-to-use extensions contributed by the Burp user community. These can be installed with a single click from within the Burp UI.
You can easily create your own extensions using the Java, Python or Ruby programming languages.
Discovered vulnerabilities can be exported as XML for importing into dozens of third-party tools that support Burp’s export format.
& 2018 PortSwigger Ltd.


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