
mated是什么意思 mated在线翻译 mated什么意思 mated的意思 mated的翻译 mated的解释 mated的发音 mated的同义词 mated的反义词 mated的例句
mated英 ['me?t?d] 美 ['me?t?d] 原级:第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:mated 基本解释mated在线翻译成对的,成双的;手机查看mated的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 mated 即可mated 网络解释1. 成对的:mateblock 成对分割块 | mated 成对的 | mated-filmmemory 耦合膜存储器mated 双语例句1. Mated females without honey supply had significant lower values in longevity, fecundity and number of feeding stipples than those fed with honey.&&&&在 25°C 下未交尾雌蝇餵食蜂蜜时虽可产 15 粒卵,但均不孵化;而已交尾雌蝇未餵食蜂蜜时,其寿命、有活力卵数及取食刻点数均显著低於餵食蜂蜜者。2. mated的反义词2. Plugs are moulded to cable for a liquid tight seal when mated to a socket.&&&&与插座匹配的电缆插头在模制过程中使用液体固封。3. Biology of the Apis cerana cerana was the studied subject in this paper. Virgin queens were instrumentally inseminated with 1 or 2 males, and the controlled ones were naturally mated.&&&&以中华蜜蜂为试验材料,对处女蜂王分别进行单雄和双雄人工授精,并以蜂王自然交尾的蜂群作为对照。4. 4. This new series of product designed unitedly in the country can be mated with all kinds of spwm frequency changer and speed regulation devices and is equipped with a separate cooling fan which ensure the motor for good cooling at various rotating speed&&&&系列变频调速三相异步电动机是适用于由变频器供电的变频调速系统中运行的专用异步电动机,是全国统一设计新的专用系列产品,可与国内、外各种spwm变频调速装置配套,装有独立的冷却风机,能保证电机在不同转速下有良好的冷却效果。5. Torque numbers were not available for the hybrid powertrain. It is mated to a CVT transmission.&&&&Highlander混合动力版将搭载270马力3.3升V6引擎,扭矩数值车厂未公布,与之相配的是一台CVT无级变速器。6. 6. During this time a Southdown ram was mated to Norfolk Horn ewes and produced an interesting looking hornless sheep with black face and legs.&&&&在无角短毛公羊和诺福克和恩母羊配对期间,产生了一种相貌有趣的黑面孔和腿的无角羊。7. The engine is mated to a high performance polished tuned pipe and high flow tube header to help maximize power output.&&&&发动机是交配,以一种高性能的抛光调谐管和高流动管头,以帮助最大限度地输出功率。8. mated在线翻译8. They may be included in a new pride once they have come into estrus and are mated by another male.&&&&他们也可能包括在一个新的骄傲,一旦他们进入发情并交配后,由另一男性。9. mated的解释9. Only this last idea stood up: they found that a small proportion of offspring were fathered by males who had never mated with the mothers but had mounted another male that had subsequently copulated with the female.&&&&只有最后一种预期实现了:他们发现,有一小部分甲虫的后代正是通过第三种形式出生的。10. It can increase the automatic degree to sedimentation test as well as improve its test accuracy by on-line error compensation. And have the ability of field-bus communication and data storage, so the information can be communicated for long-distance or stored for long-term. With the SIMATIC S200 series PLC as a core and mated with the field-bus communication module and related components, I bring forward a complete design of hardware, and design some related procedure of the PLC and monitor computer.&&&&本文将介绍一种基于数字信号处理和现场总线技术的新型高速公路沉降仪,不仅提高了沉降测试的自动化程度,而且通过在线误差补偿手段提高了测试精度,并且具备现场总线通讯和强大的数据存储能力,可实现信号的远距离传输或长期存储。11. 11. The cartridge further includes a pressurizing plate to transmit pressure received from the pressurizing unit to the fuel storage pack when the cartridge is mated to the main body and to preventing the fuel storage pack from being pressurized when the cartridge is separated from the main body.&&&&&&由于将向燃料电池组加压的加压装置的部件设置在盒和燃料电池主体两者内,可提高盒的燃料储存容积比,并可降低盒的成本、减小燃料泄漏的危险性和燃料电池系统的总体积。12. They painted the heads of some red males black. Then they mated those seemingly black-headed birds with both red and black females.&&&&&&他们把几只雄胡锦鸟的红色头纹染成黑色,然后让这些看似黑色头纹的胡锦鸟分别与红色及黑色头纹的雌胡锦鸟交配。13. Methods: Adult mice of Kunming variety were used as experiment animals. After judgement of oestrus, the oestrus period and oestrus stage were determined, and then those mouse were grouped depending on oestrus stage. The mice were dealed with diferrent dosage of PMSG and HCG to make them superovulation, afterwords were mated individually with the male mouse together at same cage. The embryoes were rinsed out and evaluated after 3.5 days when the plug had been seen. The transplant mice were born after the high-quality embryoes were transferred into the receptors mouse uterus at the same oestrus stage which was stimulated by mating with the male mouse which spermaduct had been ligated previously.&&&&&&以昆明系小白鼠为实验动物,取性成熟个体,先进行发情鉴定,确定其发情周期及不同的阶段,然后按发情阶段分组,分别用不同剂量的孕马血清促性腺激素和人绒毛膜促性腺激素进行超排处理并与公鼠合笼,在见栓后的第3.5天冲胚,对所得胚胎进行鉴定;将质量较好的胚胎选出,移入同期发情并经结扎公鼠交配刺激后见栓的受体小鼠子宫内,得到移植小鼠。14. 14. It's a 5-speed with reverse, automatic clutch, and power enhanced by a Mikuni BSR 29mm carburetor mated to a large capacity airbox and a specially tuned exhaust system leaving a throaty sound.&&&&&&这是一个5速与扭转,自动离合器,和权力加强,由三国特别调查队二九毫米化油器交配,以大容量airbox和一个特别调校的排气系统留下了throaty健全。15. All Lancers will be powered by an all-new 2.0-liter 152-horsepower four-cylinder engine mated to a five-speed manual transmission.&&&&&&所有的Lancer车型都将搭载全新的2.0升152马力四缸引擎,与之相配的是五速手动变速器。16. 16. The Tata Nano is BS-III* compliant and comes with an all-new 2-cylinder aluminium MPFI 624 cc petrol engine mated to a four-speed gear box and will be available in three variants.&&&&&&塔塔纳米是学士学位三*兼容,并且还带有一个全新的2缸铝MPFI 624循环汽油发动机配以4速齿轮箱和将推出3个变种。17. danci.911cha.com17. At eleven sharp last night, I was bicycling on Glory Road when, at the cross section of Victory Street ahead of me, a motorcycle with a young man driving straight forward mated into a Toyota car turning right The young man was thrown to the sidewalk, unconscious, while Toyota door was hit with a deep dent.&&&&&&昨天晚上的十一点,我正在光荣路骑着自行车,,前面就是胜利路的十字路口,一位骑摩托车的年轻男子咆哮着径直冲向了一辆向右转向的丰田汽车。这位年轻男子被甩到了人行横道,不省人事,丰田车的车门也被撞凹进去了。18. This paper introduces the points for attention of routine use and treatment methods of error alarms of autoˉmated blood coagulation analytical instrument.&&&&&&本文论述了CA510全自动血凝仪的日常使用注意事项及一些常见错误报警的分析处理方法。19. Finally, in the spring of 1992, Jiao Jiao mated again, became pregnant, and drove off her first born.&&&&&&终于在1992年春天,姣姣再次交配受孕,她将自己的长子赶走了。20. You can always tell the number of times she's mated...&&&&&&你可以从疤痕的数目。。。mated 单语例句1. Conservationists were thrilled this spring when the female and male were introduced, nudged each other curiously and mated.2. It successfully mated with a male African lion named Ha Li in the park in early December.3. According to the Wolong center, Zhang Ka went in heat in early March and she mated.4. He found that if he mated two inbred groups of corn plants, he could create a stronger new line of corn.5. Bai Yun mated once in late March with Gao Gao, who arrived earlier this year from China's Wolong Nature Reserve.6. The dog's owner surnamed Mu said his female Tibetan mastiff named Sha Sha was now nine months old and should be mated.7. Long ago, farmers discovered that a female horse mated with a male donkey produces a mule.8. At the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding and Research Base and Chengdu Zoo, five of ten mated pandas gave birth to six babies and four of them survived.9. The " ligers " were born to a white Bengal tigress, who mated with an African lion at the Hongshan Zoo.10. She fell in love and mated with her partner Yong Yong in spring.911查询·英语单词大全mated 英英释义adj1. of or relating to a marriage partner2. mated sexually3. used of gloves, socks, etc.&&&&Synonym: mated是什么意思,mated在线翻译,mated什么意思,mated的意思,mated的翻译,mated的解释,mated的发音,mated的同义词,mated的反义词,mated的例句,mated的相关词组,mated意思是什么,mated怎么翻译,单词mated是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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华为的Mate系列和P系列的产品定位不同:① 华为Mate系列的定位是:极致跨界;
华为P系列的定位是:极致时尚。② 华为Mate系列和P系列现在均属于华为ascend品牌中的旗舰机型,现在已进入欧洲市场,销售不俗。③ 华为Mate系列和P系列的消费者年龄层有区别:华为Mate系列主要针对30岁以上人群;而华为P系列主要针对30岁以下,以20-25岁青年人为主的消费人群。④ 华为Mate系列和P系列的产品配置因为分别推出的时间差异,以及产品本身设计差异或有一定的差别。
荣耀看看点下。-----这是插件的错误,多数情况下无法更正,只是临时地出错。有时候是因为某种不一致,比如强制关闭程序导致的或插件的 bug。只有强制关闭程序导致的不一致的错误才有办法修正,就是清除插件记住的一些状态值。比如清空 $eclipse\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi 目录,还有一种情况是插件的配置参数你还没设置,可以打开 eclipse 全局参数页改参数。它情况下多数无法修正。
辣鸡还比不上我大CF,那是3亿玩家的鼠标枪战梦啊!我充了不少CF点,现在满仓库都是极品枪!哈哈哈!羡慕吧!什么黄金ABP-378,绝版RAW-028,PLA-051 ,TYOD-145, RDT-163,MIAD-635,VANDR-116,MDX-017,DAG-028,SUH-001我都有。
?﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ 123 预备唱:宁静的夏天,楼主又在骗经验,脱掉裤子不要脸,还随地大小便,我可以假装看不见,也可以拍照作纪念,直到看到你那张猥琐的脸。
6666   --来自我大火腿x9
还不赶紧买 群交噢
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itimateitimate 双语例句1. itimate是什么意思1. Secondly, why did u held other girl's hands and did something too itimate with her in the street, and just never let me know?&&&&你难道不知道(爱情,只谈原谅,不谈愧疚)当然,第1条我想我们是可以度过的,但是为什么你要跟别人手拉手在一起呢?itimate是什么意思,itimate在线翻译,itimate什么意思,itimate的意思,itimate的翻译,itimate的解释,itimate的发音,itimate的同义词,itimate的反义词,itimate的例句,itimate的相关词组,itimate意思是什么,itimate怎么翻译,单词itimate是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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