
The sun. (New York [N.Y.]) , March 28, 1900, Page 9, Image 9 - Chronicling America - The Library of Congress
1tiTHE SDNWEDNESDAY7MATICH SUN WEDNESDAY JYAltCH 2F 1900 & IIN iN cIiiii THE BASKBAIL WORLD WORLDM WORLD1lW47 I IlfllVfllfllVfl IUU M lit I COXDVCTKit C0DUCTtInnalaX III IIIwwIIUU nnalaX II ww UlIrV upi4YI v JVD A ninmu ninmuNew n IJSUfl4IIeT IWtI 11 i iNNew N eT IY Ynrk nrk Chili llerelves Itn lw Ilnjers lln From FromMuckluilrleirs lrnOlliorIIIhh FronitutIIiiMrySMuckluilrleirs Mbu Own Illvnl Tennis and andWont auntWIIII nI nIWAntWont lll 1Ig lt lIieelpts orlt ch11 & ls nt th tha Iulo uIo Oroaiuli Oroaiuliriltilxire QruuIIttttnrg I IIlIlIlollrlriltilxire Ilvfnir Ihf to n Surrender rrellllr Illrtnn IllrtnnHefore P Urlrn UrlrniWorHefore the th National ltllallaaul league circuit rluul1 was wa nnliiwl 111 I II1 right el ht dubs dlb lhe Ih h & public rul lr IIMened to t a mntlnun mntlnuni rntnull enntnuftlry I IIYi ry ol olUown & Down on with wlll syndicate Olirl ball bll The he reformer reformerhu r rhu i iII hu wen UI Pr responsible rlphill for thin ofltepeated olreloll oft rpefrd rdogau rdogaure Ilull1 I III iet re I IrMxJmnn Irmln ul I ili I he New 1 Vmli y1 club rub Brush 1111 nl nlthe 1 1h 1hiI and Sodfii of thi Ih Ikwlun Ikwlunclub I Iclbhi the h Cincinnati tlnrnnU tin dlh Inl Son o 111clb club Ifi by b Ktewlman mn nn attack otlrk WAN 1 umdi umdiiii uutInlIl Iiii 1 Ihe Ih Hronklyn IlolnlalUmrl llsUlrnots nnd Inr St UuilsCleve UuilsCleveIniiil lulCI JiuICI1sfl1 II I IIIldIniiil IIld syndicates nd fldIlItS ra with Ih Ith the Ihl teault rplII I lilt these Ihil111 Jolnl Jolnlownership Int Int4l I IDlhlownership 4l Dlhl nrIIs have hl t & en fl wljieil out Hut 111 Krewl Krewlman IrI IrIUlaD FfI214i1man llrusli Imh auJ UU ticden Sol 1 made nuuJI nut abwilutely lhIulll 1tI4IUtel no n moxi moxito hll hllII fllfltto II t dllnl dlllnllral 4fltIfftt vralo thelt Iblr nwn Hymllcate 1Ilkn Ny11kAtYuI Ih New NewYnrk Ol OlVOIYnrk club rilb Oi the Ih rnnttary rlllay ttuw Ih iniKnalr iniKnalrr I lU lUp IlnI IlnIalAalA r p engaged nllllln In A 1 transaction Ilnllon lust jlli now 1I Hint Illtis Illtisirsies 11 11IIt IUuMtratirsies IIt th Iha Mct Ccl meaning mlonlnc meAnn of W syndicate ndJrnl hall hallwhich hlIhlrh lw lwIwhich I hlrh l last st Uivmlier 1Iml Ii nihpr WAN 1 pronounced Ilrllun1 by h them themsn Ihln Ihlnn hin hinSS sn n T evil n th Ihlt thit t wan wa 1 undermining Inlolmlnln tht ii hl & very nr foundation foundationif IOlndalolif 1 th national nalonallm nalonallmSon gum gumSod gnino1enSod Son & n and Ind Brush Irll both Ih holding 101lnl tinvfln considerable considerableMock rOI riniderbInn iltlbll iltlbll1lkMock 1lk In n III thl 110 Now l c I York club ruh were Ierl the Ih llrst II I to de deIlnre 1 1Itrl IiIofeIlnre Itrl Hie Ih lt feet tbiil Iml 1reeilmans l rhnlll IndllTetenn InlltII WHH WHHrot WMnl WM4notrot nl only nnl hurling hulil the Ihl Ih lnterest Illtr1 here hr but hii butLtpIn wo aim aimWplng lisopIlnlWplng pIlnl dividends olridpnd out 011 ol f their Ihol pockets Iorkl They Theynpenly Th Thflnl TheyInpenly I nly Admitted nlmllllllllll hid I n 1 poor bull blllon team tn ni At I the Ih t h Ioln Iolni 111 111nunl1 IhiTnunli rounds nunl1 Injured Injurllol nnl only the Ihl th stockholders elOkholrl rM nt t the theNew th thlk thpNewNew York lk club rllh but billl also their r own clubs rlh ci U4 in Huston Hustonlid 1111 I I in inmil111 mil lid Cincinnati Clri ln I IMIevltiE Idlotl Hint hllln nn n eight eightfluh llhlrllh club cltcuil cltcuiln rlrrli cjrcuttulilnnd that 1reed 1reedman Fr I Iflrestore Interestn & uld 1111 iwrtlnlly lIIIII rllorl 111rl1 1111 Ihllman Iln fl 0 wnulil nll1 niilit mnlifl miIa gool food his hl promise 1IIImt in II xpeud 11 n nbarrel I I11Ir1 iiluirr1barrel 11Ir1 of money 0 101 or nrstrUss rslIIs players Ilorl wlnn wlnnIrs nliiIi In InIIrs I Ii ilenmmls ilflIt ttM hail 1111 U Ikn & en n acceded ofI 1 t ti i SIn nnd nndllrusli nn1rlh n nil nilBrIillrusli rlh tlnnlly lnnl siniivdcil In arranglnc IrnlInl matters mattersM lnlr lnlrIh1 tnttrsthtIM thiit tin III lb sltuntlnn illlnn fttn ton wa a up lp Lfl I In II II I Kreeiliunn ytlnln U Hut Hutlb 111 111Ih I lid lidthlb barrel was WI not 111 opened nnd Ild nl the Ih New w York Yorkrlub irk orkrlh irkClrlub rlh Cl iih evin rn t n refused r llsd to I sign 111 Hie I debtclub cigli hITllh t ct iii redurttoii redurttoiijerometit rIIn rIInrm11 fMllt I Iajerometit a rm11 rnieiit which hlh hlch ilul ii it nwny II flS ii with wlh wtt Ii s sytitl syndicate rllrll tcnt ball balls hlls fiMlerisl Ilr by IlnxiUyii Irk11 and Hnllimore 1lllmlr and In1 St Stlnuli St StLiIUIMlnuli 1 lul and ftnlirieilniAns nIlIIIII nIlIIIII1llmn Cleveland ClevelandFtwdmanHillve llh return to buy Mclirnw Mclirnwlioblnsoti MrtirAlbIFtwdmanH 1llmn 1 litilVe n & hl lrlll lrlllIlbllIlioblnsoti IlbllI lbI nsii llcOlnnlly lcGlnli lcG liitilty Kllon 1 on Sheckatd Donn DonnTan 1M 1Mtn linuiinTan tn iin Mcfiann 1rrann and 11 other cracks temporarily temporarilyMunned I tnipnrarilyunneil Rprly RprlyfllnnMunned fllnn unneil 1 Sodcii Sfd 1 ami n1 Brush Illll They Th kn klI kiiw n Hint Inl th thNew Iholk iho ihovNew v York olk Tf tinm nm would llld 1 h weak ak etk this ilil hi year rol PM nnd 1111 tlml tlmlUN ihtitmMUN 11 stockholders sudhnllrl they Ih I li Mould lul1 receive re I t s no ii I dividend dividendIt thnIt 1 was n its p rlhll risi4 & sslhle hl they Ih t thought Ihnllhl thnl rreedman rreedmanJilcht IrIUDI Ireil mo ii iiilht111111 Jilcht nisk 011 Ihoru to II make Ilkl good 1 expected Irl 1 lows lowsJIMI 10JIMI 1111 as a In lorctMl I the I hi leagti1 IRIII I 4iII to t I I gunrntitep I lrl 1 10 the thetent Ih Ihrnl Iiiiiiittent nl I Mntilmllnii fitiifint llhllln 11 ii Field Fld aninunllne 1Rlllllnl n niotitittii In II Slftwx 8IrMMlr01 l N4 N4I1 lr01 rnmpt ncllou MIIII of IUI iuui & onie kind therefore was III tiis41r1 neres nerest INI INItlrft tlrf 41r1 ry S & l n bad NomeeMrn iiinie ml eIri 111 players II r He I li would wouldl wII ii1ull & i l flirt 111 with Illh i t itt Tenney In iny Stahl nr ir Icilllns 111 l licitiis licitiisiieh & erniise erniisench rll rllMrhnch a I move 110V would w ould kill 1 the Ih Hoston IIslll Hi iti III flub dlb but hii b bKIW htll lii liiiiWtll KIW no In hArm hArl in shins Ihlnl lIn up 11 Illckiunn Irlalnd nnd Frl rrbl rr1hle rr1hlehid hie hieii 11 hid o KUtstltulv slIlill who i bo are II i1i yoiinp yiiiin lln nnd 110 amfcitnus amfcitnusfculeu iimhittiili4liI mlil lm lmlpPfculeu li4liI lpP h hft never ictven 1111 IrII nnny a I l hall II player llot before beforei lorli nt In II tills Ihl in I cni It I f was w n a I i matter rllt of if butineM hlslll H HwnnUil II IInl1 IIH IIHinrittwnnUil inritt nl1 if to ii Miviiutheu slr ItlhIU the Ihl th New ew I York ork team I IR1 In Inv IIIblrh Inkv k hldi h has & un ulIllIllr luliTst to ii the bo extent e 111I11I1 of J300W J300Wvorth IOOtlrth 3iUIirtIivorth rth of f Muck uc To ask n bonus for the Ih relents relentsif rIl1 rIl1fif f llioknmn IIl & klllln And IrlnUe lrhI would & 1 hAvo tieen twvnlliC i Kir Kiriillryiillry InnMiiucli IfliiMn Ucli ni II the money 111011 would ii I ihl have hlOllkl1 liii t tHiker l f n ninkenHiker out if Sodeu S kitfus 1l1II s Iicktt mckit Mito i Io ti s 111 lv Tlien Tlienfknliitx ThngnInfknliitx 111111 s lfn MAS i M a In duty 01111 bound to reiurn ilu ilulnvr Ih IhflllVr Ililitvflnvr liemnnrd Uwn him last Nawn IIn when lltrber lltrberXirfkln 1Ildlr1loln P1tIwrirsltflXirfkln wan 811 banded over ut to tl Hilton by Kreeilnmti KreeilnmtiSmlens Fricilnitti4fAtL 1111111rllt4fAtL 4fAtLSiilPflS rllt rlltSInlISmlens example IImpl mpIc was wa pnunptly followed by byUriish hyHilih byHrihUriish Th Unclnnnll miwcnates trst miiTe to toMster 1011l tolklMtfMster & r up the Ih iK It York ork rlub was w siown when whtnlie whenIi hllI hllIIIIlie Ii Iniluird his hi manBcer manllt lluck Ewlne Ellln to 0 inter Int interI r1 1 fvdmiuis dnUL em em ill & lov Io Iben ltru lirilAti & li pnculrd vltflIItILI vltflIItILIeOlI HiL ILitrIIi le leeveneven culnir giifli MI turIlls 1111 lit I 1111 t lii Mill as 1110 to I i makeupadlller makeupadlllercure mllkl lip II ill tn 1k r riIiccure tn wtneen IJooInlh lb thu snlary 111 ibmnndid by the Ih iiitcher pitcheriiil iiitcherand llilchtrIIlIIllhaland IIlIIllhal iiil that iirlered to ii him by by the I h New ew w York ork club clubThis rluhTh clublhfThis Th lhf move mov WAS n made Alter Hrnxh Itrn h had hintellIi pleaded pleadedwith 111wllhwith Frenlrnan In take IIIk Huil & & back on olllh the ground groundthai groundihitithai the iillchirV 1 & lIcber return would ollld Increase tbs Ib gate gatereceipts te tereceiptsreceipts 1 lpIM at allhlolcunll the Iolofmunds Iolii 1 ruunit llritshs real 01 acri acritlce acrlSIr AcrtItcetlce SIr linwever canii & In the fbape liiWi of a i presentation presentationuf 1 & 1PIII1IJIuf Outfielder Outfl r Selhafh unit lltrhr llnnley 111111 I Icy to it Hie Hiev Ih Ihork tliewv ew York ork club for nobody nol & 1 cult CI1 nmrlnn 11111 the Ih pub publie PilIlic IiiIiIk &lie that Fre Freedman lmnri couwnted rOIlnl d to 0 open hi barrel barrelwhen lmrrelhnwhen 1 hOIl be 11 knew f iiie full well i tlI that t hii t he h liAd l b th if h Koden Kodenand Soc11alld Sdiiaititand Iriuli on n the Ih t h run Ilul I liii like lik Suden ln the theCincinnati II1 II1llIrlllllall I he heetiicliiiiaCincinnati U magnate ml III1I did not band over Corcoran Corcoranrtillllps nrrllrM orcrtnbllllp I IJ1111111rtillllps bllllp & or If Pelt lncnuht that would nulJ have serf serfously iijcuily rl rlcIIlyously Injured bis hl o om vn club Slbncli unit 1I1IllIn llnwley llnwleywere I I ii II I IWtlll li liWCNwere both In bal 1 01 odor when t hell last Hla season n cldseii cldseiiUriish ckeetlirush IUriish declared rI alld then 1IlIlhlt thnl neither could play pia acoln acolnonun th 111 & Cincinnati lenm lenmAnother lIImAnolll1 teftmAnoterAnother Mockluilder In the II New York IIlk dub dubAbell dllbA club1AbelIA Abell tll & of Hrooklyu did 11 1 not follow In the III liMit liMitttPM exit exitMeps KIfIIMeps fII of f Stulen 4len and 1111 nt1 1 llrusli lie could tt l & & no reaP rean r rIn reaPinIn in n why wb ha h u hbould holll & l give gh gI u up any 1111 lu 0 of I hit h hl stars ia ru hut huthe hililt hutLhe L did CfTer tfl r fIrst chance chan to 0 Frfedman Fr llI1IIn & to buy IJII uny unyu an oniiiu 01 th thu hflltlmore jllltJillnr players and also agreed to hut imtthe IulIhl hutthethe price at a lower Jow r figure than that otferml oltr to toother 0nlhtl toetherother clubs Ppaldlnpof PIIl & lInl 01 Chlcneo adopted AluHH AluHHPulley boII1I boII1Iplic bulhspilcyPulley and a1l nd 1 hart rif that dub noUIKxl the lucil lucilmairnate lr1mll luctimutgiuatemairnate mll l1IIll that he h could buy hu any I1n nnt of the Ih Undy UndyItyit lllId lllIdltyli luidyltysItyit surplus pl plll pIiuyturM yer Hut AU bell & I1 and Hart Hartvere lIarlv hluutverevere v Ignored An A 4i4 the h matter now stands the HieNew 111rk thewNew w York rk team has hl h rectlved rreh four new players playersfrom pllltf5Irllm pner pnerftuurnfrom Btockholders who ho own rival clubs & but who whowish whowlih bo boIlshwish 10 see e bu bMtbllll bnll boom at the Ib Polo crouldlur iroundn iroundnlur rouaud rouaudforlur flnanrlil reaon The rh Illtsburg club clubIhroiiKh rhlhIhroul clubthroughthrough h Us II lre Irtld Ireldent ldnl Kreyfuss 11r III1 has donated donatednlclier dOllal1I douuuutrtII nlclier Ilfiwermnn while lb 1I11 I the h league I laut ns uu a i biKly biKlyhas btyhas Iy IyhaHhas contributed Mercer who ho was Va thruwn on the tbemarket Ihtmllrklll thenuutrkutmarket when h11 Wasblneton shltugtuun withdrew Hick Hickman Iti Iti1IIn llkllTuflman manbntu flbU ScIbch & IDftCh 1I1VIII nnd 1I0wnlllIl 1I0wnlllIlbalunl Ihuuweruutuihbntu h uuutoutthe v vman Che w 11k ork dub clubwhunny IIInn Frfrl FrfrlmAil Freeutnintiman lid not Increasw hICl Us heI I otler Iter of 818VU to Hule Hulebis 1111 ltuIebi & 1 1blbis bl refuseil 1III d to pny M A hIM hi xhare lord the circuit circuittvducllon lirrullftIIIIClioll circuIteuIucllouitvducllon expense ell1 and will w Ill not oeml 1I11 the New NewYorks NewYuiTk4 If IfkYorks k Smith Illh although every other lAipne I gllt club clubmil rlubIII clubwillmil III spend money mon to ii conilllfoii fluiIhlon Its pluyerw pllI lr in a awarm iiwwarm w 11101 it run rlimnle cli m he Down 1 ln uuu II wit llh Ii Hvwilcnle bnll bnllwas bulIwijuwas 11 the th righteous rl hlulI cry n but the Ih evil still tllI UI exists existsItnltlmore nlsllln1 exItuuMillMill n1 In fl wurre Irl lorm IhAIl II uuueuI 111 Urnokln illlillmor o oItuulihrnnruItnltlmore and St louls 1 lh controlled l Inland lerelnndiate lCChulfldiuut& iate iuut & rerelptH Is I the tli rry now and the Ih public publicIs & lIbllo lIbllobIs asked a ed to respond respondS rooPI1l1d81lbB ruispondSuulh9hS 81lbB Suulh9h lhnoh h tho formtjr rorm r CincInnati Cln lnnRtI player slip slipfed slipId Bliphidfed riuletir tiletI Into hub town lust nlaht nud wnorled wnorledto IJorledto Munagur I tnuor & Kwlnir with wIthIa8tflOd a signed contract contractThem conlractTheIn oontraetlucreThem Untie I Ii Iin line player 1 & IIIpr the Ih New Iw York orl club cannot cannotICrt IallnolCrl cannotetICrt et for 1 nothing nlltlllII Tom Im Illrlen I of th 1lttsburgs 1lttsburgsU litttuirgliU th1 Ih uian 1611 year 011 thouich under reserve reservetoto I i IltUliitrs I Ollrlen I I trien was loaned loai1 ku neil to I Ii Ireednmn IreednmnAnd Freuujuuiuuiiuui IIII IIII1IIIIotKiAnd IIII1IIIIotKi iuui plnywl tliroiiuh the Ih seasoa Nla ol He I 10 dm 11 1 so 11 u well welltiint w Ill IllIUII cdltuuidtiint Mnnaiccr lnlilllCtr tlnrke tlnrt In making IIlkln up the Ih IHLsburgs IHLsburgsthU IItL IfttsburcsI bllr bllrII thU Ihl y rOllr At iMiicluileil Ir1I1I1 to I Ii keep k 1I Ollrien llrien Nut NutMtisll N III 4 4atuslliciMtisll 11411 atusllici 1IlJ 0 with lIh riHdvtng Catcher Llllh Io lkollorulan eruian fur lorDHhlnx furnthfuu r rnlhllltDHhlnx nthfuu Irewlman made a formal demand for forI f r rIIlInmI IIlInm linen Dreyfus referred the th matter & l to 0 Clarku Clarkuand 1IlIkoand thcrkmdand Hie latter bl T baa huic just made this Ihlllllnll final Ktatement KtatementI tmenl tmenlII will m not allow lUll Ulirien 13ieu to go o The niora I Iee Irt Icee c him him 1111 ilay ball 11 the better I like Uk him H lb & & can canhld rllnhnlO funhnlhld hnl his hi hlMnwn own II In either the Ih outfield 1 or ii Infield minds mindshisownbuslneuand mindhi mlndhihisownbuslneuand hi own I biicIniU 1Iln IInd Is I just 111 uit the man for the h Illts Illtsburg 1111ullrl 11111btitiburg club We t can In flml as I much use u Ui for htm htms hlniLiLi s New CW 11 York YorkHugh Ynrkhugh ork orkIIIIahHugh lennine Hrooklyns IImoln crack flr1 lias liasmnn hll hllmllll humliiimnn wln ii iii neclAred reivnlly rfefl nll U ilint I iii t he h hn md derided deridedlili I retire Ir has lou 1 Iven beard from lie II Is I bobllng bobllngolf huiIuiIflfoiloil lor In fir fir a mrnw Inrrll in salary lIllIr nnd nfl saya & lya ns itsIf usual usualII liS 1111 I IIIII he h doKint I III get nhnt I Ie e wants he 11 will iII ni nut & t play playhull pili pilihall tinybnhihull if II the IIJ llrmklyn IIrlokl n club values mill my m HtrviceH HtrviceHenough eirstuusiiuuuigb nfr nfrnllullIenough lo I i refuse rfll ISTiVXI 1U 71II 1 from Ihiladelphia Ihiladelphiafnid Ihillld I hudel llhlll llhlllMill uhiIa uhiIaInMill In iii Jennings 1 ei n uuigi yesterday ffll rdn I llhlnk Ihink thf nk I nm uu in Jiisllllisl JiisllllislHi jui41 Ituui ItuuiIHi I ii asklni for An Increan1 Inrr I ncreu lI over what hM HAS w as pnul IlIltlllI IlIltlllIIII huh to tome toIntme III lust yeur eur I have lnen I n playing Iain bnll fur lii ten tenconsecutive InInrlll tellifllfiltfPconsecutive Inrlll IIII years nml 1111 cannot last much longer longerMy lonl longerlily r rMvMy arm is I In fin Hbape now and I know 10 no I HIAI I 1c ICAn Icanc CAn n earn what hili I nnnt lnl It in II merely flereI a cold bust business hll hllII bustte ?II te ness ii pr Irnj vrstwi4ihltul i isltlon ltlln with me 111 And
tile Ilrooklyn club clubc dubron clubfftflc ron n accept my m frms or not nil lust 1111 as a It may ma III & te tetil iNiill & &til I like to play III hull hut as I cannot rllnI11Mllollr rllnI11MllollrI tn liout t forever foreverII helieTF t liTC In getting gttln AS i much money ns n 1IfIlbl 1IfIlblf possible possiblefor iiostu1 iiostu1fifor f fi my III services rrlc Seilher S ilblr the Philadelphia Iblllldlp 111 nor northe nOIIh northethe Ih ChlCA lhlrNtn hleago o club has tampered with me I was wasrii IRHdnlIIIIIPtIIlt wuuuduiuilnt4rii dnlIIIIIPtIIlt duiuilnt4 niirlntwl last year when Hunch nnd Hrgers HrgersMus noorrIII1 HcigrsrfiiuulrIII1 Mus & il to buy 1111 me n for I wanted to hnva bin a chance chancet dilln dillnI chiunutit ti & & manage niulla g the Ih 1hlladelphlns lhllIl hlhlll Hut now I do ci not notcar n1rill nottarncar tarn where I Ier rt 1 play ball 1 ns ut long Ion as tc the saUry laid laidtoto 10111 me Is irhat I ak oskA akrumnr akrumorA rumor has been b In circulation 4 itrIn & rlng the thePast IhePl thepiotPast Pl t 18 fw AW days da ulny Hint Hobiwin of St Tuul uni had haddecided hadadolill badnc1dddecided to turn over McOrnw 1 II rl and RobInson Hllblll to toth 10h totheth the h New uew York & club Hoblson cent enl word ord here hereyesterday heresflla hereyeuterdiuyyesterday sflla that there wan aN not no a word III truth In Inthe InIh Inthethe Ih report rJIr that McOraw and Hoblnvm IIlIbln n would wouldhave wouldhlve WuUidhitcehave to play pili f4y in St Ijuis or quit the business businessand 11I1 buiuInesuini lns lnsIInand IIn all that Ireedman couldnt buy bll them now nownt 1I11WIII zuuiwautnt An ny ° r price Met MeGruw raw mid the Ih & other night that thatII 111111II hintIfII h lit dM qli 1 11101 & not go t In St Ix 10111 & uls he h would ollid low I SflWm SflWmfor A Afor EJl1NIforfor this Ih tbt w ain son alone and thot Hohlnson wuuld wuuldrA Iuuldlorldl wuuldfozfellrA & fal tT l Urn i II A W l r 111 111tolorldl nVUJ 7 lie 1I Md llhalll ihut It would he Implhl impinIhlehoto leave Ieat hit Mluou IOIJII business busln In Halllmore but butwhen bUIhtn butwhenwhen htn asked a k why h he h could & not start A similar enter enterprise enterp ntelpille ?prise p In St S i Loulfl L uh lac IDC remarked that he h had hadneter hlllIenr hadteerneter thought nf such A llIChm whemr It I A fall fe b Lei Leitbal betthat t tthatthat the Ib two player will ill wear brown stockings stockingswhen 1I1000dn etochilngaihen t thenwhen hen th fbi time I1m comes comesAUOUSTA rom romAUOVlTA cumeAUnUTAAUOUSTA March 87 87H4I110Il Haolonn star collet colletel rol1 rol1lion eoileetion &lion 01 baeeb bieail l ora ar are gradually 1tlllllIt 1tlllllItdollll gittiuidowndollll to V tlM bard wotk ork 01 aprlng rlnll training Th ThPptoerance Thu ThuIPPerncePptoerance of Jeelor tlllIr and Kelley Iltr on the nld nldlo teiuItolylo toly ly & for th the Itlal lime pUt a great Iitll olenlbuoj of pnthuiamam 111 Into U Uiu chllm1loDs Keflcy Uey 111 II trifle oer oerIhl ocerethtel Ihl ht hot Willie hasn hMnl t taken on an ounce of ofMilt IIIJfl cutcoftMilt flesh There ore now eighteen I IhIeeii hfll players here hereAll hrlAll hereMiAll cf the regular regularteam team am with lth the Ih eiception of ofJennings 01Jtnr ofJenJnJennings Jtnr nra hare reported The pitchers ltrher DOW here herekinks htrebelt lucrerr belt 1Jllnl to o get the & kinks out & ofj 01 their Arms Armsllnnlon Iunll1 arnieniarveUculllnnlon aarvetleil at the exhibItIon that Hoar Boartn Hoarnr toatnrtn nr fill IJIII 31i1 Kennedy l nnedYlaTa gam during durln his twenty mlnuMs mllllltoSnIn In n the Ih box bo this thu afternoon lie Is likely to be the thelirooklrn thehIrakiyn be berooklTDlirooklrn rooklTD twliiu In the opening1 game nt the Ih Polo PoloOrouaJs PolorQllod PoloflrjungOrouaJs rQllod If he h Is Freedmans IletdmAn outfit fib 1111 ttl be up upfalnot uparaiMl Upag1ztfalnot a tough ttlntr tbtngPOLO to toPOLO be beIPOLO Onouwns March 27 1Tbe The snow storm stormfel aCJrmrI iiit r night rba compcll & 1 flflldmanlooptn three bar blrI barrelfel I here h to today day Instead of one on They Th Y were tre filled filledwith ftlidh fltledwithwith h eimvdimt The three Italians are still III on ondtk onk ondickdick k though considerably eihnusted They art artPrepared AIWPIrll1 arehirerjPrepared tn 0 greet the th New 1 Vork champlnrui when whenthey wbellIh1 whentheythey ruport tumorrow tumorrowVans Irmolroll14narn tounurrowlanegVans 14narn laneg get Ixifluo of ollh the lb Chicago club & annouhcei annouhceirutI rut j his hl Inlleld Inll h1 will U made up II I of t Kvrrllt first firsti 0 0hllel flrithu4ishu4is i & Chllils I hllel hecuiid rull & l bow biuu Cllngman t1fn man shoriNtop shoriNtopami lIIIIlIslnlMolMol McCormlck third ha II tuaje Young ounlt Hradley Hradleyilni 111IIII ilni made Much a coo 1O011lbll1lnr gixci & l showing nt third has loot loott Instwiltt aln & n will 111 be used ew a subatttute while hile the Ih other othertlird olhtrILlrd othertLijtlird b bmln Heman Wolverton will be placed nn the themarket IhelIIalloe thenuarItmarket Ixjflu eiays a18lhe the Cblceigcw Cblcl CII will III he b r fast Inllrldlnl ttehiinr illronl In pltrhlnA and abovIi above the anraae anraaeIIIn II balllnl batIItu but olh other r ludIC juduree lOa A5 his flam wll willIe weaker aktr with the MII stkic k Ibllll benlflure benlflure1ltrh heretofuire1ltiuetlltchersSeymonr 1ltrh 1ltiuet Smllllr and nndl andlohuefly IXiheny hY And lIlcbr tetcherlnwniitn & Atth AtthHowermanHowerman IIn rnll nl 0 llm Ih ew York urk arrived In nw nwyeisterday hiPWfl hiPWflyectertiny wn wnytrdllyeisterday And took a trip In u the Inlo 1111 linwndl linwnd CIndIlh truwindiwIthIlh wIth Ilnlljfrr roM wlng In The rh other plaYII hate hlUen hatelnenl lnen en n ordered or ll & to In I on hand hlllulltdll hlllulltdllneoraetown liHlay liHlayOeorcetown tLHlnyflenrgtowOeorcetown Will Wllln tin limy on the Diamonil l1nlOonlOKOIIIIJTOlS fltalnonullI1OIUIrOWN DiamonilOKOIOKOI OKOIIIIJTOlS I & TOWS Much 27Th Georgetown OcnrgotowiUniversity OnrllolonUnhr GeorgetownL1nherftyUniversity Unhr ltJ caseball t team am collegiate clmniploi clmniploilast ohKm PIIIti PIIItitact lnu lnuIntlast rcnr with i eighteen & lght en victories out 011101 ol twenty twenticameHgames tomorrow will enter upon ono of th thinottoxtenslvBtchvduloii Ille thuetIlOtOXtiflsfteshiuIosinottoxtenslvBtchvduloii t evor nrrangml for lorIr1 i iiollego a aLcuiiegiollego Ir1 tHninntgreKotlna 1tnIIzr twuitn nrgreuratlnq loratlnlllhlrlYet1I thlrtrwvin uitmes uitmeswith lIh mewithwith lIh HIM Ih open n & ilatos llItl for which whlcl1ltatn untn iintnee M are IIr pend pendnu PendI ndIn I nu n iz nnd liRInHnu mci ii inir a serlos of 0 uuineH with wit llh Ii nil fl II tin I Iii IiiIIiiInfill 1I111t IIii lur IIlIlvlty II h Ice ret ty HI nll1 n lid 1 eolh1 eul ll leg u tiutlu 11111 u ii tff of tk tkfcii the theuitfcii fmt uit nml thit Ih Unlvir Utulvi ruclty & lty of Chltfniso The ThiSLbedulo TheseluedtuiqSLbedulo Is I all follows followsMarch 101l0wIIlllrh followsMtrfuMarch a MsryUnd M niand AgrlKUllural lflhtll Itujltuuruuf II IIInl College lhIr 3 11 11Lalnyrttr 11IIIIAII I IILalnyrttr I u In utte April Irll tIi H Coriiflli 7 Ihllnitililila lluIluutu 1111k LraKur LraKurUoirli 1IfUIUoirli II I 01111 ui Il llUhlh I I Ihtg lu 12 I V al alp le II I I Prlnreton 17 17nlei I Iulenlei 1 21 llsrvaid and 23 A Lnlvrrsllj if t Icuntylvs IcuntylvsIlia ItUlu11AIIlnIlia all at CeurgetTOti 2N M nen ° 14 II May MA 3 onnA onn 01W0a IIn IInllnhlllenA Manhattan Collrre 0 Dlcitlnwn Ulc Itcidnuoui n 1I Cnllrgr 11 11I ohIrEeI12 I Princeton at Princeton 1 1ft fl open 01 & 11 tu I U own VII 21 21N L LIIlr I IValeN Vale Ale at II Vrw hlltlI llateni 22 Trinity Trlllll CollofrntlUtttord College athlauthord21 3 HnlyCrosiCulleve 1101 CICI lII College at Worceilerj Wnf 11r 21 1 open IIIItOpl nrw tu 2A 2Aoprii 2iOpeloprii Opl 2A ft Dartmouth College at llnnnver hianierhuuuiy 34 34HolyHoly 1111 Cross tollefe at WnrreMer 11111 U Phillip And Anilotfr AndolPr Antioverover at Aniloter 10 O Harvard at CumtitlilRe 11 31CIerellt 11Crescent l lCrereuiCrescent AtliltllcCluh Athletic tub HI I Ilrooklyn June I Man Manhsilan Msnhtlaruhsilan CollrKi ohleiC at ct New ew York uirk 2 I nlterslty of Irrin IrrinMltanls 11111lrailla IeuiuuuiyicauuhsMltanls lrailla al Philadelphia 7 and 11 I nlvmlty LlllnI It o oChlrnuo ot otIhlIIIrIl ofChtuaguChlrnuo at Oeorgrtnwn 13 New Yolk ork A C a aiirnritftown III IIII utrenrgetoucniirnritftown I to lifayrllr nt Ka laton Mlon on U iiien 111 lu luIrhlKh IIIIhlllh I U UIehIhIrhlKh at South Bethlehem llrthlehemllniiliall IIrlhlhmIInllllolI Bethlehemhlnibaitllniiliall iunirs Yetenluy YetenluyAt derlnrAt tt 1 Chapel 11111 X CXorth C olll1 Carolina IS Infsy Infsyette lnfaytU Litfaycitecite tU Collrze 7lliiehnll Notes NotesThere SCl SClIhor1s NuiteIhereThere Ihor1s I Is A letter at llhl1 this thf prtlce for Usniirrr Car lart lartF Carney CarneyF ey eyFF n Ruslrs nll h1 pllrhlnir average wa CaM s n 115 II II1nTsulWU IIIlIlh lIe lIewnfieveuithwnfieveuith wnfieveuithIIiistitYHui + IlIlh1nTsulWU March 27The lfulOlI asou will open hen henon horun hereonon Aurll 111 2A n InMeaii of f two days dl later CIncInnatI Clnclnnilwill CIncInnatIwiltwill 111 Ila i lay I here hereThf h hIh burrThThf Ih Mfltnse 1lro A C l would ollid like Ilk to arrange Jimr Jimrwith elm elmlIh mlc mlcIwith I lIh any 1111 learn Avrrnxlntr & 1I 13 to 14 1 years eer Aditrev AditrevMllllam Alldr AlldrI1lIl1n A4lrrltllanuMllllam I1lIl1n Hrown
llu 1 I II Kilty flllynllh nfth slreri II I Urooklyn UrooklynThe IIroklynTh I Iruinki yn ynrheThe Th Ijiurlrtte A C would 011111 like Ilk ti t arrange lIam gumewith lIamltll gameuiwlttuwith ltll & tronE trn onr leums pflrrlng a reasonndle guarantee guarantnfor eUllanlfor guaranteefeefor Saturda nluiulns or Sundays Address Addre M 1 Norton ortllil 6 6lrflrr 6Iarholl tJpurouIarholl lrflrr & oii Mrrrt Pas Iualr alc X 1 1The I ITII 1TheThe TII Hwertalfj nocII ltJ cf Jersey JrM ti l f open 01 OII liilxxik In It b boiii k turner turnerwith tUrn1Iflh gamewithwith flh first flats laIMm iFAmswitlitii lum wllhlll lOftmllesof Ion mil niUeioi 01 New e York Vorkollcrliigniiliabletunianlces YorkolYcritig olil olilolfrlurollcrliigniiliabletunianlces olfrlur suItable lIllablollll guarsnIees lalllr Address ddr ddrec Hurry MrCnr McCarthy MrCnrIh MrCnrIlut ?Ih thy 221 North 01111 street Jersey I City CII Hrlgftts X J JThe JIll 1 1rIteThe Ill Third Victors lrlOr of Sacrnl cyeI Heart Academy Aradm would wonliIlkelonrrAiiEe wouldlike ould ouldIIktIlkelonrrAiiEe like In o 111IIIIII1r gaines & mr & with 1111 uniformed teams nvrrut nvrrutInir uceragInCInC IS l anil I I ymr & Address ddlrs Martin Ollrlcn Ollrlcnsrrrftsry IIIt IIItlIrrary htrtriu htrtriusecretarysrrrftsry Clnsuin on thr Ib Sound WeMChest Vrt tiietur r N NSt 0SI p pstSt Jiwephs Lyceum of it harlem l h renity I d to I bjok bjokatllr Inokalllllla fiok4Bttlutflalllllla atllr tn and Sunday illnrtll itstues 111111 aniea with tlh all tlrst Ilrlrln Ltrtrliuuiems clnss clnsstritnstritns m averaging in Il years ru Address 1lalrlr & Patrick McDIne McDIneCAIC Metilueeture lrUln lrUlnCMCAIC CM St Josephs iorpti i Lyceum I2th I 1lh street rel and Columbus ColumbusAvenue llImbll ulUnihUae llImbllIItrnuAvenue AvenueHKUIA IItrnu1Iul ae colic colichiIoiHKUIA 1Iul Cuba Marci 18 The 1b Cuban X filllninn ilnnts ilnntswon iIentwiunwon nn from the lthfrly 1lhrl dub ub her hrrlo here today & a beating ballnlllhm ballnlllhmII them themby lhmItII by 13 I tu tt 11 the III grounds fine In such ucha a bad b ld con condlllon cundillon condldlllon dl tion that I It waslmposslhle wa S Iintutucl tile to Ill ft cither side 101 tu I play playgood IIA tinyIrootigood ball ballColiColi 1011111 MIMA tuti S r C March 27 1 Cornells 011111 hall players playersmade pIA pIAnllIllh laern laernnittirmade nllIllh the llrst Mip 11 on n their Southern Snlllllllinur tour a E Elodity Inlhuun Inlhuuntoto 100111 lodity day while III they III met Ihi Clemson Cohere ream reamTlit eainTheThe Th game abounded In pretty prIt plays & IA Scare Sr Cleinson CleinsonII II Conn 1111 II 7 7Thr 7lhrThr 1 lii linden i C c linlns decided to pln & sway swayfrom aI aIi awaytrimi from home on the lb mnrnlngs of Dmratlun liny liny1iurili I tiuliulult1iurili I of lull Iuii and Labor 1I1 Hay y can be xcureil rM by byollcrtni byolTeftrtgollcrtni Millable I I Itiduccmentn d Addres ddreu t & II Irc S Coir CoirManager uolrlilanagerManager Linden X 1 1II fII 1IiII II ANA A Ai Mareh III IIITht I I The San Franclneo Flallrl ro team teamgave 11111nlolh leningnegave gne nlolh the Cuban 111 111 & X lilmits fitan a hard fltbt for todays todaystrahi lOda lOdaal1 todaysiat1trahi al1 tin1 111 ijlanis ilnnl winning llInlnlllllOllamt tbe lb game In n the Ihlblrd third and andtiurtli In1lourlllinnin aitutItUrhtutiurtli lourlllinnin tuning Iulntn by b bunching 4i & U lilts tilt and sniilng rollnerlns S Sruns 7ruuisruns The 111 score r tubin L X lilants litan 6 & San Fran Franclsm FranI FraneIlclsm eIl I M 4 4The 4The 4theThe Mlzjili A C baseball hA & thllllllnt tram would like Ilk tuhear tuhearfrom III hear hcarrrom hearfrnifrom any an oj if I us old rivals and all strlrily 11011 firstclass firstclasslearns 01101fam1wllbll1 Orsteincuteamslearns fam1wllbll1 within Sun uo miles mil of I New York & TTilnf I1 rlnr a suit suitnMf IultI 11I 11III nMf IItl glarantrf uTAniuC All 11 h iliilsyi 1h1 and Saturdays open openiilter 0 0r neiuileriilter iler r Mn In I I Address ddrrs II Mcgee IA rr manaiffr manaiffrInsalc l1I1narIIIMfr manairerlotsairInsalc X 1 1XKW 1w 1NFWXKW w HAVRN 1II II Vl s March 17 7 Hickman the Ih out outflelder 0111ntMI outftri4erflelder on IIlIlh lii tin llistun Ih & lun tram 1I1ha has recetird retch rh1 i1 a teje trigrtm trigrtmfrinu rim rimIron ulnIr1IIIron Manager K t Iaiilh lng of it tile II New & YorStHIo YOlK ork5 10 repot fur furduty lordul furtlutyduty dul st the UI IoloOrotinds next Mnnrta Monrtar Hlckman has hasbeen ha busberilbeen here hu alimisl n month assisting g Pitcher PII b Nichols NicholsInIn develaplni dcvr1 & II11I1 tIle lb candidates for the Vale olt nine nineTin nln nineIIITin III Ineeda baseball 1 team of o West New llrlsbton llrlsbtonwould g gYurkowould fIJ like 11 In hear r from rood baseball a 1 clubs r bJl of New NewYork es esutlkYork utlk New w Jersey rlf or llruuklyn Sunday Sunlll anti holiday holidaygames hlIl1ayt ituidygameagames preferred Anj Aii leim olTerlng r suitable & Jiiar Jiiarunleeor gliuriliieet II naunleeor iliiee 01 expenses rpnseucau csu nave leturn game gamuoul on true same sameterm sameteOrn r rtrnterm Address AdIt Charles IhI Westhrook Ihrook West 1 New NewHrghton 01tlrrhlon SewtirrhionHrghton Staten Island IslandThe IslaludThe 1 1ThThe Th Apenla rntn DnMbnll lIul lull & wmiid 1111111 like ti hear from fromall ibm ibmnil omall 111111 lint class rl unirormed IInltormPlIIIO teams fur any Saturdav in inJune II IIIun iiIueJune Iun July JijlII1 and August 1111 imme & tu he h tilayrd al alPrnspecl AIprovrllIlk clProspectProspect provrllIlk Iark lat WnuldAlsnllke Vtuhi IIuhllsl ills Ilk lIke In t close elo 4 flnnriillun flnnriillunfV I1IIrollollTJfV TJ i July 1ul P ul 1 and Labor Hay I Ia y with A i I out olllf of town towntfam tuwntnhiPtfam within I lUll mi miles 1I111 nf Sf New Yoik ork offering 1 I IrIIInsblt urcsiiuuabie 1rrainiablerrainiable guarantee Address Ad lr & W b V K t Huhrbrr Huhrbrrnetlnic lIbrhCarllnr itihrtwtgurtluignetlnic minaiiir r 273 7 7 Fourteenth street Ilrooklyn IlrooklynTheCrescentHasvball IIrookl81h Iirciokiyii1lueTheCrescentHasvball 1h 1lue Crescent 11111 Association A rlalton has hll Ikcnrnilon IkcnrnilonDay n lcornlionIuyDay n A M 1lIn and p M I open aim 411 a number nnmh cf f Situr Siturnay StturCIII l1ll1r l1ll1rrJnay and Sunday uutday ld dales own O Olin aurt would I be pleaded to tol t tcumesrl j1IrJ l Kik cimes with rl the h icatcsing ntses i lng 1 & of lUonmnrM lUonmnrMCranlord hulounnrilrailioll I ICranloroCranlord Cftsino Uover IOIrrl Oarnervllle lllnnlll mid other 1I1I r nr nl nlrll flrsteditus t tclassclass teams l anl1I11I1 that can olTer a satisfactory saliolaelorr runranlee runranleeAddreu rllualllAddle guuranleeddreAddreu Addle ddre C H I llemfeler SecretAry Srrlar C2 G Gt Kal II ai tSJlh tSJlhstreet i3tlhStreetstreet streetThe StreetThe 1 1ThThe Th Ktrrett l trI College Cuill lIrll llaeball Clubls arranirlnff lis lissrli II IIr1lIIIII iiseiiuftiisrli r1lIIIII iluli for the Ih season 0 & 1 and would ollld like ii k e io hear h tiztmiult torn tornnllnrstclais I Inilnllnrstclais nil
teams ollerivi IIlIrri a suitable guarantee guaranteeHitse iCuaramuieeFhiese uotHitse Ir r team MTerred KmtrMd Nsaus & ns aIIlIrdn aIIlIrdnlIouIh us Llrden LlrdenAllcuddcv IlcIeniIrttfdusAllcuddcv lIouIh MMintnln t intain A i C C Orange r Clnlrk ClnlrkA Knlrker KnlrkerImrKer InIrkertakertaker A C C Xew t rw York X b C Perth rth Amboy Ambu Slale SlaleAsrliim SialAfilim SLuteAyiuumAsrliim Jsmivlca Woodbrldge W IhrlI & A 3 A ts Nyaek yack ark Tarry Tarryloan 1ar 1artirnloan lu n and Paierson Address Ceotje t llr ci i IJay lJa 424 424Si 4 44uenth 4 4tolhSi enth avenue avenueXEW aHnllI asentleNEWI NEW p HAVKN IIAVI 1 March 27FiankV 7Fank W Mixire 111 man manncei mnnl roanneinl ncei of the Ih Vale IIlr fieshmen l IlIh1I sehnll nine nln lias h sn snnounced enlIuullcd annuuuicednounced the Ih fiillowlng schedule rhdlli for the Ib season a I1 April AprilII Irli IrliII rll rllIII I I Illllliiiise IIIlIh I I lIltiiu IIof ie High I I gb tclijol at ut 1 New Haven II seen 21 7 I 1itt Park ParkCity I IIIICity III itt Uustball AsMidatlon uuelauion at I lirldteuirt 2rt ft Tails TailsSelumlnt rI Iiufl1htmlSelumlnt 1html 1001 II Waterbury altlb 2 75 Snle S III ale I iuuc n Scronlnl SrlI III Xew Xewllateu x xlIaltu ew ewlieeullateu May Io 3 lllls 11 & 11 Acidemy at Kiamfad SIIImlo J in inIlotchUlsv IIIlIoIIlIkl iuuhiotehkiIlotchUlsv lIoIIlIkl al laVevllle 12 I 7 Uarva UnAII & d Ireshrnen at atNew allIaHII atuewNew uew Haveni 1 17 7 Columbia freshmen el New You YouIi SuricI IIIIi I ii Prlnreton Ill uufrtofl freshmen R Prlncetin slu 30 n llrowu llrowufreshmen fllllwlIfro fliuwlifreuhmenfreshmen fro hmn at new Haven June 2 lUivsid freshmen freshmenat rr hmn hmnlitat LumhrlilKe LumhrlilKeThe o oThThe Th skellys Skrll sh ho style 111 themselves the Ih eml 1 pro professlonal proIrlooal professlonalfesslonal chnmpons cf r Ilrooklyn will III open o fn their theirground IhlrIIrollnd theirgroundground on chllmrons April prtl A Two new grand Iflan & stands that will willseat elileat 111seat 4000 persons have har been hem built The 111 Skellys will willplay 11 11pia Ilip11111play pia weekday and Salirdai games camtcnu Awiiy from home homeand hnmand homeandand would ollid like Ilk to hear from th Itlt Orange A C Co Moun Mountain Mouuutaiii Inlllllalll ?tain A C Coo Danburyt Marions ol I Perth nlh Ainboy AinboyHollywood Arnboylluuliywood lIullwoud &Hollywood Inn Pacnc Iiontin Newtnns rlon & Hovers HoversState n nilnle ICCISState &State Hospitals Murrlstowns iarriervllle Slant Stanifords Sill Sillford Slantfordfords ford and all other Ih teams of I the same Mtrmtli They Theyhave TII TIIhnt Theyhavehave Decoration Day IJA open for two games ta Address AddressManager d1Ir d1IrMonlrrr dlrsIalcerManager Thomas W i f Skelly SkII S75 7r Johnson nvfnui nvfnuillruuklyn IItnlJIIrcklII ocentiIliiuiklyilllruuklyn llruuklynPlllLADIMHIA IIrcklIIIIILlIIIIIIIA IliiuiklyililtlLutIltItlAPlllLADIMHIA March 27 1 The baseball sehnlnle sehnlnlenf rhllIl rhllIlIIInf 1 the LnlTer LutiveruIiy 1I & lty ol Penn & lvaiila Is ns a follows followsApril lollowprIl4 fuliowsApril &April prIl4 4 Poidham at fordham 7 Indians II I 1 Man Manhattan Slaiulusltan Iall IallII hattan 14 Columbia 10 Vermont ulllon and 21 1 1 Iifay Iifayetle lain lnlaoil lainetieetle oil nil at Franklin Held 23 7 3 and 24 4 Virgin llrlnl at atClmrlotlsvMle atiuurlottutlle I III ClmrlotlsvMle J 5 Otorgetnvin neor ortuii IfI n el t VYaMilnitton Wuhln VaultingtunnnarohIa In Inr 2s 2sAnnapolisAnnapolis at Annapolis I May 2 Syracuse i Tor Tormil iurniilito IP IPIlharjl ttll ttllI t rrWmil r and n Ieblith at Tranklln s Held 12 Cornell r at atIthaca utlthsctIthaca 17 I 7 Hrown and ID Harvard at Franklin FranklinMeld rrankllnlrld FucinklituFieldMeld 23 Lafayette at Easton 26 e Manhattan st stNew alorll atSewNew York orll city rll 2 za Michigan at Franklin Held 30 30Uhlcli 30I O OLhcilUhlcli I hhh at Dethlf Bethlehem hem June 2 Georgetown l n1nn and 1 7Cttiriiu 1CtilraiMCtilraiM at Franklin Field S Holy Cross IOS al alWorcester atWoneulerWorcester 0111 u Harvard si Cambridge llllron II t I Uron al alProvidence atPtuuti1enreProvidence ProvidenceNKW lrnldrnrepw Ptuuti1enreNKaNKW pw HAPN 11 ilA et March 27 7Tho The nnnl cutting down downof downofof due Ih candidates fur the th i ale bnsrhall nine tti e fur the Iheseason theseason ho holoonseason loon was 1111 eflecled to nlciit by b Capl S II Camp Campliit Cam amp ampilchterfl &liit elfhleen players pla now 110 remain from which lIlr1lh lIlr1lhIm thr thrteam thuteumteam will ho pirtted They Ihr are IIr Rnbertton Cook Cooklurran CK CookilliVitti & k kVIlI1lurran VIlI1 Weseoitand Sifuutt and Sharpe Shiarie pitchers flulllrnn nnd nndCnnlia anilunfitunfit 111111 catchers Sharp wnddell and Illrich IlIrlrhlIr1 ni niUise iiulseUise 1 DeSaulles Be Saullee Camp J 1 A i llolnrtoD lturj lIltJtl lIltJtlIrllin ej ejIrwlnIrwin and Brown Inflelders and Lyoa tebciJtt tebciJtttiarutwell Vr roii roiiHartiwell rullIIMIlW1IHartiwell and Ouenuey GIIfIII outnelders nUln ldr A training trainingtable IlallnlInllir trainingtulletable will willI be started tu It morrow with IIIIIIe the nbitr sib ice men as asmembers a anlhrl astuieriibeismembers nlhrl and active arll work ark will be al once nrr begun begunYule hrlIInYllit begunYaleYule opens orn11l1t the season ta on here Saturday with lIh Wesleyan WesleyanCAMDHIIHIR iVealcyancAnunwItitt Isan IsanCAII1HIICAMDHIIHIR & II March 27 Z71lle The Harvard baseball baseballplayers bahallJ1111rr baseballplayersplayers got outside list III for a short spell this Ihl afternoon afternoonand allnoonalld afternoonandand the III fielders did a little balling and fly nj chasing chasinghut rhlI rhlIhilI chasingbitthut II was 10 very light work OIk After Aft In 101 tadnys days work workTrainor workTultltl workirattluilTrainor Jack McMsster said & llhIIl that he h hopnl tu IIIrt I in Ct Hie Hieentire Ih thientire I Ifnllentire fnll siusd iUBd outdoors & r to 101Orow morrow The fh1r410IniC training tiNt laMrwill IAhlrIII tiNtwiliwill III begin br luall n nut week 1 and the Ih men to go on the Ih Mnulh Mnulhern rll & uthcr0ern rll trip tnt will si Ill be rclerled Inn In a few I days Hamilton Hamiltonleaves Ilall1l1lol1Irll tfiumlltottleacesleaves Irll the learn on Trldav rl lw to loin oln ih & llottnn 1I01lIIltl11l tram for forprint Inrt fiufprlnItprint practice in II IbeiSouth Ih the SI11 lie II has h done the team teaman 1110I teUtflalut an Immense araounl amnII III of good 1100 & 1 and will he h sadly sail missed missedThe 101 101rho missedttieI The ground keepers ko fn were rl ol wort or yesterday tI3 slid slidliny I Ii tu tuI &i I liny fixing up ti the practice & o dlsinond lust hark hll of t the thernse thorll theragerage rll for the Ih flr nell t gome with Ilo lIIIm lun Inlverlly lnlill un unMarch ullMMth 1111MarchMarch 11 at The Th freshmen Sltinrt has hllIn teen rediurd leIIIIfdlo leIIIIfdlounllx to totwentysix totniiiXtwentysix men and placed teDiuomrlly Incbaife In cbllrr of ofE nlt uufFE t F Ixiugblln of theVarslty Ih the all team who wh will 111 direct directtheir 11clIhlr tIredtheirtheir work until outdoor practice beirlns wfjen blI a per permtnent 1 1manenl icrmanentmtnent warn will III be selected selectedThe rlrrlrdfhe rIeetedTheThe iDTlnclble baseball bMet & 1I team which lltb Is composed of offtudenls 01atudtnIJ ofitudentiftudenls from the preparatory departmenl of St StJohns ilJohll StJoIlteJohns Johll College Kordham has hll11n been In active training trainingMnee IrelnlnllalnlOlh traIningninenine alnlOlh the collertl mladi mldd mititik 0 ol February ohrual The men will play playAS playa1AS 5 follows lolln Catchers 1lIlrh atehur V llelser and lnl it & I ICIIrleti ICIIrletipitchers olIrlrllpHthrr tritrletuOttcherspitchers Illlnh Woodlett dl & and C I J 1 Slti flesh nn Fiitse FiitseCharles r rI e eCharlesI Charles Cbllrl Murn secand c ntl bi bte e W J r 1 Murray M1111a third ba hllM base e eMM Llnnehan short top J f Henley 1IIIIj let field fieldW rIIIIlnrhllllr reidVW V lltnclilllte rented r nl field 1 Teevan rlghl r hI Ilild C Cllady t tlIblltulo i iIllady I tad y subslllute H llsilel Manner lunn ge II Delll i riii Pa iitiiI iitiiIattnotunui oil oilannounesthe II IIII announesthe attnotunui the lollowtrg schedule ehtlul March 11 31ltitofl I 1 1I f fInijtonI Inijton A C and Anrll 0 uril tI S St Fenrls nrl Xavler Cillege Cillegeal liege lIrrtii al Fordham 7 Flushing hl hln High icboollli School at Flushing FlushingsIlronxJtinlori lIuhlnlfI ilusitlnaI sIlronxJtinlori alUnllx a iHuutu Jllnlors and 27 Morris Irrl High School it Ford Fordham furdham For Forhamham 2A Osklands oa IlIII at West W Chfrier thrl 2H W M James JamesAcademy Ilm IlmAradrn JttmesAcademyAcademy U t II Cat 1 C al Fordham May 111 S Hlverrlew HlverrlewMilitary IIIlerYIIMUllol1 iilvrvtewMIlitaryMilitary Academy al PoiighkeepMe A Lexington LexingtonHH II C l and U Pratt Institute at Forduam 12 12Hells I InII tIlettaHells Academy at Stamford 13 Bedford A A AIs 0l AieIs l New 0 York olk tnlrerslly freihmen ID Oaklands Oaklandsand 0llklal1111and ilakIanutsandand 20 Zoo O Monica oolta A A at Fordhnm 2S ft Knglewood KnglewoodField hngIewooulFind nlfloolllrldField Club al Knglewod 27 7 lltiiford A t A June1 1 Knimel l11m I n 1 n C and In Knglewood Field Club Chlbal Chlbalrordham al alfordham atrceithamfordham rordhamIIllronklrn Ynehtsmen Meet 3ieeiThere MeetThere 1 1TbntI There was fA A metllng of Ihe Hoard of Trunces TrllIPlIul TrllIPlIulI of oftbe f ftheI the lb UrooUlyn Yacht arhl Club list nigh nt the ciarendm ciarendmHotel IInrendnhotel Ilrndn1I01dHotel Several new meuibers surer elected th Id slid the thelease Ih Ihleae theteaselease of It the S Fleet Splr property III Ilensotitiurjt Ilensotitiurjtwaswas we ratifiedYnchtlng Notes NotesKxComraodore 0011I Not NotlxCouamOttOreKxComraodore J 1 Plerpont Morgans steam yacht yachtCorsnlr raebleoIItr yachtCorsairI Corsair Is I to 0 be recemented recementedColCol lucre 0111 H Paynes 1lIll11 steamer Aphrodite Is being beingoverhauled belneonrbauJed beingoerbauledoverhauled In the brie 111 Basin BstlnTte BllslnI BasinTbI Tile Tb work of fitting out uCammodore Fred T TAdamss TI TAdamssAdamss schooner eno & IIr & Sachem has h begun at Port Jefler Jeflersnn JeftersonIson 1011II snnA A II Illfglnsons tttrrtn ns & new 21 2foote footer will 111 111IAilnch be belaunched tuelainchotlaunched IAilnch 1 thl Ih this week k She Is I n t benamrd be named Lookout LookoutThe LlokolilTh LookoutItueThe Th boat U I 42 i fert over 0 all 21 l fet 1 an the In srster line lineI IIn IIna iltiehaI a Sleet led extreme beam II feet frrllMam Ixarn otiihe omi tue water nlcr line lineand IInrAnd ltnrandand she 1h he will 111 carry clrr 1323 13 square lIar feet 1101 of rnnrl rnnrlA CllllnI macan macanmeetloZA meellal of I th liuo YacbNmens Clubwlllbe be held at attte IIIII tte th hetdquarirrs hdQllllr 17 West Forty orllhlrd third street on onAbrl nnA noAAbrl A lll 1 A President will III be elected Oliver K KCrrnrwell I ICI ICrmnrwfilCrrnrwell CI tll who was chosen cho n at IIllh the annual meeting meetingbeing metlncI meetingbeingbeing unable to I toIrTTC sent D 1Iald ld Hank k h beta a nomi nominated nomlnlld omi omirated ?I rated for the place & IifIOLI fIOLIItflt ftVLtTintFirst touipitllloii ot the Nenson eaoD AruoBl Awn th thVomen the theVomn theWomenWomen 1IIn 1IInFlfII VIisyreFine llr Ter TerFine &Fine weather nnd fine link IIn were the he dUll duacharms dUllfharma dualoharmicharms to make III Ilk II tho golfliii pleasant fo fothe for forthe forthethe women ol the th Djrkttr Meadow OolfClu OolfCluytKtf bit Club ClubIl ClubyesterdayytKtf yesterday Il rilay rJI nlio met In the first ft rompetlona rompetlonathe compationofthe om etll1n 01 01thethe Kvason on nit M 10 O A tours Our e Miss lIs Mad Madllnu MidIII Madeunitllnu & Cliauncoy who won made n splenJIi splenJIishowing apiendidahtowitti pllln 1ld 1ld1I0hllr &showing for from scratch her card WM n ncnnlci reo reocorld tocordedcorded as flit lowest score both gross and nd not notTliost DotfhI notThiiiTliost fhI who hll returneil cards elr & wc wlhA iste ii the following followingi folln 111 I 1 1rr i i heap I 11rapXa 11rapXaMiss i iMIMiss MI II MadelineCnaiinry MadelineCnaiinryOiil Misufeiutue nIIII lhAllnro ChaitnryhitOiil hit 7 II 7 II A U M 7 7III S 54I 54IIi & & 14 14IIIIII Ii 7 II tl 7 7 fl ft I t
1I1 Oli OliMiss 0IlieuinieMiss 11 Jennie Ilini Illiunaii IlliunaiiOut liititnattOutOut 12 1 310 t In I uu 7 II A in A 073 073III 07 07III D7tItIII It A 7 7 ft 7 II 110 10 IJI IJIMiss 71n 1 7UIUn 7UIUnMlolrlllhIIncoMiss MlolrlllhIInco Jrnce ChaiincyOut 7f 1 r i A tIll M t A A hiii n4a n4aIn II 3 3IIIIII II fI 7 1 9 711 1 U78141 U1 UI Mrs 0141trsMrs 11 trs TliuinasM Tholll U Lloyd iioydout x xOutOut 11 I I III o n II I I ii s 10 7 S 547 547lit s1 s1In UIIIIn 12 1 7 B 013 U I 5 U II I U 7 B eUIe 683 3l n22l44 flss n22l44Miss ZIUMiss Carrie Alfl Abbott AbbottOut AbbottOut bbnltOut III A S 7 II 12 5 U 0 12 I 81 81III O OIIIIII 1 n ft 7 n 0 e 01 9 B 10 lD lD6htI5ZlIt145 lD6htI5ZlIt145Miii Blf21Al Blf21AlUlsi uIUIIItUI1slIalllI &Ulsi I1slIalllI Hsnlet l Lee Leelot e eomom 1I1I1AO tu A 12 a n 1 & & t eU eUIII 13AA 13AAInIn II I I 7 II 1 I 1 a S ll & 8 117AIUI4UO 117AIUI4UOIII 7 l lUlC lUlCMisMis III Adetald Chaunrey ChaunreyOut ChaunrtlIulOut II 7 1A to 11 7 H III 7 0 100 100in gO gOIn 0 0InIn BnlOlOUfl 0 n II II 10 1111 14 t 110 i 0 1DS4I7I74231MCOLUMBIA lulcoiVMUIACOLUMBIA 8 C Maroh 311r 1h & J7W 11 hoar and anilWllllo andWillieWllllo 11110 SmIth II 1111 h tlii Ih open champion ehalll loo plated lare on onthe 00till onthuthe Columbia Iolumhlllllll links today 1I 1a & with local man and andrimlth AnJKmllh antirnlihrimlth miido a new record for the count play playIng pl plInK playIngIng fltjhtoon holes hol 1I and all making 37 for each eachrunnd ellchfOUO eachroundround runndKiaten fOUO fOUOHfal roundh4iittenKiaten Hfal n Islands oldest itK sllOrllnl1 aporifngclubthue & rllngclubth club the Rich Richmond Richmon RIchmood ?mood mon l County OlluntCoUnlry Country Ultib lub huts arranged acorn acornPl a conI conIlioto conuIIuioPl lioto te sehvilulA of golf events Int for the suason suasonThn BlUortTh soaBonThusThus Th regular links will bo opcnsi npeneI on April AIr1l7 AIr1l7wllh 7 7with 7withwith nn ilghtoBi 1lIrh holo medal t lift & l y hnudlonp hnudlonpcliissi haI1l1l01llCIlIIl hutuiulloitpchuasiacliissi CIlIIl s A ami R All Alllhl the Imndlriiii hlln 1lrlI & during & the thesensoti thoseasoti ho ho8a9011sensoti will 111 ho h limited to a stroke 11 holo The Thesummary 110lummar 1h 1hsummarysummary nf the othor events follows followsMay lullowMI fo1ioWMsyMay MI 1 monthly hnmlleap 21 2 3 women s handicap handicapSOSO O mens II1tlll torI s A t still II handicap and In theaftertnxui theaftertnxuimlxtd Ih the utln nftrrtuuuuuu nftrrtuuuuuunilxtuI I IDlluoJmlxtd foiirsiime 1IIIIr & rno riitndlrap h IHlrap June J title 2 mutilhly II1unlhl hnndl hnndlrap hatiutidalirap 111 11 I and 27 7 women handicaps July Jill 4 men menA mtl11 mtl11Itb melsAA and II handles handicap p and In Ihe allrrnoon all mixed 11 four fourKoine iouatneItb III flr A1 N 11nlrII nlrII nlrIIbandlpKoine 7 monthly fliutitlli hnndlcis Atiicust i 1 L raonthl raonthlhandicap niunthlhandiriphandicap Sept II I monthy mnlllh hnndlcap h odlesp 1 mens mnaalld A Aand Aitu1and itu1 1 II hnndlcap and In tbe afternoon rolled four fourtumi 101lrume tourcomecome III I II wonriis 1Ih1II hiiijlaip haIHllclI hiuu tllciip & 2U 11 1 annual competition competitionfor cnmuetIttotiforfor George I rg Hunter gull medal representing club clulrhamploiLshlp rhlbehamplblt clubchamplotustiltrhamploiLshlp for the III year eighteen holes medal medalplay mIIIII1Iar nmeuiatiuIyplay Oct 1 nud 17 I 7 womens IImpl1 linndlrnp A monthly mnnHilrhandicap monlhlrhandlrllp monthlyhandiciphandicap 11 1 tlnals for womens trophy between win winners Ilnn winnero ?nero n ol n seasons aIU rnndicans Nor uuv 0 special cup cuphamllcap CII1haIHllrapoIf cuuphantilcuiphamllcap haIHllrapoIf open to members mmlMrlhal thai bate won vnllll a monthly monthlyhandicap monlhlhal1dlp monthlyhatiuiietphandicap during Ihseason Ih seosun a & n 7 and 29 special slrlall1olldM slrlall1olldMbnJlrp holiday holidayhandlraps holidayhanilicipshandlraps elassrs rl A and B BAt BtAt 1 different II 1 fTl tp II I timos there will bo driving lrlIIIKIII lrlIIIKIIIroltchlnl ar arproitchlnuntiii npprotaohlnsmnnulproitchlnuntiii roltchlnl nlll imttlnc contests cOllt IA amlolsosav amlolsosaveralttam anti also Bev BevIrallllIlO aovtraleralttam tral tamuin mntohes tuinteh a particulars ftlticulllr of which will be beannounced beannounced beannouncedannounced Irter IrterAwomnnitBolf IrlerAAwomnnitBolf A woman 11011 association 1Iso ItIOU hans bean organ organIzed Orl11D17IJ orgonf7tutIzed at IJotton on the Ih hues Iln of that In existence existencefor existeticebrfor two season nt Philadelphia Miss II L A AWII AiSellsWelU of the Country Club At Hrooklln wn wntlin WM WMllli wtuattlin t hi tlrttt
II rst to conCHlvo tbo i h Idon which met with w It h i iflttkk II1ulcl auiutiekflttkk acc acrIllIne & & iitnnpo by h the women of n the h other otherclul olllllrc111108 oilierslutsclul sluts The ruins ant bylaws by law of thu thi Phlludel Phlludelphla IhllllIphll lhlluilelptuiaphla assoelntloii have boon Hiloptod The Themain Th ThI11l1ln Thcmainmain object In tooncounge 10 InCOIlrtI1 Intcrclub matches raatcheibut mllchabUlft matchesbutbut bUlft at the lip close ulosoot of tho nculnr neisnn tOIl or dur durIngthe uluitItigiheIngthe 111 It Ihl summer a plckod teiim will be & male mtvleuti mllo malethuuti 11110 to play pla horaoandhome matches In other othercities olherellle8 othercItiescities Tho rh inambBrshlp I Is shown br b the fol following 10110ln foilowing ?lowing 10ln schedule of spring and tall oxents oxentsMay O esenteMay lIla lIlaIlfMay Ilf 2 Concord vs Oakley Oakl at Walertown lIltrloID ant an1CUUII antCountiF ml mlCuunlryCUUII Cuunlry I Cub vs Brae Uuru at Urnukllne Concord Concorilrs lnnc lt1 lt1IHrs Country COllnll Club at Concord and lndlll Hr limp e Hum v rH Oak Oakley OakI Oakleyley I at Wattrlown alellown 11 Concord rs c Brat 11 Hum hum at atConcord alConrordllnd atConcordConcord Conrordllnd and Counnrv ounnry Club vs s Oakley OalIal Onkle at Walertiwe WalertiweOct Waled iirr iirrdclOct 10 Concord vs Buckley Olelt at Concord CuDrordlnd and CountryClub Country CoUnll CoUnllrlub C000tbyClubClub vi r Hrac Bra Hum al West ul Newton 17 I 7 Cuneord & rd v vllrae vo voBrae valirac &Brae Burn at Wen 1 Newton and Country Club vii viiCountry uCIIIIIIII ccCiuurtryCountry CIIIIIIII Club at Drookllne Broo lInt 24 4 ronmrd vs Cuunlry CuunlryClub lnllJ otiflIryitib lnllJIIIClub III itib at HrooXltac and Hrae Hums vs Oakley at atWcHtNewloli atttetWcHtNewloli WcHtNewloliBoth ttet 1 SrIOII SrIOIIl1th SewtoflIJothBoth l1th the Crescent Cre c nt A ACand C nnd lbs Sew York A AC AC ACC IIIIVP III I appoint I committees to examine amine And Andreport IIn IInrlIo unitreportreport rlIo 1 on olllhe the feasibility 111 lbllltol of leasing tho lox fo Illlla Illllalints nllhlIInUlints and clubliouso clubliousoThe clubhousoThe lubhtousoThinThe ExecutIve Committee oftlio Van Corl Corllanrtt CorlJaldt Conlandtlanrtt Club tnct last nlaht and took Htens tllI to tocompliitH 10COlnlllol tototntuiCticompliitH the organization Tom Hendolow Hendolowwill nenol fleiuulelowwIll lolI lolItl1iIwill not be tho golf olllro professional slonal of the public publiclinks pitLulleInks 1llc 1llcIInksnuIIlinks IInksnuII ituil It 11111 IH said ll & t that hU Huecffrnor IjlleC 8Or will Ie IeVnl t tVnl LeuIVnl uI Flood formerly of thn Ih AnUlvy CresetMit Ct lIt A AC AC ACC anil nlllllitlhllolollinki Iitiklluld j ° ittstluli links e Coinmlsslont & r Mimbitii Mimbitiihi Mocibutushas IuhlllhaMhi haM In view wlp HIM Ih eriOtlon of n house hnu 1 for tbn tbngolfers III1Z01irr lieu lieugoiTersgolfers near the he first tee t p to u bu lilted our with withlockers Ivllh10ckN withlockoutlockers llIn & and dressing dro IDI rooms roomsAuuuat rOmUlthl roorutuuttItAuuuat Schllz has boon ensnseJ as n profes professional itrotesafrunti ?sional by II the lie Drookltwn Country Club lutb of ofBridgeport ofBrhllCport ofltrliltccluortBridgeport BridgeportaisjMrnvnir BrhllCportRI1UIP ltrliltccluortitaisjMrnvnir RI1UIP it MMrTtvZ1IE Uu Oa March 7Thflr 7 Thnre were werotwentytwo 1Iert weretwentytwotwentytwo t nYlTO entries lItrl I In the Pine Korost ord Golf GolfClulj OolfCillb GolfClithClulj mixed foursomi competition cOl11 ptltlon today Tho Thowinners ThotlllIl1lrs Ttiowitiircrswinners wore Mils Let of 01 Clovcland and Mr Mrlu IrlIu Mr1iulu Aroiona rill OM 13s 27 111 and ocond prizes prizeswont prl prlwnt pri7eewentwont to toMrs Mr lrll H 1 Hacktis and IV C W W Smith with110 1 1 Ci I11 llJ I ii Wllllii Ilticu w Vlfr tha profctJlonal ro lonnl hat liasmade hMmu1e hattuuiiemade tuuiie the followlns new II II I reeordfor thollnkn tI the Itnl 15 II s r I It 1 4 a 1 4 6a7 J7 Wlcr WI r returm to tlit tlitMorrli IhorrhrJI Morrli orrh County Ciolf Club Clubnbvut about April pClll pClllST 11 11ST 15TST T AiOVHTiNC Murch 27 A kesson of gool goolgolf Iroo1loll ooi ooigolfgolf weathur was somewlmr brokuo IJrokl1lwlotodo IJrokl1lwlotodoh herotoday herotodayhyhy h a iiiwiip 1lIvlIPllur ur of ruin Kv vury & & ej one on expieeteil expieeteilItobert elctl1tlhprt expcliItohiertItobert Watson Illlon to piny through and tttl oecure clIrl1lh6 clIrl1lh680lltlWfII the theBoutliTii timSuuttlbBoutliTii Suuttlb rtt Ihaiiipliiikhlii hII1II I1ohl & but he got bad lies liesthis Ill IllIhlll liesthiithis thii mnrnltiK and found it Imposulble hnrn hlt to rut rutout JllltOUI puttotitout on till & wet 11 cround A a result he was IIn II de defeated deInld defeatd ?feated by A Hldticy Carpenter Inr J1er of Iliiliidolphln Iliiliidolphlnby Iiiludl thIn thInbyby J up and nnllll 1 In t play U H Cory Co of olllalon Iloston de defenied J JIIIP1 tiefeuttifenied IIIP1 Clayton Dlxon by 4 tip nndJ and to piny pinyWatorman IIIIYalllman tinyatormnnWatorman alllman dcfeatnd lelnnl hv licfanlt and andHoward nnll11111Ir antiIiiuraruIHoward & 1 Colhr defeated llrackatt IlrArk t1 by d dfuult de deluulI defitfuult fit itt t In I tt thu t h lie Mliullnils su iii iiltiis thN I hi his aftwrnoon aftwrnoonCorv nltrnooi1Irv aftirnorjrtCirvCorv Irv defcatod Cnrnen nrlcIIr artier er by b i 2 up nnd nndColby nlllJrlh nnujCiiihyColby rlh defeated W Suenrtuan 11 eriiian by 4 up anti a i to toplay torty topyplay This liii will bring Colby and corj 10 oem In the thefinal Ihlnlll tutu tutufinalfinal nlll tiiriiornlng which If Hw hi woalh woalhr r Is Isfiivornblu I IfivorohIci 8 8laornMofiivornblu snoiild 01111 prova prOI to I ci be ol u 1I11I11 ututisutsi HUH l1llnlllr l1llnlllrI & mil inter interpit Interputtpit I I Then wuto only oDI eight hlhlll1 In thf theeontent contest lor lorthe lorIho fortinethe Consolation cup fU so th ttiu & i KetulfltuUnndl KetulfltuUnndlflnal telllnnal nod nnrtftnnl nodftttniflnal were played today Fred Ctnruplaln eh rulJl1ln of ofthe ofIh ofthuthe Ih Washington Park anti nd Midlothian club clubChlcnen chI clubsCiticaco b bChlelloChlcnen defeated I H 11 Marshall Iar hlll of tlm Vekt Wlth Wetttiituier Vektphisierphisier h Ir club by H iiprinn fito r 10 piny Illn anl little Jlttlt1I0hl littlefleuil Ilttlcfleldfleld defeated Wlllougliby liy I i & i H u up ci I nnd un ii to tonluy tonlur tonittynluy ChAmplMln Chllml ID carried off ofTiie the hi cup dufeatlnic dufeatlnicLittletleld duroatinlC1ttllllI duireuntingltttbeuieldLittletleld 1ttllllI hJ by a J up and ancl2to 2 to 0 play playHOT 1la1HOT idayfloTHOT Srrtsns Va 1 March 2j It has hB been h ln de deeldi d dclIl1 dcieiulu1eldi clIl1 & d tn hold tbn golf tournament hArA on onAprilJil onIrll onAprilAprilJil April Irll 2j 24 J7 anti JH K A large IlIr number of golfers golfershave golfershnvehave entered enteredTournamentIJOT IJOTToUrDIID1llIt 1JOLToUrOnflUtitTournament for or hits h CtmmplonshlD hampion hl of tha thaNew Ih Iholh he heiesvNew York olh A t C Iteclns JI IleginaTIe IteclnsTTiennnual lIln lIln1teTTiennnual TIe nnnual pool tournament for the cham championship oharnplollfthlp ehaunplottehip ?pionship of the N Xeow & ew w York A C becan la last hntnllhl lastnight t tnightnight In the bllllanl room of the Fiftyninth Fiftyninthstreet flllynlnihalret Fiftyninthstreetstreet clublinue There arc eloven ontries ontriesand llItrleRIn euutniesintland In lll & If thoentlri hue suitinte lIrl MliHlule
U played rJay out oxor oxorOVB olorntlllokll oconfIvefIve ntlllokll weeks will be required rlIIIIIIIIeloro before the tourney tourneyends Iurn Iurn1I1I tnurnc7ettuiuuends Dr W V I 1 Doitclas olllln who tvlu has IJa won 011 lilt tlmbllllsrd liltIJllllarrl thubillIardbllllsrd championship dllnplon hlll of tbo club for the past pasttwu J1aolt1J ptstttwu t Wi years enr Is I a t competitor u otiu liii ton for pool honors He Heplayed 111lllyollhl lIepiayeufplayed lllyollhl the opening R0tn Brnlllat & j last night with J I IIIpcke 1 W Wl1cker V VIleekcrIleekcr aiiddefcateil ttu1 ilefentol him by a core of 100 lo in7t7 71 & The 111 tourney Is exciting much Interest Interestatnnng IlItortlJton interestanionicatnnng flits Ih members membersThere l1emJ6r8fhlrll nuemborsflusneThere wns wn only one game In the pool poololtrnll poololtrnllmellt toucan tournnmerit toucanmootmerit of the Knlckftrbocker A C last night oluhtHcott ollhtHcol nightScottScott defeated llalley by a 1I1coro I score ot ilK 1111110 toim toimAt to t1i UMAtAt 1 the Ih CrrHCviit A u t t of Ilrooklyn Urookli11119t last night nighttho IIIIhttho utigiutthetho pool poollo1arnes games rc reIIUd tlt da n folow A It Fish KUhwbo ff Fishwiuoue h hwhowho wiuoue & hindlcnp I hi I dl 0 I was ilefented 111ft 1 liy I W 1 1MrDoiivlll 1lIIrlJollvlll 1McCottvlliMrDoiivlll who I Is rat rar11I1 & I nt ft ss br h lieto n scorh of ftit ftittof r rntof to n M & 4 In HIP tI Meond on1 snme nllll P HThomtwou II lhcumuso mat hl luitatE matK t tEE H Jorlnn br ono nil ball on tilt ho handicap ItKII 1011 tha thatcurobelni IhoOlJr he heacurbolntcurobelni OlJr l belm 75 i & loVi loViMocker 10 111 111AA 4 Mocker Tam fur Ileflley lIm School SchoolTh S SehtoculThte honl honlTbTh Thte te was II n special rla1 meeting of ollh the Helfley ttln School SchoolAA A a At the lb school Hyerson street near HeKnlh HeKnlhAvenue IIfol & & Alh Alhrnu shhavenueAvenue rnu ItrHiUlyn lust night nl hl It was a decided lo loplace 10plllre toplaceplace a hockey boc rT lenin tn this 111 Held & l composed for tae taeinoit lherarlol theboilboil part rarlol of the III retch players Iaro itho Ilh represents representsthe rrprnl d dUlethe school hool during dllrlnilib Ibe pa past si 1 heason on the Ih Ire fe Through Throughtbethe lb kindness kllldn1 nf Mr Ir Pratt rnlllheuloJ Iheold Prali Institute filth filthSchool ttiRhS tttohSchooiSchool S holl slhlelle nelil eurner nf Struben street lIt and andWllloiigbbr al1Wlllollll1by SCiulWIlloughbyWllloiigbbr avenue TrIlU was Ifa given ui the Ih team D prar prarUMMipoii pea prllU peaUseU Use UMMipoii r 11 ttpuiiu A vote le1 of t Hun IIIlIKS us was 101 w voted to Me M Pratt Prattfor mutt muttforfor his generous tIter lIr Selfrled & lluih was u ch rhnorn rhnornCIIVIaIII rhuusencitptaiil & isen isencaptaincaptain of the Ih tram arid Lhsrlu Chari HIT HITman licemartman manager Vinmn nnn P 1 HcBley IItnl will willofflcJnle willntnrJal willeuiflmlitttofflcJnle as Treisiiret IInol lames are a deMreil de lr1 with withthe wtththe lIh lIhII the II & Crefcenl A C Stevens Institute Columbia ColumbiaUniversity lolunlblaInlrIIlld ColumbianicersltUniversity InlrIIlld nicerslt and any an othr lacrosse Ilcll team nm wltUln loo loomiles 100mil I no nomilesmiles mil of lirenler rnlrr New York 0111 Among mQIIO Ihe players who whowill wbowill whowillwill handle the Ih crosses for the first eieawn alOn are W N NHysn Snran Nlynnlynn William Hush Harry liMe P I McDonald Uugald UugaldMcDonald D UtigalutMcDonald hl hlMclolllldMcDonald Arthur r1hllr N umton Setfrted llub lUrry lUrryPP Mven Charlci Charlrill It Smith L L I W Holtou and nd Will Willlam WUIIm Willlamlam Im Hyde HydeJeffries Hd HdJeffr HydeJffrleaJeffries Jeffr nnd Ills III Inrty Inr Will Ha nt Chlcacn ChlcacnCUICAUO ChicagnUtUt 11 trhlny trhlnyCMlrAIIO fllulliyCCUICAUO C tCAtIO March 27 2jJIJIII James S J 1 JofTrlot Tom Tomniyilran TomI1VtY31l Tomnuniyilran nu tyatt and thorotof Ihl teat 01 ilmchaniplouH Ih lie 0110111 & 1011 r party J1brrI partywill & & riy riywillI will arrive hero h lo on o Friday morning morn In and torn tornweek lorni formweeki week will keep up u hi hiss t training ruin Ing at u 1 local localBVtnnaslnm localI localiytunrtslt1mBVtnnaslnm rl11f11 lnm On April Irll B he will appear at atTnttorsalls alrntlonall atTruttenualiuiI Tnttorsalls naulnst n IIlnt three men Oeorc Law Lawlor lawlor LawIonlor of Milwaukee MliwaukeuJltn Jim llarnes of Chicago Chl Chicugonnu ChicugonnuJuick uo nnd nndJuck nn1JupkJuck MvUorinlck nf Plilladelphli llnrnes anti indMcCormlok antileCurmlek antiMcCormIckMcCormIck have innde made Hide bets bellllhat that they Ih will willnot willnot willriotnot go O down & b bctforo fnrotha Thu M big bi lioderuiaknr while whileLawlor whllIllwlor whilLawlorLawlor I I is on rii pis & way here irom rolll Gnlveston Onlv lI filled filledwith ftllpdwith tile tilewithwith equal coiuldence Jack J tck & Muddenof Miaddenotiirnok Miaddenotiirnokiyn 01 Ilrook Ilrooklyn n root rootIrn ?lyn and Maiirlcu Hnuch of Chloaeo will 11 right rightsix IIlhtell lightsixsix rounds tli this saute 88m nliiht nliihtValcott nlllhlalcoll nightWalcottValcott and West et Matched MatchedAfter MatchctMt MatchedAfterAfter Mt r sovernl IOurt months of dickering & Tommy TnmmyWest TommWIst TommyWestWest and Joo Wuloott ham hll been matched matchedtoto mel In n 5rnuml bout at the llroad llroadWAT Jlrntdwar lirnadwaywar A C on April pril 20 O West met Tom Tomup TOlnOlIolllk TomOIlourkeOlIolllk rllItHdt1l1n1 yesterday itnul artlcrs wor drawn drllnUIup and signed In d Mntelim Mntelimwan Inlchmllko Conldlne who whown4 whowaswan present Itnm Immediately dl9ii dlalltlT & iy offered the pair pllrpllrsl a apurso apitracpurso which was nccepttd Tat Ill battle will willbe wIllbebeatcatchwelchts be at oalch1lollrhtsNEWS OF THE WIIKKLMEN WIIKKLMENA WnEELMEN1 WnEELMEN1JYoNNlfYIVUtA lKKH JYoNNlfYIVUt YI & r KlA JVHflVKS IVIIV DKlliilO DKlliilOIH IJflltiJVININ TUB ViHK OP 1 IXJVIIKn CffLlltT CICJIHUa CICLU1U11 Ua Reveries th Ihlll Finding of llm th II Lower Cnnr Cnnrnil CctttrtAnd CeunrtsoulAnd nil Orders Ord n New Trial for tIns Ih Hide HideThe IUd IUdThe llidurTheThe Rout for n a PistIl from New N Yorltn turk turkto urktn 0 llaflalo lIu IInftaIuiNew alltNlw New nullctln of III II league lengneJuillce t leagueJuulkw III1I1 III1I1JU IJuillce JU Ik Meslrezat Ml llIlal of thi tit Suprem Cuiitl tllIl of ol1eniLsyUanln oflII1Llvanln ofIeuiiisylvanfa1eniLsyUanln hwided down TII n ileclrl uieIriun drIn & m nn Moil Moilday MIIIIday Mittidayday that Li t of particular lntrrit IlIlrr t to cyclists 1 rllI be beCAIIM beC1I11d becalteisCAIIM the rlrrumslAticenof rlrcumllllr nllh of lh & case 1 Are of I every everyday tf everyday rp rpdaday da occurrence II was an ajll1I1 & nl from Ih Ih1I11 Iuiitl Iuiitlof tuiitlofof Common Pleas 11 a which hlrh bad Inslrilcld
a jury juryto jurytoto find A verdict In faxor of I n company culnltifl abe whuwdriver abeuiuivcr h I IdrlvIrdriver WM defendant In a null 1111 It for h Iustli KH & III & dmnnge dmnngebrought ulottiuugebmtughtIbrought hy H IlusnnmItu nlamin IlKile I a young 1I1I01 cyclist cyclistIilMlce cyruslttstlte rlllIilMlce Mesilrejnt reversed rtff tin Ih finding nndll1 niuliinlereil niuliinlereiln IUIIIr utitul iurufurrl iurufurrlit rrol rrolIn new III trial I Foole I I was 11 proceeding iinflh IIl hurt & rlh h ami amikeeping nllliliflplnr antIkeepluugkeeping on IIlIlhll itt the & right hand hlll cliln Iol of ollh lh tile slriet when whenlb whettli blb wagon turned a a corner rnrr and came toward lonrrllhl lonrrllhlbo his thnboy hisItoboy bo upon thn II lie same sld Ill which hlrh was to I the Ih drlvei drlveitho sinicerthe Irlrrhandthe left hand sd siule I h In trying to 0 avoid A t collision collisionKoota rollllonJ utitlslonVisitsVisits J I wan Wa knocked down dIIII111J and run over In r ten tendoming n ndcring ndcrindoming dcrin his hi declhlun the Ih Judge said saidThe MllhlTh saIdThuThe Th boy received tht Ih s cant m I11W right nnd nlldlIubirlfll sun sunciubjerhed v vdubjecleddubjecled to I hi Ihe Ih same restrictions 1 lrlrti1I8 In the Ih use u o ohis 11 11hi itthishis hi bicycle as a n pernon r11 nsinir n carriage rarrll1 drawn drawrby drnlnby drawnbyby n burN Jior In passing norlli nlong Ilon lh 1M & cash cashMile ASInlds ASI 111tIId8Mile of Metrnteonlh tnll 11 I h street 811 t the tb txiy 1 was I I where CO hr h hhad be behad behad &had a right to 0 he hi and wh suture re


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