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wild ride是什么意思
wild ride是什么意思 wild ride在线翻译 wild ride什么意思 wild ride的意思 wild ride的翻译 wild ride的解释 wild ride的发音 wild ride的同义词
wild ridewild ride 双语例句1. 1. It tumbled and rolled and flipped and flopped, trembled and shimmied and looped and careened. The Devil was certainly getting a wild ride.&&&&摇椅马上开始摇晃、旋转、颠抖起来,一阵阵狂旋乱颠,魔鬼自然被颠得要发狂。2. But the hours in between were one wild and crazy ride:The networks gave Gore the key state of Florida at&&&&但在这一枕黄粱之间却有一出惊心动魄的好戏:美国东部时间晚上7点49分,电视网络宣布戈尔在决定生死的佛罗里达州取得胜利;10点16分,他们把这一说法咽了回去;凌晨2点17分,他们将该州判给布什并给他加冕;4点钟——又一次——他们自食其言。3. 3. Many real estate flippers and homeowners enjoyed the same wild ride.&&&&很多不动产的短单客或菜篮族也尝到相同的苦果。4. 4. That wild ride now appears to be at an end to little net effect.&&&&这一奇招如今看来已经用完了——净效应微乎其微。5. If you already have friends in London then you'll probably be in for a wild ride.&&&&如果你的朋友已经在伦敦然后就会有可能在野外旅程。6. Relax and enjoy the ride using the easy-to-fly Floating setting or hold on for a wild ride with the Flying setting while you flip, spin and buzz mountain tops.&&&&放松和享受该机使用容易飞浮设置或搁置了野生乘坐的飞行设定当您翻转,旋转和奥尔德林山顶。7. In this thrilling hidden object adventure game, you will embark on a wild ride through one of the most fascinating periods in American criminal history.&&&&鲁珀特与艾玛的朋友拉图在一个古城遗址发现了一件价值连城的古碑,但他不知道,这仅仅是噩梦的开始。8. Later, the August 15 Lunar New year, and that the children see the same small village of partners in the village to play sweet-scented osmanthus trees, but also would like to go along for the ride the past, which no one knows the rationale for not only him, also did not call him a mother, no The Wild Child rearing.&&&&后来有一年农历的八月十五日,那孩子看到同村的小伙伴们在村头桂花树下玩耍,也想过去凑凑热闹,哪知道不但没人理他,还骂他是个没妈、没教养的野孩子。9. The cowboy in this film is Lee Martin. He's riding a bucking bronco--an unbroken range horse that tended to throw or buck its rider. This is just one of the exciting acts in the show. Buffalo Bill also had lots of wild animals in the show, including buffalo, elk, deer, bear, and moose. If you had to ride a wild animal, which one would you choose?&&&&影片中的牛仔是李馬汀,他胯下的野馬尚未馴服,正在猛烈反抗,想要將背上的人摔下來,當然啦,這只是一場精彩、刺激的表演;野牛比爾的秀也包括了許許多多的野生動物,如:水牛、麋、鹿、熊及北美麋;假如您必須騎乘其中一頭野生動物,您會選誰呢?10. 10. You will feel dizzy, and it will be a wild and crazy ride, so hold on tight.&&&&你会觉得头晕,而且这将是一个野生和疯狂骑,所以保持紧张。11. The Japanese SEO industry will be very interesting to watch over the next coming years. I think we are in for a wild ride.&&&&&&日本SEO行业的未来是非常有趣的,我认为就像去驯服一只野兽作坐骑,请拭目以待。12. When the markets kicked in, it was a wild ride.&&&&&&当市场来的时候,是很猛的。13. This has been a wild ride for the past 5 years.&&&&&&它让这过去的5年十分疯狂。14. But people can watch their own financial future take a wild ride as markets rise and fall.&&&&&&但是人们可以注意到他们自己的财政前景随着市场的起伏而自由的浮动。15. The Grand Duke, who was19, had a great time, especially when he went on a mad ride in a stagecoach behind six wild horses with Buffalo Bill holding the reins.&&&&&&时年19岁的大公爵玩得很开心,尤其是那场他亲身经验的疯狂驿马车之行(前有六匹野马拉车,后有野牛比尔操控缰绳);16. I regretted inhaling these as soon as we began a wild ride up the mountain in a vehicle the size of Texas.&&&&&&我后悔一口气就吃掉了这些,就在我们坐着像德克萨斯那么大的车辆,马上要进行一个狂野的爬山之旅时。17. 17. Eventually, when bulls cease to provide a wild ride, they too are sent to slaughter.&&&&&&最后,当公牛不再能提供疯狂的骑乘时,它们也会被送到屠宰场。18. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D18. The blue sky flies Wild animals ride the fresh air in peaceful pace.&&&&&&蓝天上翔着白云的翅膀,野生动物在和平的步伐里驾驭着新鲜的空气。19. Living at breakneck speed put you on a wild roller coaster ride and makes you feel physically exhausted and spirithally frazzled.&&&&&&每天高速运转的生活节奏,像飞驰电掣地坐着过山车,让你身心俱疲。20. If fellow Internet star Bezos is any guide, Zuckerberg could still be in store for a wild ride.&&&&&&如果老互联网明星贝佐斯可以作为参照的话,扎克伯格也可能处在风口浪尖上。wild ride 单语例句1. The night guard finds himself in a wild ride when a magic curse makes all the inhabitants of the museum come to life.2. Then you will start an exciting horse ride and climb the mountain to the wild Great Wall.3. When asked if she thought the'Wild Horses'singer will continue to ride high in the charts.4. After one round at The Gallery, it figures to be a wild ride.5. It sounds like a gimmick feature that can be easily bypassed if one is bent on taking a wild ride in an inebriated state.wild ride是什么意思,wild ride在线翻译,wild ride什么意思,wild ride的意思,wild ride的翻译,wild ride的解释,wild ride的发音,wild ride的同义词,wild ride的反义词,wild ride的例句,wild ride的相关词组,wild ride意思是什么,wild ride怎么翻译,单词wild ride是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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