
The ancestors of today’s Chinese began to settle in the
Huang He (Yellow River) valley more than five thousand years ago.
They were at the time divided into several different tribes.Legend
has it that there were then two tribal chieftains who were half
brothers named Huang Di (the Yellow Emperor) and Yan Di
Huang Di led the people in offering sacrifices to heaven
and earth and to gods and spirits. He got them organized in
agricultural production and the development of culture. He devised
the first calendar in China which was called Huang Di’s calendar or
the Huang calendar.// He also engaged in the study of medicine with
a famous medical man of that time named Qi Bo. The medical theories
they developed were later written into a medical classic by
posterity which was given the title of the Yellow Emperor’s Classic
of Internal Medicine. Huang Di also had his wife teach the people
how to raise silkworms and make clothes of different colours. He
ordered Cang Jie, his chronicler, to set about devising a writing
system and had his music officer make all kinds of musical
instruments.// Under his leadership, the people created many new
things. They built houses, vehicle and boats. They made weapons of
bronze. The Yellow River valley thus became the cradle of Chinese
civilization and a centre of ancient civilization of
The tribes that settled in the Yellow River valley called
themselves the Hua tribes or Huaxia tribes whose civilization
gradually spread to other parts of the country. This is the origin
of the Chinese nation.// The whole nation respect and revere Huang
Di looking on him as the common ancestor of the whole nation. That
is why they call themselves the scions of Huang Di. And since Huang
Di and Yan Di were believed to be born of the same mother and since
their two tribes were later merged, the Chinese have another name
for themselves and that is “the scions of Huang Di and Yan Di”.
According to legend, Huang Di lived to be a hundred years old when
on his 100th birthday a divine dragon came for him from
heaven. On this dragon he rode, to where he had come from. In
memory of Huang Di, later generations built at the ancient capital
of Xi’an a huge mausoleum which they called Huang Di’s
Buddhism was first introduced to China during the last
years of the Western Han, Wei, Jin, the Northern and Southern
Dynasties until Sui. During the Sui Dynasty, in the Eastern Capital
Luoyang there lived a boy by the name of Chen Hui. As his family
was poverty stricken, he was sent at eleven to a temple to be a
little monk where he was given the Buddhist name Xuan
Xuan Zang made a conscientious and thorough-going study of
Buddhist sutras in the course of which it occurred to him that the
Chinese translation of some of the scriptures might not be accurate
so that he was confronted by many insolvable questions. Hence he
resolved to make a trip to India, the birthplace of
Upon his return from the trip, Xuan Zang completed a book
entitled “Notes on the Western Regions of the Great Tang Empire’’,
in which was recorded what he had seen and heard in the 110
countries which he had visited during his travels. Using
information he had collected in his 55,000-kilometre journey which
lasted some fifteen years, he dealt with geographical locations,
local conditions and customs, places of historical and scenic
interest, stories and legends and historical events and figures,
Having been translated into various languages, the book has become
famous and interesting to all the world.//After his return to
Chang’an, he settled in the Ci En Si Temple, taking upon himself
the task of studying& and translating Buddhist
scriptures. After nineteen years of arduous work he completed the
translation of seventy-five Buddhist scriptures comprising in all
1,355 scrolls.// The term yindu (India) in the Chinese language was
Xuan Zang’s choice. Meanwhile, he has introduced to the India
people Dao De Jing by Laozi, an important philosophical work of
ancient China which he had translated into Snskrit. He was also the
founder of Fa Xiang Zong in Buddhism.//
Xuan Zang was an outstanding traveler, explorer,
translator, philosopher and theologist. Because he was a monk of
great renown of the Tang Dynasty, he was often referred to as Tang
Seng (a monk of Tang). His pilgrimage was a heroic undertaking in
the history of Chinese culture. It is also an oft-told story about
the history of cultural exchange between China and India.// Basing
his story on the historical legend of Xuan Zang’s pilgrimage, the
Ming novelist Wu Cheng’en wrote the famous mythical novel “A
Pilgrimage to the West ” in which Xuan Zang is the prototype of
Tang Seng the Buddhist priest.//
At the time of the founding of the Yuan Dynasty by Kublai
Khan, China was probably the most powerful as well as the most
wealthy country in the world. As such it held great attractions for
envoys, merchants and travelers from various countries to the
west.//Among the visitors was Marco Polo, an Italian who was the
first European to make extensive tours in China and some other
Asian countries and whose remarkable books, “the Travels of Marco
Polo” was a significant& contribution to East-West
cultural exchange. Marco Polo was indeed a pioneer in forging
friendly ties between the people of Italy and China.//
This book, which stirred the whole of Europe, is sometimes
referred to as “the great romance of the world”. It describes what
Marco Polo and the other two Italians had seen of the customs and
conditions of life in the countries they had visited on their
journey to the east and chronicles the state affairs of Yuan and
the wars it engaged in. It contains descriptions of life at court,
palace architecture, festivals, games hunting, marriage and burial
customs, feudal superstitious practices and what not.// There are
also detailed descriptions of the beautiful sight of flourishing
cities like Beijing, Xi’an, Kaifeng, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Suzhou and
Hangzhou. The use of coal, which had already had a history of 2,000
years in China, were introduced to Europe through this book.//
China, according to Marco Polo, was a vast country rich in natural
resources, an ancient country with a long civilized history, The
book also includes sections on other countries and lands like
Russia and Southeast Asia. On the basis of Marco Polo’s
descriptions, some European geographers succeeded in making an
early map of the world which stimulated the West’s interest in
Chinese civilization and helped strengthen their determination to
set sail for the east.// It was with the inspiration and
encouragement provided by this book that the famous navigator
Columbus started on his voyage in 1492, carrying with him a message
from the king of Spain for the Chinese emperor. It was an accident
that he had finally hit land in America and discovered a new
Known in ancient history as the “mother” of the Chinese
nation, the Yellow River has given life to hundreds of millions of
Chinese. It is also called the “cradle” of the nation and the
birthplace of its civilization.// In remote antiquity, the Yellow
River Valley was covered with luxuriant growths of trees and grass,
a region with an abundance of plant life where our ancestors lived
and worked and propagated. After hundreds of thousands of years of
primitive society, the Yellow River Valley, of all places in China,
became the first settled agricultural region in the country and the
first foothold of class society. // All the names that entered
Chinese historical annals, like Shen Nong Shi, Huang Di, Yao, Shun
and Yu the Great and many of our myths and legends are associated
with the Yellow River. Ancient capitals in the valley, such as
Xi’an, Luoyang and Kaifeng, were before the time of the Northern
Song Dynasty, the political, economic and cultural centres of the
country.// The brave and industrious sons and daughters of Huang Di
and Yan Di have created in this region a history that is truly
world-shaking, bringing forth an immensely colourful and
resplendent culture and art. Many of the historical sites and
cultural relics and still there today.//
Anthropologists define culture as any human behavior that
is learned rather than genetically transmitted. They believe that
culture is not nec it exists in any type or
stage of civilization. In addition, the cultural patterns that are
typical of a certain group communicate the essence of that group.
Culture distinguishes one group of people from another. Culture is
all pervasive, including not only customs and habits, ideas and
beliefs but also the artifacts made by humans.//
Culture has two major components: the material and
nonmaterial. While the former refers to tangible items such as
cars, watches, television sets, and houses, the latter is comprised
of intangible elements such as values, beliefs and customs. Both
the material and nonmaterial components of culture play a major
role in influencing people’s perceptions of reality, thought and
behavior patterns./ /
The nonmaterial component of culture can be illustrated by
the following examples: values, norms, beliefs, emotions,
attitudes, laws and symbols.
Culture shapes values, norms, emotions beliefs, attitudes,
symbols, laws, perceptions and material possessions. In turn, these
impact culture, which means that cultures are dynamic, always
undergoing tremendous change. As individual and group qualities
change either due to the internal process of growth and maturation
or contact with outside groups, cultures also change.//
Values that characterize what is desirable are a
significant part of culture. Very often, values of one cultural
group may be in conflict with those of another. While
individualism, competition and winning are core values of U.S.
society, East Asian societies of China, Korea and Japan that are
deeply rooted in Confucianism put paramount emphasis on proper
social relationships and their maintenance. Emphasis on social
relationship in Asia and on the individual in the United States
produces different patterns of interpersonal and management
Norms can be defined as rules that guide behavior. While
some norms are proscriptive, stating what must not be done, others
are prescriptive, stressing what must be done. Standards that
define what is “normal” are determined by the culture
Beliefs which directly or indirectly what is right or
wrong also differ from one culture to another. Beliefs are at the
core of forming particular world views. The ”rugged individualism”
concept that is prevalent in the U.S. may not be well-regarded in
Mexico even though they believe in “individuality”. U.S. people
regard the individual as the center of attention, with ability to
achieve anything through hard work.//
Finally, culture can be defined in terms of symbols that a
group of people are associated with. A flag with fifty stars,
white, blue and red colors and a eagle symbolizes the United States
of America and so do very big cars. Movies that are shown abroad
tend to portray the United States as a country with many rich
people and plenty of guns. As these examples illustrate, some of
our perceptions of a certain culture may be quite true and others
may not be so true because they are based on a small sample of the
population.// I have seen many movies, for example, on Africa and
almost in every case, there is an animal around. If it is not a
lion, it is an elephant or a giraffe. The truth is that these
animals are not so rampant or at least they don’t roam about
people’s compounds as often as the movies tend to suggest. Just as
perceiving the U.S. people in terms of abounding riches may to a
large extent be a false image, the same is true of other cultures,
The peoples and countries of the world have always loved
their history and the land they have lived on for generations.
Indeed, the prevalence of such feelings would seem to indicate that
they respond to something most basic in human nature. But another
most-human feeling is hope in a better future. We look back and we
re we look forward and hope that our children
will have a better life than we had.// In a world marked by rapid
industrialization and accelerating change, maintaining a felicitous
balance between the two is indeed a challenge. “We cannot live in
the past,” we say to ourselves, only to add, “but we can’t live
without our past!”//
In the century which has just come to a close, many began
to realize that there are certain manifestations of nature or
culture that really evoke or express something so profoundly human
that they deserve to be preserved for all humanity. The Convention
Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural
Heritage was adopted by UNESCO in 1972.// As UNESCO says, “Our
cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of
life and inspiration. They are our touchstones, our points of
reference, our identity.”
Quite clearly, many historic neighborhoods and buildings
are in cities—the growing, expanding, changing urban centers so
unlike the old cities that lent its name to the citizens who
inhabited them. The first International Conference for Mayors of
Historic Cities in China and the EU was held in historic Suzhou—an
apt site since it was an early point of Chinese & European contact
in the time of Marco Polo and the Yuan Dynasty.// The signing of
the “Suzhou Declaration,” marks new progress in understanding how
to combine the desire to preserve our heritage withtheneeds of
sustainable development in order to improve the lives of
The people of Suzhou invited us one night to enjoy
traditional music in the 200-year-old Master-of-Nets Garden. There,
next to a pond and under a light rain, I sat under a gazebo and
listened to a short reed-flute solo. The moon was not visible but I
could feel its presence.// At such a moment the world takes on a
new shape—larger, more varied, with many paths crossing and leading
to yet-to-be-discovered opportunities, with even the rain a
blessing. Here there are no stranger but only friends to be made.
This, for me, is the embodiment of a heritage shared.//


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