wineskin winery教程的一些小问题

Q: 10.8.2 Breaks Wineskin Winery apps
10.8.2 seems to have broken Wineskin Winery (i.e. Windows ports) like "The Witcher" and other games that use this simulation software. Anyone else notice this?& Is also suspect this is why Virtual Box has broken.
Posted on Sep 19,
by Andy Vandenberghe,Solvedanswer
(33 points)
hey all, &i had the same bug with the witcher. before 10.8.2 it ran, after not anymore. &going from the post by Onamac I installed
as mentioned on the wine site : . That didn't fix it. &Then I tried installing the wineskin app but still no luck. uninstalled it. &Looking further I found the solution here on another gaming site : &download the archive
it will create 3 files: WineskinX11, libfreetype.6.dylib and libpixman-1.0.dylibright-click on your The witcher application and select "Show Package Contents"&then replaced /Applications/The\ /Applications/The\\ i restarted the Mac and The witcher worked again. &Kudos to the opensource community to fix this Apple bug!
Posted on Sep 23,
10.8.2 Breaks Wineskin Winery apps
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Helpful answers
in response to StillSlippery
(274,336 points)
in response to StillSlippery
Report this to the developers. Apple is not responsible for third-party applications. I've seen no problems with Virtual Box on my system.
in response to StillSlippery
(5 points)
in response to StillSlippery
I've noticed this as well, League of Legends no longer works. Looks like Wineskin is aware of it as well -
in response to Kappy
(0 points)
in response to Kappy
Wow, I'm glad Apple has designated you as the spokesman to notify everyone that Apple doesn't care about backward compatability or thrid party products. Thanks for the comment.
in response to StillSlippery
(274,336 points)
in response to StillSlippery
You're welcome. Out of curiosity are you over 12 years old?
in response to Kappy
(0 points)
in response to Kappy
Yes, are you anything other than a "point" w#0*e? How is the comment "Apple is not responsible for third party applications, take your problems somewhere else" supposed to be helpful or constructive?& Before the point system on these forums was instituted, people wouldn't comment on posts unless they had something useful or constructive to say. &I went to my first WWDC in May of 1984.& Apple has ALWAYS been concerned about backward compatibility and the usability of their own products as well as third party applications no matter how small the developer, or whether the application is proprietary, shareware, freeware or OpenSource. Remember a little thing called Rosetta that was in Mac OS X for three years? Or Cocoa, Carbon or the whole concept of the universal binary? or are you not over 12 years old? &Apple was built and run on Steve Jobs' design philosophy and his 6 pillars of which I know they still hold true to, and is part of the companies DNA:1 - Craft, above All2, 3 and 4 - Empathy, Focus and Impute5 - Friendliness6 - Finding simplicity for the future in the metaphors from the past&The only one that is not obvious is the fourth, Impute - He believed that people form an opinion of a company based on the signals that it conveys. He believed that "People DO judge a book by it's cover. We may have the best product, ... most useful software, if we present them in a slipshod manner, they will be p if we present them in a creative, professional manner, we will impute the desired qualities".&This is why I truly believe the response "tell it to someone else, it's working for me, go away" is totally inappropriate for this kind of discussion forum where people are looking for help and answers and is NOT the "Apple way".&Was my reply to you childish? maybe, but it showed the frustration that I have for what this forum has become. For that I apologize, but I also believe that short snarky responses have become the norm on these forums because of the point system and it has lowered the quality and usefulness of these forums.
in response to StillSlippery
(5 points)
in response to StillSlippery
Just to point out that not all Wineskin wrappers don't work. I've managed to run my Windows-only tools via Wineskin and a 2D game. When it comes to 3D, however, not one game seems to work.Wineskin developer points out that 10.8.2 and 10.7.5 both broke Wine usage with OpenGL (which, in turn, I assume it breaks the Direct3D software from Wine applications):&The problem was a bug found in X11 or XQuartz. I still didn't understand if it was either the XQuartz developers' fault or Apple's.
in response to StillSlippery
(5 points)
in response to StillSlippery
Just an FYI a new version of wineskin has been released:
&After you unzip that and install, find whichever game (mine happens to be LOL) show contents, until you find the wineskin application, run it, click advanced, tools, press update wrapper, once thats done go in and press refresh wrapper. &Then try playing your game. Resolved my issue w/ LOL - Credit to Trollizm
in response to Onamac
(33 points)
in response to Onamac
hey all, &i had the same bug with the witcher. before 10.8.2 it ran, after not anymore. &going from the post by Onamac I installed
as mentioned on the wine site : . That didn't fix it. &Then I tried installing the wineskin app but still no luck. uninstalled it. &Looking further I found the solution here on another gaming site : &download the archive
it will create 3 files: WineskinX11, libfreetype.6.dylib and libpixman-1.0.dylibright-click on your The witcher application and select "Show Package Contents"&then replaced /Applications/The\ /Applications/The\\ i restarted the Mac and The witcher worked again. &Kudos to the opensource community to fix this Apple bug!
in response to StillSlippery
(0 points)
in response to StillSlippery
Does anyone know how to apply this if the game is within Steam? Thanks!
in response to hamiltonk92
(0 points)
in response to hamiltonk92
Hi hamiltonk92,&&&&& It's basically the same.& You can find the files in '~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/the witcher enhanced edition'.&Or you can follow the instructions here "" with the updated Winskin Winery at ""&MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP THE DIRECTORY THAT THE GAME IS IN FIRST.& This will save you a lot of time if you mess up, you won't have to download it again from Steam.&&&&&&&& --Ed
in response to StillSlippery
(4 points)
in response to StillSlippery
I was foolish enough to buy The Witcher on Steam last night, thinking that if I gave them money for a product I would get a working product in return. Oh no. Half a day of my valuable time wasted and I've very, very carefully followed every instruction under the sun, including all the methods in this thread, and nothing works, still no game - just a black or grey screen that renders my computer useless.&Last time I trust Steam. I don't care whose fault it is, if an app doesn't work with the specs listed, then they shouldn't be taking money for it. Just completely unacceptable and incredibly annoying.
in response to UniversalHead
(15 points)
in response to UniversalHead
UniversalHead wrote:&I was foolish enough to buy The Witcher on Steam last night, thinking that if I gave them money for a product I would get a working product in return. Oh no. Half a day of my valuable time wasted and I've very, very carefully followed every instruction under the sun, including all the methods in this thread, and nothing works, still no game - just a black or grey screen that renders my computer useless.&Last time I trust Steam. I don't care whose fault it is, if an app doesn't work with the specs listed, then they shouldn't be taking money for it. Just completely unacceptable and incredibly annoying.because they haven't updated it to work on 10.7.5+ and 10.8.2+ ... why? no good reason.&If you actually get it updated to Wineskin 2.5.8, it won't do the gray or black screens.& If you followed the directions here and it still happens, then you didn't follow them correctly.
in response to Andy Vandenberghe
(0 points)
in response to Andy Vandenberghe
Worked a treat for me! Just took a few minutes and it was up and running. I've had nothing but trouble so far after updating to Mountain Lion so really glad to have found your solution! &Cheers :-)
in response to Andy Vandenberghe
(0 points)
in response to Andy Vandenberghe
Thank you so much! does this work on all wineskin games?Pfui-Spinnes-Flurry-icons Wineskin
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最近在用Wineskin Winery玩一些pc上的小游戏Wineskin Winery是不是自带adobe flash player10啊?
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