
咸宁城区首家沃尔玛购物广场正式开业 本报讯记者马莉通讯员熊璐报道:15日,沃尔玛购物广场咸宁店正式开业。咸宁百姓又新增了一家大型综合购物场所。 沃尔玛咸宁店位于咸宁核心商业地块温泉路金诚购物广场2-3层。占地17,000余平方米,经营商品总类超过27,000...
本网讯:铺可生财,旺祖、传宗,一铺养三代,财富旺百年,买铺已成为当下最流行的投资方式之一。当面对一种机不可失的投资机遇,尤其是面对市中心位置、黄金地段的金铺,一旦擦身而过,就再难寻觅。 寒冷的冬天档不住市民前来抢铺的热潮 买铺,买铺!发财致...
咸安首座地标级商业旗舰正式起航 1月1日,咸宁国贸(亲亲时尚广场)正式公开认筹,拉开咸安商业华丽转身的帷幕。 咸宁国贸位于湖北省咸宁市咸安区鱼水路247号(原公汽公司)南门桥洞,地处咸安核心商圈位置,毗邻银泰百货,与南大街、怀德路唇齿相依,是咸安...
时光荏苒,岁月如梭,在儿时的记忆中,南大街是繁华的中心与消费购物的天堂,曾几何时,她已经在沧海桑田中没落了,在这里没有高大上的卖场,有的只是众多品牌专卖店摆满琳琅满目的商品,门前是川流不息的人群,俨然是一派生意兴旺的场面。 鱼水路-南大街作...
名优产品展销 展会现场 房展区 购车现场 新颖别致的瓷器 琳琅满目的小商品 挑选特产 选购服装 彩球飘扬,人山人海。10月1日至12日,由咸宁日报组织举办的我市(2015)秋季车房展暨名优产品博览会,在咸安桂花广场举行。一场楼、车盛宴盛大开席,众多知名楼盘...
咸宁 大型实景 神话音乐剧《嫦娥》中秋前夜 开演 时近中秋,桂花初香, 中国大型实景神话音乐剧《嫦娥》 于2015 年 9 月 26 日 晚8 点 , 在 湖北 香泉映月生态旅游度假区月球剧场 成功开演 。这意味着,今年中秋国庆假期, 泛 武汉城市圈的市民朋友和全国游...
(项俊平)9月26日,12000盏花灯瞬间点亮,正式拉开中国咸宁首届圆中秋大型主题灯展的大幕。 中国咸宁首届圆中秋大型主题灯展整个灯会题材广泛,光彩夺目、气势磅礴、别具风格,由扇舞中秋、桂花飘香、秀美咸宁、醉美咸宁、吉祥富桂、香泉映月、月下祈福、十...
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咸宁市整治互联网低俗之风不良信息专项行动Dear friends & fans,
Unfortunately, recent heartbreaking events happened in Istanbul that forced us to take some measures for our shows in Istanbul and as a result of scheduling, Sofia. Both dates have been cancelled. We share our condolences with our fans and hope to see you in the very near future.
Dear friends & fans, Unfortunately, recent heartbreaking events happened in Istanbul that forced us to take some measures for our shows in Istanbul and as a result of scheduling, Sofia. Both dates have been cancelled. We share our condolences with our fans and hope to see you in the very near future. S
STEVE VAI ANNOUNCES PASSION AND WARFARE 25TH ANNIVERSARY WORLD TOUR NORTH AMERICAN DATES STEVE VAI·WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2016 LOS ANGELES — To commemorate the 25th anniversary of his landmark album, Passion and Warfare, Steve Vai is currently in Europe on the first leg of his very special world tour celebrating one of the greatest instrumental
Here’s an epic little video about the creation of one of the most iconic guitar albums ever created – Steve Vai’s Passion & Warfare
&For all upcoming shows, check our
Steve Vai in
Budapest, Hungary
Park Budapest
Steve Vai in
Tbillsi, Georgia
Tbilisi Open Air
Steve Vai in
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow Annual Arts Festival
Steve Vai in
Fiorano (Modena), Italy
Teatro Astoria
Steve Vai in
San Giovanni alla Vena (Pisa), Italy
Blitz Live Music Pub
Steve Vai in
Roma, Italy
Planet Live Club
Steve Vai in
Cagliari, Italy
Auditorium Comunale
Steve Vai in
Foggia, Italy
Teatro Giordano
Steve Vai in
Martirano Lombardo (Catanzaro), Italy
Sala Cesare Nava
Steve Vai in
Palermo, Italy
Teatro Santa Cecilia
Dear friends & fans,Unfortunately, recent heartbreaking events happened in Istanbul that forced us to take some measures for our shows in Istanbul and as a result of scheduling, Sofia. Both dates have been cancelled. We share our condolences with our fans and hope to see you in the very near future.s ... &Steve Vai added 3 new photos.Hi Folks, I recently played Guitare en scene festival in France and it was fantastic. Following me was
who are celebrating their 40th anniversary.Twisted Sister started out as a Long Island band and they were the best. We would do everything we could to get into the gigs. Being between 14-17 years old and the fact that there shows were always packed, it was hard. But there was no other band at the time that had the confidence and intensity of these guys. They were totally committed and we LOVED it!I was able to catch most of their show at the festival in France and they have not lost one bit of that intensity and confidence. I felt like a teenager experiencing once again the thing I loved most about Rock music. They rocked harder than ever.
is the quintessential rock star and was on total fire with all pistons firing, voice, look and moves.-s ... &Steve Vai shared 's post. ... Get ready, North America! Steve Vai has announced a slew of new tour dates. #stevevai &


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