群星 设置宿敌如何设置其他帝国为宿敌

穿成这样就进工地,难道不怕单身狗把你推倒么? 美女,你吃的龙虾是什么口味的呀,胸部变得那么大?
这些奇怪的黑科技全都“不可描述”,简直宅男福音。 苹果被判侵权,iPhone6/Plus或将在华停止销售。
CopyRight&2004年-年 < 游迅网 All Rights Reserved
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中级玩家, 积分 233, 距离下一级还需 17 积分
中级玩家, 积分 233, 距离下一级还需 17 积分
本帖最后由 karmakarzi 于
06:16 编辑
翻译了部分,后面AI、界面和bugfix 就不翻了,有心者可加一下。
Update v1.1.0 (1.1版):
# Features
* Strike Craft attack behavior was changed& &(改变了舰载机的攻击行为)
* It is no longer necessary to control planets to demand them in war, but controlling planets that are set as wargoals now generates more warscore&&(战争中不需控制星球才能割让,但可得到更多分数)
* It is now possible to set a custom ruler/heir title for your custom empires&&(可自设君主/继承人的头衔)
* It is now possible to write a biography for your custom empire (可自设帝国的描述)
* Added an Influence reward for establishing communications, or conversely being contacted&&(建立外交联系有影响力奖励)
* Collection of strategic resources on planet tiles is no longer suppressed by buildings (行星上特殊资源的格子现可以造建筑,而不影响特殊资源的获取)
* Added settings for AI aggressiveness in the galaxy setup screen&&(初始设定中增加了AI 侵略性的选项)
* &Shipwright& mandate for democractic empires has been reworked&&(改变了民主制国家”造船大师“指示)
* Added resource reward to Raid on Smugglers event (奇袭走私者事件增加了资源奖励)
* Individualist empires will no longer generate election candidates with slaver mandates, and Individualist Pops are less likely to vote for candidates with slaver mandates (个人主义国家不再产生奴隶主平台的竞选人,等等)
* Slaver mandate no longer possible if slavery is outlawed (如果奴隶制不合法奴隶主平台不可选)
* It is now possible to set difficulty in multiplayer (对战可选难易度)
* Symbols of Domination is now available for everyone&&(特殊版的一个标志,现在所有人可用)
* Platypus species portrait and Paradox empire flag is now available for everyone (特殊版的鸭嘴兽种族和P社旗帜,现在所有人可用)
# Technology (技术研究)
* Technology costs now increase by +10% per owned planet (up from +0%) and by +1% per Pop (down from +2%) (技术研究成本每多一个星球加10%(原为0%),每多一个人口加1%(原为2%)
* Unlocking Spaceport technologies now makes you more likely to get research options for new reactor techs&&(研究空间站可让你更可能研究反应堆)
* Spiritualists and Materialists now get tech progress towards Frequency Tuning for researching Space Whales (唯心主义和唯物主义现可研究鲸鱼,得到对应科技)
# Ethics&&(道德)
Fanatic Individualist&&(极端个人主义)
* Pops are now more unhappy in collectivist empires&&(在集体主义帝国中更不快乐)
* No longer have increased ethics divergence (不再有更多的道德歧异)
Individualist (个人主义)
* Pops are now more unhappy in collectivist empires (在集体主义帝国中更不快乐)
* No longer have increased ethics divergence (不再有更多的道德歧异)
Fanatic Xenophobe (极端排外主义)
* Rivalries now provide 50% more Influence (宿敌增加50%影响力)
Xenophobe (排外主义)
* Rivalries now provide 25% more Influence (宿敌增加25%影响力)
Fanatic Xenophile (极端媚外主义)
* Alliance Influence cost reduced by 100%&&(同盟影响力成本减100%)
* Maximum number of embassies increased by 2 (最大使馆数增加2)
Xenophile (媚外主义)
* Alliance Influence cost reduced by 50% (同盟影响力成本减50%)
* Maximum number of embassies increased by 1 (最大使馆数增加1)
Fanatic Militarist (极端军国主义)
* No longer gains additional Influence from rivalries (不再从宿敌得到额外的影响力)
* No longer have an increased Influence cost for being in an Alliance (不再因为同盟额外减去影响力)
Militarist (军国主义)
* No longer gains additional Influence from rivalries (不再从宿敌得到额外的影响力)
* No longer have an increased Influence cost for being in an Alliance (不再因为同盟额外减去影响力)
Fanatic Pacifist (极端和平主义)
* Pops are now more unhappy in militarist empires (在军国主义帝国中更不快乐)
* No longer increases Food output, but rather reduces growth needed for a new Pop by 30% (不再有额外粮食生产,但人口增长快30%)
Pacifist (和平主义)
* Pops are now more unhappy in militarist empires (在军国主义帝国中更不快乐)
* No longer increases Food output, but rather reduces growth needed for a new Pop by 15% (不再有额外粮食生产,但人口增长快30%)
# Components (配件)
* Strike Craft engagement range was significantly increased (舰载机攻击距离大大增加)
* Strike Craft launch time reduced from 5 to 3 days (舰载机发射时间从5天降到3天)
* Fighter movement speed increased from ~2 to 3.5 (战斗机速度从2增加到3.5)
* Bomber movement speed increased from 1.5 to 3 (轰炸机速度从1.5增加到3)
* Chemical Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +10 to +5 (化学推进器闪避率从10降到5)
* Ion Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +20 to +10 (离子推进器闪避率从20降到10)
* Plasma Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +30 to +15 (等离子推进器闪避率从30降到15)
* Impulse Thrusters Chance to Evade reduced from +40 to +20 (脉冲推进器闪避率从40降到20)
# Buildings
* Research Institute modifier to research speed reduced from +10% to +5% (研究学院增加科研从10%降到5%)
* Colony Shelter modifier to ethics divergence reduced from +20% to +10% (殖民地最初中心的道德歧异从20%降到10%)
* Empire Capital-Complex can now only be built on a capital world (帝国首都只能在首都星球上建造)
# Government forms 政体
Theocratic Republic (宗教共和国)
* Additional Core Planets reduced from +2 to +1 (增加的核心星球数从2降到1)
Transcendent Republic (宗教共和国的高阶)
* Additional Core Planets reduced from +4 to +2 (增加的核心星球数从4降到2)
# Traits (领导特质)
* Aggressive - fire rate bonus reduced from +20% to +10% (舰队司令的侵略性特质从+20%攻击率降到+10%攻击率)
* Butcher - army damage bonus reduced from +20% to +10% (陆军司令的屠夫特质从+20%伤害降到+10%伤害)
* Glory Seeker - army morale damage bonus reduced from +10% to +5% (陆军司令的glory seeker特质从+10%士气攻击降到+5%士气攻击)
# Modifiers
* Youthful Elite modifier effect on leader lifespan reduced from +50 to +25 years (某个事件的奖励从+50寿限降到+25寿限)
* Computer-controlled Empires will start outlawing AI over time during a certain Crisis
* Increased negative opinion scaling for relative power of subjects (附庸实力对比带来的负面外交关系有所增加)
* AI will now colonize far away systems if COLONIZE_NON_ADJACENT define is enabled (lua 中如果设置 COLONIZE_NON_ADJACENT, 电脑会殖民不相邻的星球)
* Fixed a bug where the AI would not use planetary edicts due to too small stockpile cap
* Empires that were previously controlled by a player (for example if said player drops in multiplayer) will now refrain from making any major changes to the country for a period of 10 years
* Fixed a bug where AI was modifying their species with bad traits, effectively giving them lots of traits
* Fixed a bug where military focused sectors would not build military stations
* Fixed an issue where the AI would not enslave any Pops
# Diplomacy
* AI will no longer accept a white peace when they are winning in warscore
* AI is now more open to trading access, migration rights and (for some personalities) research treaties
* Fixed a bug where AI would offer peace deals that gave allies' war goals to the player
* Fixed AI spamming the player with military access offers
* AI is now more aggressive against easily defeated targets&&(AI 对容易击败的目标更加富有侵略性)
* Fixed an issue where the AI would not disband ships even when running a heavy energy credit deficit
# Sector&&(星域)
* Respect Tile Resources setting will now prevent sector from building the wrong type of building for a tile regardless of special circumstances (尊重资源选项现在完全阻止星域建筑不合适的设施)
* Improved the way sectors determine which resources the country needs when constructing buildings (星域建设更聪明,能判断国家更需要什么资源)
* Fixed a bug where sector AI would move Pops back and forth (星域不再不断移动人口)
* Fixed budget issues that were preventing sectors from properly managing spaceports and construction ships (修改了预算问题,使星域能有效利用空间站和工程船)
* Improved military tactics and handling of units
* Improved handling of military fleets vs. transport fleets
* AI now fights Crises
* Fixed issues where military fleets would not move
* AI should be better at trying to regain control of occupied planets
* AI should be better at trying to invade planets taken by &&AI uprisings&
# User Interface
* Diplomatic notifications and pop-ups have been improved
* End of combat UI has been improved
* Colony Ships now show which Pop it is carrying
* Localization of armor/shield penetration updated
* If a weapon has both shield penetration and a corresponding reduced damage to shields the two effects are replaced by a single line: &Ignores X% Shields&
* Habitability icons in galaxy map and systems view have been improved
* (BETA) Added a new experimental option for GUI-scaling in the options menu
# User modding
* Ported system for weights/triggers on songs from HoI4/EU4
* Fixed so that effect set_name can use localization system
* Moved Domination victory condition into defines
* Added NOR operator
* Species Appearance screen is now moddable
* Species City Appearance screen is now moddable
* Ship Appearance screen is now moddable
* Added num_energy trigger
* Reading a single on_action entry from multiple files will now append the events to the list entry rather than overwriting it. This should allow more mods to be compatible
* Prescripted countries can now set the attribute &disallow_editing = yes& to disable the edit button in the Empire selection view before game start
* Added an alert to tell the player that a research field is missing a Scientist
# Performance
* Optimized daily AI calculations
* Fixed frame rate drop when having one or more fleets selected
# Graphics
* Lighting for ship preview images has been improved
* 8 new event images added to the game
* Textures for Massive Reptilians have been improved
* Improved textures for space event assets
* Optimized textures for event assets
* Increased texture resolution for ancient drone station
* Optimized textures for pirate ships
* Updated textures for generic station
* Increased texture resolution for AI Core
* Optimized textures for AI ships
* Improved texture for Arthropoid colony ship
* Added cover art for Digital OST
# Bugfixes
* Military Station maintenance is now correctly discounted by 25% instead of increased by 75%
* Fixed negative opinion modifiers being applied to owners of planets that the Prethoryn Scourge is purging
* Extradimensional Invaders should no longer spawn inside Fallen Empire borders
* Reduced chance of generating the Improbable Orbit anomaly
* Fixed the Master's Teachings edicts &Philosophical Mindset& and &Warring States& not being applied after event project finished
* Fixed &Colonial Failure& anomaly event handing out a Colonization tech you already had
* Fixed an issue with the VO not triggering for the mining station tutorial mission
* Researched robot Pops are now always listed, but are not buildable if AI policy is set to Outlawed
* Injured Queen project is now properly cancelled and visual asset removed when another Empire researches it first
* Species Procurement event chain descriptions now correctly refer to planet names
* Various localization bugs have been fixed
* Fixed outdated Avian name list titles in Brazilian Portuguese, French, Polish and Spanish
* Fixed some faction events not printing planet names properly
* Loyalist-affiliated candidates now display proper faction names in Election view
* Fixed observation post events sometimes not printing planet name correctly
* Changed the way native reservations are placed for colony event related to colonizing planets that have primitive natives
* Fixed a bug where missiles could appear on the galaxy map
* Ring World habitability-trait now has proper localization
* Fixed a bug where Destroyer Assembly Yard didn't require the correct Spaceport level to build
* Fixed an issue where trait randomization didn't respect opposing traits
* Fallen Empires are now able to build armies
* Fixed an exploit where you could reduce the cost of resettlement by moving pops around on the same planet
* Newly enlightened countries should no longer be despicable neutrals
* Fixed right click not working to give additional orders while in FTL transit
* Fixed an issue where embassies and rivalries could remain after an empire was annexed
* Fixed an issue where you could always enable edicts
* Fixed Swarm Infestors and Constructors sometimes not reinforcing properly
* Robot Pops should no longer get shuffled ethics from divergence
* Heirs now keep the dynasty name of the ruler in monarchies
* Added missing localization strings for leaders who gained the arrested development trait
* Fixed Power Overwhelming achievement
* Fixed Domo Arigato achievement
* Fixed Elixir of Life anomaly potentially spawning multiple times if not researched
* Fixed Living Metal deposits not being minable
* Fixed Sublight Probe event chain sometimes breaking after combat with the Salvage Skippers
* Fixed being unable to change speed with (-) and (+) on American keyboard
* Fixed bugs related to Ethics Divergence. Pops should no longer drift to &neutral& ethics. Drift towards empire ethics is slower than drifting away from
* Fixed a bug where Frontier Outposts in sectors would cost no influence maintenance
* Fixed a bug where ship_accuracy_add was not being calculated correctly
* Fixed a bug where assigning ethics to newly generated pops would cause incorrect ethics divergence.
* Custom ruler and heir titles will now be properly saved and loaded.
* Fixed armies being stuck on planets
* Planets recaptured from the AI empire will no longer randomly become Tundra worlds
* Fixed the AI empire having highly self-destructive ideas about AI legality
中级玩家, 积分 138, 距离下一级还需 112 积分
中级玩家, 积分 138, 距离下一级还需 112 积分
高级玩家, 积分 353, 距离下一级还需 247 积分
高级玩家, 积分 353, 距离下一级还需 247 积分
新手玩家, 积分 6, 距离下一级还需 24 积分
新手玩家, 积分 6, 距离下一级还需 24 积分
中级玩家, 积分 233, 距离下一级还需 17 积分
中级玩家, 积分 233, 距离下一级还需 17 积分
我就想问一句,什么时候开放大型战舰多火力通道。昨晚我开了一把,AI联合舰队直接800艘小型护卫舰骑脸,硬 ...
中级玩家, 积分 233, 距离下一级还需 17 积分
中级玩家, 积分 233, 距离下一级还需 17 积分
UUE131 发表于
新手玩家, 积分 6, 距离下一级还需 24 积分
新手玩家, 积分 6, 距离下一级还需 24 积分
karmakarzi 发表于
我个人认为这是选择目标的AI没做好,导致大舰火力同时集中在一艘小舰上,造成饱和攻击,浪费火力。这个不 ...
游戏达人, 积分 3119, 距离下一级还需 381 积分
游戏达人, 积分 3119, 距离下一级还需 381 积分
超级玩家, 积分 757, 距离下一级还需 243 积分
超级玩家, 积分 757, 距离下一级还需 243 积分
本帖最后由 笑笑笑笑笑 于
16:43 编辑
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