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三星新机与苹果iPhone 6续航能力哪个好
来源:百信手机网 作者:佚名 发布时间: 10:34:27
摘要:三星Galaxy S6 、三星Galaxy S6 edge和Galaxy Note Edge的续航能力怎么样呢?相比苹果iPhone 6又有什么优势呢?现在给大家揭晓。
这一年以来三星可是抢尽了苹果的风头了,先是曲面测评,然后是玻璃后盖,再然后是无线充电。那么 、三星Galaxy S6 edge和Galaxy Note Edge的续航能力怎么样呢?相比苹果iPhone 6又有什么优势呢?现在给大家揭晓。
1.三星这款新旗舰三星Galaxy S6的电池容量为2550mAh,它所配备的快速充电器可向支持设备提供最大9V/1.67的充电电流。三星Galaxy S6 只需充电15分钟之后,就可提供超过5小时的3G通话,3小时的网页浏览或3小时的视频播放。 当然充满需要1小时20分钟。三星Galaxy S6虽然电池容量不大,但这款手机的节能性不错,因此续航能力也比较出色。
2.与三星Galaxy S6相比,Galaxy S6 edge的电池容量比S6多了50mAh,这款手机在充电15分钟之后可提供的使用时间也基本相同,也就是超过5小时的3G通话,3小时的网页浏览或3小时的视频播放。但充电行为却有些不同,这款手机起初的充电速度会稍慢一些,但时间过半之后会追上甚至赶超S6。
3.三星Galaxy Note Edge的电池容量三星Galaxy S6 edge、三星Galaxy S6 edge要大些,它的电池容量为3000mAh。它的屏幕仅有一侧的弯曲,而非S6 edge的双侧弯曲。不过这款手机的充电时间和其他几款三星手机差不多。但是续航能力稍低一些,这款手机充电15分钟可提供4.5小时的通话时间,不到2小时的网页浏览或2小时多一点的视频播放。
4.那么相比的电池容量是怎么的呢?苹果iPhone 6是所有测试机型当中最小的,仅为1810mAh。与三星这几款手机相比,苹果也没有任何官方的快速充电解决方案。因此,这款手机在测试时使用的是标配的5V/1A充电器。在15分钟的充电之后,iPhone 6可提供1.5个小时的通话、1小时左右的网页浏览或视频播放。
总体上看三星Galaxy S6 edge、三星Galaxy S6 edge和Galaxy Note Edge这三款手机不过是在续航能力,还是充电方式的快捷与充电时间来比较,似乎都比苹果iPhone 6更的人心。三星新旗舰三星S6 还没正式发布,不过相信很多喜欢三星手机的朋友们已经是迫不及待了!
【手机型号】iPhone 6全网通公开版A1586
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document.write('\iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus: The world’s best phones for wireless and LTE connectivity
on September 11, 2014 at 11:05 am
With every release of the iPhone, Apple dramatically improves the wireless radio capabilities in ways that no other device maker has ever matched. With the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus , Apple continues that trend, setting the bar even higher than ever before.These new iPhones continue the fast-follower status for non-cellular connectivity by now offering
in addition to dual-band WiFi a/b/g/n that it offered in previous generations. Like the previous generation, Bluetooth 4.0 is supported, too. NFC with a secure element is new too, enabling
and other mobile payment platforms (such as Softcard and Google Wallet). For cellular connectivity, Apple has rolled out two models for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus (one of which that has both FDD and TDD variants of ), as opposed to the iPhone 5S and 5C which both had five hardware models each (, but earlier this year, ).
The doozy of cellular network supportApple’s iPhone 6 (Models A1549 and A1586) and iPhone 6 Plus (Models A1522 and A1524) both support four-band GSM, five-band CDMA2000, five-band UMTS (with HSPA+42 support), and sixteen LTE FDD bands (with support for up to 150Mbps of download speeds). The quad-band GSM and pent-band UMTS provide complete global coverage for GSM and UMTS/HSPA+ networks all over the world. The five CDMA2000 bands enable coverage on all CDMA carriers in the US (who use ESMR, Cellular 850MHz, AWS 1.7+2.1 GHz, and PCS 1.9GHz for CDMA), as well as KDDI in Japan (who use Cellular 850MHz and IMT 2.1GHz for CDMA) and China Telecom in China (who use Cellular 850MHz for CDMA). These bands are the same as the American Sprint model for the iPhone 5S and 5C.For LTE FDD, the iPhones support a full mix of bands for every region. LTE bands 1 (IMT 2.1GHz), 3 (DCS 1.8GHz), 5 (Cellular 850MHz), 7 (IMT-E 2.6GHz FDD), 8 (Cellular 900MHz), 20 (EU 800MHz), and 28 (APT 700MHz) are supported to provide the full range of access to LTE FDD networks throughout Europe, Asia, and Brazil. LTE bands 2 (PCS A-F blocks 1.9GHz), 4 (AWS-1 1.7+2.1GHz), 5 (Cellular 850MHz), 7 (IMT-E 2.6GHz FDD), 13 (US Upper 700MHz C block), 17 (US Lower 700MHz B+C blocks), 25 (PCS A-G blocks 1.9GHz), 26 (ESMR+Cellular 850MHz), 28 (APT 700MHz), and 29 (US Lower 700MHz Supplemental Downlink) offer nearly full access to LTE FDD networks throughout the Americas. Japanese LTE bands 18 (ESMR+Cellular 850MHz subset) and 19 (Cellular 850MHz subset) are intended to enable KDDI and NTT DoCoMo’s low-band networks, while band 28 sits in the wings for future 700MHz LTE network rollouts by KDDI, DoCoMo, and SoftBank.The fact that band 29 is supported indicates that the iPhone supports
carrier aggregation, since band 29 (as a supplemental downlink band) cannot be used without being paired with bands 2 or 4. AT&T in the US, and Bell & Telus in Canada control band 29 spectrum. They would love having the ability to aggregate it with their LTE FDD networks. Bell and Telus also control spectrum in band 13, which means that the iPhones can take advantage of Bell and Telus’ multi-band 700MHz network once it is fully deployed.Curiously enough, LTE band 12 (US Lower 700MHz A-C blocks) is not supported. This omission is a bit strange, given that this is the second year that both U.S. Cellular (the largest owner of Lower 700MHz A block spectrum) and T-Mobile US () have carried the iPhone. Depending on what components are in the radio chain for the iPhone, this may turn out to be a software-based block. If a component like the
is used, then there is no hardware restriction, just a software one. Until teardowns of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are available, we will not know for sure. Hopefully, these iPhones will be the last to perpetuate .Models A1586 (iPhone 6) and A1524 (iPhone 6 Plus) extend the cellular capabilities to support both TD-SCDMA bands used by China Mobile (TD-SCDMA 1900 and 2000) and LTE TDD bands 38 (IMT-E 2.6GHz TDD), 39 (IMT 1.9GHz TDD), 40 (2.3GHz TDD), and 41 (Expanded TDD 2.6GHz). Bands 38 and 40 are in use (or going to be used) throughout Latin America, Europe, and Asia. Band 39 is used in China, and may soon also be in use in Europe, since most mobile network operators throughout Europe have some band 39 spectrum. Band 41 is used by Sprint in the US for its Spark network (), all three operators in China (China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom), and KDDI and SoftBank in Japan.For Sprint, this is a huge deal. These iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are the first so-called “tri-band” devices from Apple for the company, and the substantially improved performance of band 41 combined with the expanded coverage of band 26 will provide substantial benefits for iPhone-using Sprint customers.
New communications capabilitiesHowever, the most interesting aspect of the new iPhones is the support for VoLTE. The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are the first phones to support , and will support VoLTE on T-Mobile and AT&T in the US; KT, SK Telecom, and LG U+ in South K Hutchinson Telecom (branded “3”), CSL and SmarTone in Hong K and StarHub in Singapore. This will enable Verizon customers to completely avoid CDMA — and like all Verizon LTE phones, the Verizon iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus will be sold unlocked. This also means that iPhones sold by AT&T and T-Mobile can also be unlocked and brought over to Verizon and get the full range of service now. Verizon VoLTE is supported in the iPhone 6/6 Plus sold by AT&T and T-Mobile, just as AT&T and T-Mobile VoLTE is supported on the Verizon iPhone 6/6 Plus. Though it is technically possible to backport VoLTE to earlier LTE-enabled iPhones, it appears Apple will not be doing so.All the mobile operators offering VoLTE on the iPhones at launchApple is also introducing WiFi Calling with iOS 8, and unlike VoLTE, this will be available with earlier iPhones with the iOS 8 update. However, with the newest iPhones, WiFi Calling will also have handover capability with cellular and back. This allows for seamless usage of cellular or WiFi to support voice calls. This capability is going to be offered with iPhones running on T-Mobile in the US and EE in the UK. Both companies have long histories with WiFi calling, so this isn’t very surprising.ConclusionAs always, Apple aims to please and exceed. And as always, Apple over-delivers with its new iPhones. It is very clear that Apple has more than delivered on developing the greatest world phones that any traveler could ever want. Aside from the lack of Band 12 LTE, Apple has truly delivered a best-in-class smartphone for the connected traveler. And with features like seamless WiFi calling with HD Voice on T-Mobile US and EE as well as VoLTE on a number of operators, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are unquestionably better than any of Apple’s previous smartphones, and probably the best smartphones in the world for cellular connectivity.
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智能手机行业这两年的竞争已经达到白热化阶段,在历经硬件拼杀后各大厂商又顺势投入到下一轮的行业洗牌中。大屏操作、4G网络、扁平化系统等成为了今年智能手机的关键字,即便是业内最具有创新的苹果公司也不得不在行业趋势下低下头来,推出新一代具有大屏操作特性的iPhone... 虽然没围追堵截苹果今年凌晨进行的Macbook 12的新品发布,但是一觉醒来,就被这个只有一个接口(求各位放过耳机插孔这个点),并且通体没风扇的设备震了一下。紧接着关于USB-C、Type-C,这种只有理工男才能看明白的词就开始在你得屏幕上不间断的出现。那么就在全球都在纠结... 从去年开始智能运动手环就非常火,但只有fibt和Jawbone这两个品牌是公认的高端、靠谱品牌。但他们也都有一个缺点就大部分信息都需要配合手机来使用,这也让后期智能手表一是走红。难道精致外观、准确数据以及智能显示就不能组合在一起么?答案一定是肯定的,最近fitbit就抢... 自打iPhone 6发布后,相信不少小伙伴都想入手一个,笔者也不例外。但是看着欢乐的黄牛,怎么也无法狠下心买一部。不过最近华强北商城上架了一批日本iPhone 6,金色16GB版本只要4699元。相比同容量的港版,要便宜589元。好事不独享,下面和大家一起来开箱。
IT168手机频道资深编辑罗浩苹果iPhone6 A1586优点首先iPhone 6相对于iPhone 5/5s来说外观改变的第一大部分在于使用2.5D的屏幕,带来了更加完美的设计转变和实用主义。实际上2.5D是普通大众的一个说法,主要是为了和3D屏幕区分开来,将会是今年流行的设计风格。上手的第一感觉是真薄、手感好。自拍效果相比于5s有不小的进步。在拍照上iPhone可以说是智能手机行业的标杆,以其稳定和全面的拍照素质几乎成为了众多用户选择它的重要因素。尽管iPhone 6和Plus版都依旧延续了800万像素,但它依旧有很大的改变,例如实现了1.5微米的单个像素面积,F/2.2光圈,此外还支持30帧或者60帧的1080p视频录制,并且慢动作摄影最高可达到每秒240帧。苹果iPhone6 A1586缺点突起的摄像头无论是怎样的妥协也绝不能说好看。苹果iPhone6 A1586总结整体来看,苹果今年还是带来了很大的惊喜。但遗憾的是,最大的中国内地市场暂时还无缘iPhone 6和plus版,我们相信这个时间不会太久。而全新的iPhone6系列也将是目前最佳的iPhone手机,并在大屏智能机市场掀起巨浪。
订单客服说交钱后4天发货,4天了没发货打客服客服说预计,然后说给我答复,至今没有给答复,很恶心的一次购物这次是我在京东购买这么长时间第一次给的差评。手机收到。没有问题。发货时间上也很快。我选的号码为什么会发错?你要知道我是就是冲着这个号码来的。要不谁选这么高的套餐。499的套餐。我选的号码是8808的尾号。给我发了一个8008.发货打包就在说这个问题。 专员也没有解决这个问题。态度极其敷衍。超恶心。意思就是我选错了一样。我看了半天这个号码才下手的。想退号码都不行。说要连同手机一起拒收。 行吧。你们赢了。劳资这次算是在京东最后一次购物。别要跟我评论瞎喷,瞎喷我喷死你全家。iPhone6本身非常好,苹果的产品无话可说。对于产品本身,我打满分。但是,对于这次的购物体验,我只能说相当糟糕!这个产品是10月17日,零点抢购iPhone6的活动中买下的。之所以选择京东,是因为它宣称可以当天送达。(请注意,在下单时,商品右侧显示“211限时达”字样,表示当天11:00前的订单,可以当日送达。)本来打算把这台手机作为生日礼物送给妻子,于是毅然选择了京东。结果呢?在当天凌晨00:18分我完成了付款,满心欢喜的以为一觉醒来,白天就能把这份礼物送达。等到下午三点,我才发现,这台商品刚刚完成发货!一个承诺在10月17日19:00前送达的东西,在11月7日日14:00时居然才从900公里外的仓库发出!询问客服的反馈居然是:因为当地刚刚实行211时效,所以不能保证。荒唐!刚刚实行,居然可以理解为做不到。既然做不到,为什么要实行。整个零点抢购活动的重点就是时效,客户是冲着图新鲜才半夜守着抢购的。如果做不到,干嘛要宣传自己有这个能力呢?最后的结果是,一个宣传并且承诺在当天可以送达的产品,在我无数次的投诉反馈以后,到第三天才慢悠悠的到了家里。其间的各种过程就不多说了,客服各种荒唐的理由。共134条,
iPhone 6和Plus的apple pay能用么?我有VISA国际标准的信用卡。另外NFC是否可以和Android传照片?答:苹果的支付功能(Apple pay)目前只和美国的金融机构合作,所以仅能在美国地区使用。哪怕你持有VISA标志的信用卡也不行,不过苹果表示将会扩展到更多地区,目前并没有具体区域和时间。  另外NFC功能实际上是和支付功能一起结合使用的,并不具备单独使用,即传输文件的功能,也无法确定后期是否会通过软件升级方式改变。到底是买4.7英寸的iPhone 6还是买5.5英寸的iPhone 6 Plus?答:其实这个问题不仅是普通用户有这样的疑问,连专业的编辑都会迟疑。而我们最终的建议还是要根据你自己的习惯来定。5.5英寸的Plus版虽然在电池和拍照方面有进步,但过大的尺寸所带来的机身厚重、单手操作困难都是难以避免的。根据我们体验来看,4.7英寸的版本非常轻薄,拿在手上很舒适,单手操作也有一定可行性。但5.5英寸的Plus版已然是不可能了,甚至携带起来都已经有所苦难,无法放到裤兜中。如果你青睐更大屏的手机,那肯定首选Plus,但如果你希望有一台便携的电话设备,4.7英寸的iPhone 6反而更推荐。所以根据自己的使用习惯来购买,大屏未必就是好。iPhone 6用的2.5D屏幕,那还能贴膜吗?屏幕是不是康宁玻璃?答:2.5D的屏幕贴膜确实是个问题,但肯定是能贴的。之前的诺基亚920也是2.5D屏,同样同样贴膜,目前已经有国内厂商推出相关贴膜。  另外苹果并未表明屏幕的玻璃材质,但根据苹果供应商的相关信息来看,依旧是康宁大猩猩玻璃。
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> 苹果 iPhone6 A1586 16GB 日版4G手机(金色)Apple iPhone 6 Plus review - CNET
A super-sized phone delivers with a stellar display and long battery life
Apple's iPhone 6 Plus is big, bright, and beautiful
by Tim Stevens
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CNET Editors' Rating
9.0 Overall
Apple iPhone 6 Plus
In 2014, Apple forked its iPhone product line, simultaneously introducing the next generation of its flagship model -- the
-- and debuting its super-sized sibling, the iPhone 6 Plus. The iPhone 6 is an exceptional phone in nearly every way but for its good-but-not-great battery life. The iPhone 6 Plu larger and thinner than other iPhone models, and with the capacity for far more endurance on a single charge than most comparably-sized and smaller competitors.
As great a phone as it is, the iPhone 6 Plus isn't for everybody. Its defining characteristic is its size, which occupies a nice middle ground between the 4-inch
and the 7.9-inch
. While the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 is considerably more portable, the 6 Plus will hit the sweet spot for those who want a bigger display on their smartphone (and prefer iOS to ).
And remember: a 5.5-inch screen may feel gigantic at first, but it may end up
in no time.
Editors' note: This review was updated June 15, 2015 with new comparisons to more current phones, and other reflections on the 2015 smartphone and iPhone marketplace.Review update: Summer 2015
If Apple sticks to the same mid-September release calendar it's followed for the past several years, we are just a few short months away from the next version of the iPhone. And if Cupertino follows the same upgrade plan -- big redesigns for even numbered years, internal specs updates for odd ones -- we can likely expect something a bit less radical than the big-screen makeover the iPhone got in 2014. (You can read
in June, Apple introduced the next edition of its mobile operating system,
. Apple promised a stronger, more "proactive" version of Siri, th an upgraded maps ap as well as, importantly for iPhone users, improved battery life (plus a new low-power mode for even longer performance). For now, iOS 9 is availabl the rest of us can sign up for the public beta in July.
Those looking to purchase an iPhone this summer are advised that Apple also still sells the
-- both of which, in what are likely to be their waning days on store shelves, constitute an excellent value. If you're looking to buy a larger phone or phablet, the
, with its elegant design, fantastic camera, and user-friendly OS, certainly remains among our favorites. That noted, you might also consider the
, an Android-based device with an appealing design, powerful performance, a great suite of native productivity tools, expandable storage and swappable battery, and a useful S Pen stylus.Availability
The iPhone 6 Plus's larger profile comes with a higher price tag. The device is available in the US with a two-year contract from AT&T, Sprint and V the 16GB version will set you back $299, with 64GB at $349 and the top-end 128GB costing $449. Contract-free on T-Mobile, it costs $749, $849 or $949 respectively. You can find a more detailed rundown of
Befitting its moniker, the 6 Plus is on the large side, measuring 6.22 inches high by 3.06 inches wide (158mm by 78mm). At 6.07 ounces (172 grams) it's just a touch lighter than the
but noticeably thinner -- just 7.1mm in thickness, compared with the Note 4's 8.5mm.
Apple iPhone 6 Plus
Apple iPhone 6
Samsung Galaxy Note 4
US base price (with 2-year agreement)
UK base price (unlocked)
Australia base price (unlocked)
Display size/resolution
5.5-inch 1,920x1,080 IPS (401ppi)
4.7-inch 1,344x750 IPS (326 ppi)
5.5-inch Quad HD 2,560x1,440 IPS (538 ppi)
5.7-inch 2,560x1,440 Super AMOLED (515 ppi)
1.38GHz Apple A8 (64-bit)
1.39GHz Apple A8 (64-bit)
2.5GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon (Krait 400)
2.7GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 805
Internal storage
16GB, 64GB, and 128GB
16GB, 64GB, and 128GB
Expandable storage
Yes (microSD)
Yes (microSD)
802.11ac wireless, Bluetooth 4.0, NFC
802.11ac wireless, Bluetooth 4.0, NFC
802.11ac wireless, Bluetooth 4.0, NFC
802.11ac wireless, Bluetooth 4.0, NFC
Operating system
Android 4.4.2
Android 4.4
Dimensions aside, the iPhone 6 Plus feels better in the hand than the Note. Like previous iPhones, it's made of matte aluminum, but where harsh lines and chamfered edges give the
a stark, industrial feel, the iPhone 6 Plus nestles more comfortably in your hand rather than cutting into it.
That noted, the rounded shape -- complete with glass that blends into the rounded edges -- provides a less distinctive appearance. That curved glass will be familiar to owners of
devices, and the inset lines of plastic on the back are reminiscent of the
. Though the iPhone 6 Plus looks and feels great, it lacks the unique styling of its predecessor.View full gallery
Owners of earlier model iPhones will need to adjust to differ the iPhone 6 Plus's power/lock button is located on the right side - a good thing, given how far one would need to reach if it were placed on the top. The volume buttons, wide and flat rather than round, are located on the left directly beneath the ring/silent toggle switch. The 3.5mm headphone jack sits at the bottom, as it does with the 5S, next to eight holes that allow sound from the (surprisingly powerful) internal speaker to escape.
Then, of course, there's the home button, front and center below the display, featuring Touch ID functionality, which allows you to unlock the phone quickly with a fingerprint. While this feature is no longer as novel as it was when it debuted, Touch ID remains quicker and more reliable than the fingerprint detection capabilities we've seen on other smartphones. And with iOS 8, you can use fingerprint access for a wide variety of apps beyond the lock screen and iTunes Store.View full gallery
To avoid any unfortunate thumb-straining incidents, Apple provides the "Reachability" feature: two quick taps on the Home button slide any content at the top of the display -- app icons, Safari's URL bar, whatever else is up there -- down to the bottom. (That's a double
tap rather than a double press -- the latter of which opens up the app switching screen, as it does on earlier versions of iOS.) Though it's handy in theory, we did not find it particularly useful in practice.
For example, if you want to open a folder of icons on the top of the display, a double-tap brings that folder down. Tap on the folder and it opens, but then slides back up to the top again. You need to double-tap on the Home button again to bring it down a second time so that you can select an icon within. It's simply too much tapping to be of regular use, even for those with short thumbs, though it could be handy if you're standing on a bus or train and need your other hand to hang on.View full gallery
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Tim Stevens got his start writing professionally while still in school in the mid '90s, and since then has covered topics ranging from business process management to videogame development. Currently he pursues interesting stories and interesting conversations in the technology and automotive spaces.
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