Sunk Cost Effects梦100cost是什么意思思

什么是“沉没成本效应?昨天下午在某餐厅,笔者看到这样一幕:一个老师带着两个学生去吃饭,餐厅正在做一个活动,消费满三百返五十。三人当时已经消费240了,虽然都表示太难吃,但仍有一个学生和老师提议再点几个冰淇淋带回去。她们应该是这么想——反正都是花270,凑够300拿返券……这家餐厅的食物是否好吃,笔者对此不置可否。但“消费满三百返五十”无疑是商家精明而智慧的选择。这正是利用了经济学中的沉没成本效应(Sunk Cost Effects)。很多人都有过这样的体验:某天晚上你花50元钱随便看了一场电影。刚坐下来15分钟,你就发现这部电影拍得太烂,无聊透顶,周围的人不是打呼噜就在二人世界,你确定继续看下去对你毫无价值。现在你需要做一个决定:会继续看完,还是会马上离开?从经济学的角度来说,如果你基本确定电影毫无价值,最明智的选择就是马上离开。当你进入电影院的瞬间,50元已损失了(即沉没成本)如果你在坐下15分钟后选择离开,说明你还可以节省一个半小时;反之,浪费这些时间,经济学称之为“追加成本。”至于何为“沉没成本效应”还可以以一个更直白的故事解释一下:就好像,一个姑娘爱上一个人渣,但是因为感觉和他相处太久,付出太多了,甚至怀孕了,索性勉强嫁了觉得以后会好,但可悲的婚后生活可想而知……再比如,你观察身边是否有朋友长期买彩票,虽然最多中30元,仍旧不离不弃。人们常常为了不可回收的沉没成本,不停跟进投资,结果换来精力财力两空的结局,这同样是“沉没成本效应”。创业者必须明白, 在沉没成本前,我们最容易犯的错误,就是对“沉没成本”过分眷恋,继续原来的错误,从而造成更大的亏损。这里面,越是“自尊心”强的人,往往沉没成本模式越严重,因为他们总希望证明自己是对的,没有走弯路。但偏偏沉没成本相对沉默,不会时刻提醒你——这个也是是成本,你千万要注意控制! 而且,创业过程中很多人并不明白“人无所舍,必无所成”的道理。利用消费者“沉没成本效应”成功的案例?严格来说,“沉没成本效应”不难理解,本质就是时间轴的问题对应人们决策心理造成的误导。令人敬畏的是,一些创业者不仅看清了它对于正确决策带来的负面效应,在商业应用方面,更被精明的商家利用作为了赚钱的利器。德国竞拍网站Swoopo商战就曾以“沉没成本效应”铸就应用中的经典案例。Swoopo的具体做法是,在站内先提供非常便宜的产品让消费者竞拍,网站上所有商品的起始统一标价为0.15美元。但与一般竞拍网站不同的是,想要在Swoopo上竞拍,消费者每一次喊价都需要购买bids(竞价权),一个bids的价格是0.75美元。竞拍开始后,每多一名消费者参与,产品价格都会增加0.15美元,如果20秒以内没有再加价者,那么商品就将出售给出价最高的竞拍者。显而易见,Swoopo的聪明之处在于提升了消费者在购物过程中的“竞争体验”,而企业也通过增加竞拍者风险与机会成本从中获利。假设Swoopo提供的一款手机进货价为300美元,如果从零美元开始起拍,到达100美元大约需要666次点击竞拍,按照每次竞拍0.75美元计算,网站已经有了500美元的收入,加上拍卖的价格100美元,则共有600美元的收入。实际上这利用的正是消费者心理中的沉没成本误区!因此,人们在决定是否去做一件事情的时候,不仅要看这件事对自己有没有好处,而且也要看过去是不是已经在这件事情上有过多投入。如果消费者为了所钟爱的某样东西已经支付了一定的费用时,支付的费用越多,他就越不忍心放弃可能已经不合算的产品。他消费的不再是热衷的东西,他念念不忘的只是自己当时的感受。言此及彼,商海中那些对精准消费人群心理的细微把握,不都是企业竞争优势所在吗?【关于创业商机汇】我们每日提供新鲜的创业故事、商机项目、创业干货、营销案例,这里是创业者私人智慧库,让梦想在这里起飞成长!微信公众号:chuangyeshangjihui
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[经] sunk cost
Do Sunk Costs Of Exporting Matter for Net Export Dynamics?
Hausman, The Effect of Sunk Costs in Telecommunication Regulation.
1.sunk cost
沉没成本是指由于过去的决策已经发生了的,而不能由现在或将来的任何决策改变的成本。人们在决定是否去做一件事情的时候,不仅是看这件事对自己有没有好处,而且也看过去是不是已经在这件事情上有过投入。我们把这些已经发生不可收回的支出,如时间、、精力等称为“沉没成本”(Sunk Cost)。在和商业制定过程中会用到“沉没成本”(Sunk cost)的概念,代指已经付出且不可收回的成本。沉没成本常用来和可变成本作比较,可变成本可以被改变,而沉没成本则不能被改变。
sunk costs
会计词汇D ... ordering cost 订货成本 sunk costs 沉没成本 variable costs 变动成本.
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沉没成本(sunken cost):已经花费的成本(在决定是否继续项目时候,不应该考虑)机会成本(opportunity cost):如果选择另一个 …
sinking cost
是「沉没成本(sinking cost)」,先转作租值不管它。为什麽台北都会区的麦当劳大薯售价硬是比台中大甲经国路上的那家贵上5块?
sunk-cost fallacy
日&-& 很多人都会陷入到经济学家们所说的&沉没成本悖论(sunk-cost fallacy)&中去。魔鬼经济学家斯蒂芬.杜布纳(Stephen Dubner)和俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio.
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sunk costsunk cost method沉没成本法sunrise industry
Sunk Cost Effect
沉没成本效应(Sunk Cost Effect) 的原始定义为“如果人们已为某种商品或劳务支付过成本,那么便会增加该商品或劳务的使用频率”[ 4] …
Sunk Cost Effects
沉没成本效应(Sunk Cost Effects):根据经济逻辑的法则,沉没成本与制定决策应是不相关的。但是在人们的实际投资活动、生产经营和 …
sunk cost fallacy
“沉没成本谬误(Sunk Cost Fallacy)”,这是指当我们已经为购买一件商品或者服务投入了一定成本之后,就算不喜欢,也很难换用其 …
The Sunk Cost Fallacy
iRead灰熊爱读书网路书店 ... 04 社会认同 Social Proof 05 沉没成本谬误 The Sunk Cost Fallacy 06 互惠 The Reciprocity.
i请填写生词本名称!Sunk costs
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and business decision-making, sunk costs are retrospective (past)
that have already been incurred and cannot be recovered. Sunk costs are sometimes contrasted with prospective costs, which are future costs that may be incurred or changed if an action is taken. Both retrospective and prospective costs may be either fixed (that is, they are not dependent on the volume of economic activity, however measured) or variable (dependent on volume).
In traditional
theory, only prospective (future) costs are relevant to an investment decision. Traditional economics proposes that an economic actor not let sunk costs influence one's decisions, because doing so would not be rationally assessing a decision exclusively on its own merits. The decision-maker may make rational decisions according to
these incentives may dictate different decisions than would be dictated by efficiency or profitability, and this is considered an incentive problem and distinct from a sunk cost problem.
Evidence from
suggests this theory fails to predict real-world behavior. Sunk costs greatly affect actors' decisions, because many humans are
and thus normally act irrationally when making economic decisions.
Sunk costs should not affect the rational decision-maker's best choice. However, until a decision-maker irreversibly commits resources, the prospective cost is an
and is properly included in any decision-making processes. For example, if one is considering preordering movie tickets, but has not actually purchased them yet, the cost remains avoidable. If the price of the tickets rises to an amount that requires him to pay more than the value he places on them, he should figure the change in prospective cost into the decision-making and re-evaluate his decision.
The sunk cost is distinct from economic loss. For example, when a car is purchased, it can su however, it will probably not be resold for the original purchase price. The economic loss is the difference (including ). The sum originally paid should not affect any rational future decision-making about the car, regardless of the resale value: if the owner can derive more value from selling the car than not selling it, it should be sold, regardless of the price paid. In this sense, the sunk cost is not a precise quantity, but an economic term for a sum paid, in the past, which is no longer relevant to decisi it may be used inconsistently in quantitative terms as the original cost or the expected economic loss. It may also be used as shorthand for an error in analysis due to the sunk cost fallacy, irrational decision-making or, most simply, as irrelevant data.
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