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题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Currently, a controversial issue over whethertechnology has made children less creative has been brought into a spotlight.Everybody has his own answers for his preference. Some advocates hold that highly advanced technology is essentially helpful to arousingthe curiosity of children while opponents cast doubt on it. In my viewpoint, the development of technology absolutely hasmade children more creative, which based on three reasons.First and foremost, Technology has helped people earningmore money and having easier life, so that children could spend more time tothink and create. For example, when my father was young, he had to work with mygrandfather all day to feed up the whole family. Obviously, there was no choicefor him to go to school and learn more knowledgenecessary for creation. Just the opposite, mostof children apparently have enough time in consideration now. in this sense,boosting in technology can assist children to become more creative.On the other hand, technology development helpschildren to get information conveniently throughusing internet and new devices. A survey wasconducted by sociologists from Reuters last year aiming to find out thesituation about using computer. The data from interviews and questionnairessuggests that more than 70% families have had their own computer, and 35% havegot two or more computers. The outcome manifest that more and more people startto use new technology to acquire information, which can help children to obtainboarder span of knowledge easily so that becomemore creative.Finally, the development of technology has equipped our children withmore health bodies and brains. When they get a sick, they can just go to thehospitals and get effective cures nearby. Their brains can worknever as well as they are at present because the effective nutrition supplying,so that they can keep their mind more active.Take account of all the factors discussed above. Iprefer to believe High technology has made children more creative, although there might have 珐範粹既诔焕达唯惮沥minor side situation. Ithink my conclusion is based on a careful consideration of children’s life qualities,information channels and physical health. Believe it or not, it&#39;s highlypossible that children will be more creative than us in the future.
鉴于文章太长,评论的句子我就不写了,修改都在文章里面用大写字母标出。有一些起码的语法错误,例如help...do...,这里do前面没有 没有there have这种句型以及单词拼写错误等等。有些词用的不妥当,有些词用错了。但是这篇文章整体结构正确,论据也很有道理。 题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Currently, a controversial issue over whether technology has made children less creative has been brought into THE spotlight. Everybody has his own answers. Some advocates hold that highly advanced technology is essentially helpful to arousing the curiosity WITHIN children while opponents cast doubt on it. In my viewpoint, the development of technology absolutely has made children more creative. AND IT IS based on three reasons. First and foremost, technology has helped people EARN more money and HAVE A easier life, so that children ARE ENABLED TO spend more time ON THINKING AND CREATING NEW IDEAS CONSTANTLY. For example, when my father was young, he had to work with my grandfather all day to SUPPORT the whole family. Obviously, there was no choice for him to go to school and learn more knowledge necessary for CREATING THINGS. ON THE CONTRARY, children TODAY apparently have enough time TO SPARE. In this sense, THE ADVANCING in technology can assist children IN becomING more creative. SECOND, technology developmentS help children ACQUIRE information MORE conveniently VIA THE MEANS OF internet and new IT devices. A survey was conducted by sociologists from Reuters last year aiming to find out ABOUT THE POPULARITY OF computers. The data COLLECTED from THE interviews and questionnaires suggests that more than 70% OF families have their own珐範粹既诔焕达唯惮沥 computerS, and 35% have got two or more OF THEM. The RESULTS SHOW that more and more people ARE startTING to use new technologIES to GAIN information, which IN TURN help children obtain A BROADER span of knowledge easily TO MAKE THEM MORE creative. Finally, the development of technology has equipped our children with more healthY AND MORE ROBUST bodies and brains. WhenEVER they get sick, they can just go to the hospitals and get effective MEDICINES OR OPERATIONS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Their brains can work EFFICIENTLY NOW because the effective nutrition supplIES MAKE their mind more active. Take account of all the factors discussed above. I TEND to believe technology has made children more creative, DESPITE TE FACT THAT there might BE SOME minor side EFFECTS. I think my conclusion is based on a careful ANALYSIS of children’s life qualities,information channels and physical health. Believe it or not, it&#39;s highly possible that children will be more creative than us in the future.
没工夫详细看,半分钟大概看了一眼。真要是仔细批改的话,你悬赏500分都不够……你的模板痕迹太重,就算你实在非要用模板,换个有点新意的,或者找辅导老师专门给你一个…… 刚一看你第一句has been brought into a spotlight,我就呵呵了第三自然段用on the other hand开头是不对的,不知道谁教你用这个逻辑连接词。在书面英语里,on one hand和on the other hand连用,表示的是相对立的两个方面。on the other hand和but是一个性质的!不能用来引起并列性内容。具体的句子里小语法错误有很多,注意托福写作里面,最先做到的应该是文字的简洁、清晰、正确,在做到此基础珐範粹既诔焕达唯惮沥上之后再去想写一些复杂的句子。
出门在外也不愁59卡级小号逍遥求超越 装备属性展示_天龙八部ol_17173天龙八部_网络游戏第一门户
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& 59卡级小号逍遥求超越 装备属性展示
59卡级小号逍遥求超越 装备属性展示
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59卡级小号逍遥求超越 装备属性展示--来自九天揽月服务器
  卡级小号也有一片可玩天地 并不差于那些102的生活玩家  卡级小号67W评分的绝对不少,相信那些整天为心法修炼而蛋疼的大号也会感到:小号玩的才好玩。  小号多了团战帮战各种也可以一样的如同大号的激情啊,绝对不会你一个满4的59小号被同样的小号给控制到死吧!想想应该让小号逆袭一下了。  我想说其实小号有些很有钱,只是敌手没遇到多少厉害的,不愿上。  本人玩的59小逍遥今年3月份才玩的,已经咋砸了6000+了 12W血不到1W闪避80会心  GM求坑啊 8星神器换,,新本大本出几个吧都快泪奔了。。。。  最后吐槽的尽管吐,看不惯我们卡级小号的可以让你们杀没吊事一个游戏而已能打就打不能打就不打,希望卡级小号的朋友们帮忙顶起 你们顶了才有小号的激情来临!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&


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