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CNN social media accounts hacked by Syrian Electronic Army
The cable news network confirmed on Thursday that its primary Facebook account, Twitter feeds and some blogs (including, ironically, CNN's Security Clearance blog) were targeted, with the hackers subsequently posting content on these platforms.
This content, which included unauthorised tweets on the Twitter pages for, has since been deleted. One message from the SEA said that it targeted CNN due to its “viciously lying reporting aimed at the prolonging the suffering in Syria.”
The Syrian Electronic Army, a group that supports the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, has successfully targeted hacktivism group Anonymous, Al-Jazeera, the BBC, the Daily Telegraph, the Financial Times, the Guardian, the Human Rights Watch and the National Public Radio in recent times, and just last week managed to hack into Microsoft's social media accounts .
OneLogin CEO Thomas Pedersen told < that this is the latest reminder that organisations need to properly employ password policies and perhaps even cloud-based identity and access management (IAM) solutions.
&“We have already seen several attacks on social media accounts this year - first Microsoft, and now CNN. These are high profile organisations, which is why they have been targeted," he said.
“This is another reminder that organisations should think about their access control and password policies, otherwise there is the potential for attacks to be successful. Companies have to manage access to their marketing applications, whether these are internal or external services."
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我的Mac机被hacked by syria electronic army入侵,寻求解决办法,急,谢谢各位!
出门在外也不愁Syrian Electronic Army hacks Forbes, steals user data - CNET
Syrian Electronic Army hacks Forbes, steals user data
February 14,
The Syrian Electronic Army has attacked Forbes, stealing user data and posting fake stories to its Web site.
The hacking group
the exploit on Friday, showing several screenshots of the Wordpress-based backend of
Web site. The organization said in a tweet that more than 1 million user e-mails and passwords were successfully stolen and will be published at some point.
Forbes acknowledged that its Web site and publishing platform were the targets of a hack . The company said e-mail addresses may have been exposed but passwords are encrypted. Still, Forbes cautioned readers and contributors to change their passwords as a precaution:
Security message:
was targeted in a digital attack and our publishing platform was compromised. Users' email addresses may have been exposed. The passwords were encrypted, but as a precaution, we strongly encourage Forbes readers and contributors to change their passwords on our system, and encourage them to change them on other websites if they use the same password elsewhere. We have notified law enforcement. We take this matter very seriously and apologize to the members of our community for this breach.
IBTimes, which earlier
on the story, talked to a spokesperson for the SEA, who said the attacks are based in its belief that Forbes' "hate for Syria is very clear and flagrant in their articles."
In addition to stealing usernames, the Syrian Electronic Army posted an article on the site entitled "Hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army." That article has since been taken down, and there don't appear to be any other posts on the site that have come from the Syrian Electronic Army.
The Syrian Electronic Army is one of the more active hacking groups. Last year, the organization hacked into Viber's database, hijacked a Thomson Reuters Twitter feed, and took aim at both the Onion and BBC Twitter accounts. Earlier this year, the group also .
Update, 3:42 p.m. PT: Added statement from Forbes.
About the author
Don Reisinger is a technology columnist who has covered everything from HDTVs to computers to Flowbee Haircut Systems. Besides his work with CNET, Don's work has been featured in a variety of other publications including PC World and a host of Ziff-Davis publications.
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