rha ma750i音质如何,用户iphone6音质直推,播放器用自带的。

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终于到了~~很及时啊 宝贝很实惠 店主也很好哟 哈哈 好评!我正好去学校了~~~
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今天收到就拆包试了. 物流挺快的。现在使用中。会再来光顾的。老板人很好。还亲自打电话来确认快递和地址。五分好评是必须滴。
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颜色比较鲜艳 感觉还不错 还买了耳机 耳机不是正品 凑合着用吧 送了一个飞机的壳 可能是赠送的原因 飞机的壳好旧 好多刮
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我已经不用这个耳机了 确实不舒服 别人的耳机在我手机上用就没问题
卖家这边天天喊我改好评 退货的话还得自己出运费
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不说了!英国佬真是有点傻!这玩意价格 该更贵一点才是!看看天朝的物价看看人家的用料,让人泪奔啊!
828元 - 30天售出:6件排名NO.24
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iPhone6将推动屏幕技术创新 屏幕将达5.7英寸
许多手机已经采用大屏高分辨率显示屏,苹果仍维持分辨率显示屏,使得苹果由原本的市场创新者变成了落后者。NPD DisplaySearch大中华区副总裁谢勤益分析称,苹果将推出的、明年第二季推出的都可能推动面板技术创新,iPhone 6屏幕将达4.7肌5.7迹直媛实榷冀徊教嵘
谢勤益指出,iPhone 6可望于明年第二季推出,尺寸、分辨率将全面提升,4.7挤直媛士纱.7挤直媛士纱。iPad 5面板主要是9.7迹直媛饰,苹果明年有机会推出新一代iPad,预期屏幕尺寸为12.9迹直媛蚀。新iPad mini有望在今年第四季推出,采用7.9计聊唬直媛。
明年,苹果还会推出新MacBook Air,采用0低能耗分辨率面板,而Apple TV可望于明年第三季出现,尺寸为55、65迹┐魃璞iWatch则在明年第四季现身,以1.3肌1.可弯曲AMOLED面板为主。
谢勤益指出,苹果过去通过在面板技术的创新、投资供应链、进行技术整合等,成功创下许多第一,包括在智能手机上采用300 ppi以上分辨率面板、在平板上使用QXGA分辨率面板、将表面玻璃整合到产品设计中、整合触控传感器到显示器(in-cell touch)中等。后来,手机商纷纷采用5~6FHD高分辨率面板,苹果却停在原地,明年的新品有可能让苹果再度掌握技术优势。
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版权所有 鲁ICP备号RHA MA750i retail package
During my daily 2+ hour train commute and while traveling for business I prefer to pack along a good pair of earbuds to listen to podcasts and music. For the last few weeks I have been living with the
and I am loving every minute of it.
Last year I checked out RHA's mid-tier earphones, the
, and found them to be a steal at $50. The MA750i takes things to the next level, including the price at $129.95. However, I think you will find that they live up to this price.
The MA750i earphones are composed of 303F stainless steel, black plastic, gray rubber, and opaque silicone materials. The earphones feel very well constructed with the cable ends and connection points being of higher quality than anything else I have seen.
Starting at the earphone end, we see a stainless steel housing that contains a dynamic driver with a formed end that fits a silicone tip on the end. There is then about 3 inches of black coated cable that wrap around your ear to secure it in place. The only time I noticed the earphones slipping out was when I had a ball cap sitting low.
A black plastic piece transitions the wrap around black cable into a gray coated cable that runs down and meets up at the Y with the other earphone. Down about 5 inches on the right side cable you will find the three button remote and microphone for calls. Functionality of the buttons is dependent on the phone you have connected. There is also a MH750 model without the remote and mic that sells for $10 less.
A sliding adjust piece can be used to bring the left and right cables together under your chin. The stainless steel piece that connects these cables at the bottom of the Y is attractive. There is textured stainless steel at each end with a signature on the smooth central piece.
Below the Y you will find about three feet more of even thicker gray coated cable. The stainless steel 3.5mm jack at the end reminds me of the older large headphone stereo cables we used to plug directly into our record players and receivers at home. There is a wire reinforced section before the jack end that should help with longevity of the earphones.
The package comes with 10 pairs of earphone tips to choose from. There are three sizes of silicone tips with two pairs in each size. One pair of small and medium double flange tips are included along with two pairs of memory foam medium ear tips. This earphone tip storage mechanism is a stainless steel plate.
A carrying case is also included to protect your investment while it is in your bag or kit.
Usage and experiences
The first thing I noticed was the quality feel of the earphones when I pulled them from the package. The rugged gray coated cable seems to prevent cord tangling, but given the length they still do get bunched up a bit when you throw them in your bag.
The default mid size tip fit me well, but I switched to the memory foam tips since they were even more comfortable to me.
I primarily use an Android device and the remote worked well with Google Play Music to control play/pause, skip forward, and skip back. However, it did not control the volume on the Note 3 I tested. Pressing and holding the center button launched S Voice on the Note 3, but you still have to press the mic button on the display to activate S Voice functionality. I understand it is optimized to control Siri on iOS devices.
Audio sounded fantastic with the handmade drivers in these earphones. I was never disappointed with the audio quality, hearing the bass, treble, and details I expect in very expensive earphones.
Callers said I sounded just fine with the integrated microphone.
Pros and Cons
To summarize my experiences, here are my pros and cons.
High quality construction
Premium materials and design
Outstanding audio quality
Reasonable price for high end earphones
Three year warranty
Remote did not control volume on the Note 3
Takes two hands to wrap around your ears
Over-the-ear design interferes with glasses
Pricing and availability
The RHA MA750i earphones are available on
and Apple for $129.95.
The competition
There are several other earphone competitors, but many that compete with this high quality are priced at $200 or more. RHS is known for making high quality earphones priced for the consumer.
Handmade 560.1 drivers
303F stainless steel construction
3 button remote and microphone
Frequency range: 16-22,000 Hz
Impedance: 16 Ohms
Sensitivity: 100 db
Weight: 36 grams
Cable length: 1.35 meters
3.5mm gold plated connections
The RHA MA750i earphones seem to be extremely well constructed and look great. Audio quality was top notch and I didn't feel there was anything missing from the audio experience.
I was surprised that I could not control the volume with the remote on Android. I understand these are optimized for iOS devices and understand that using them with iOS will give you the best experience.
Contributor's rating: 8 out of 10
Related reading
Matthew Miller started using a mobile devices in 1997 and has been writing news, reviews, and opinion pieces ever since. He is a co-host with GigaOM's Kevin Tofel on the MobileTechRoundup podcast and an author of three Wiley Companion series books. Matthew started using mobile devices with a US Robotics Pilot 1000 and has owned over 200 d...
Matthew is a professional naval architect by day and a mobile gadgeteer at all other times. He purchases his own devices and then sells them on eBay or Swappa to buy more. Many other devices are sent for review on a 30-day loaner basis and then returned to the carrier or manufacturer. If any are provided as “long term loaner units&#8221 this will be clearly disclosed in his reviews.
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iPhone6确认推两大版本 型号曝光
来源:网络整理 作者:匿名 阅读:467次
  【IT168 资讯】以往苹果iPhone 6的各种传闻正在逐步成真,这次则是轮到了4.7英寸和5.5英寸两大版本的确认。日前,来自泰国国家广播和电信委员会(NBTC)秘书长Takorn Tantasith公布的信息披露称,苹果已经有两款iPhone 6通过了该机构的审核和批准,手机型号为A1586和A1524。尽管目前NBTC并未解密这两款iPhone 6的相关细节,但在外界看来应该基本确认了下一代iPhone 6确实有可能会有4.7英寸和5.5英寸两个版本同步推出。  根据国外网站Manager Online披露的消息称,泰国国家广播和电信委员会(NBTC)秘书长Takorn Tantasith 在本周早些时候宣布,苹果在泰国提交的销售两款iPhone 6的申请已经获得通过,而且这位秘书长也在自己的推特上证实了相关消息。按照相关消息称,苹果公司在今年8月5日向泰国相关部门提交进口申请,并于8月8日获得设备认证和书面批准通知,至于这两款iPhone的型号则为A1586和A1524。  不过,虽然按照泰国政府的规定,这些认证信息必须对外公开,但或许是由于苹果方面要求保密的缘故,此次通过申请和认证文件中的iPhone6的相关细节仍然处于保密状态。当然,在外界看来此次两款iPhone 6手机型号的出现,可以说是基本上确认了下一代iPhone会有两个版本推出,也就是过去传闻的4.7英寸和5.5英寸版本。  泰国NBTC通过iPhone6申请  同时来自供应链的消息还披露称,iPhone 6的这两个版本会同步发布,但仅有5.5英寸版本会提供128GB容量版本,并且高配版本还会采用蓝宝石玻璃。而根据过去泄露的信息显示,5.5英寸iPhone 6还会在部分配置上更出色一些,比如拥有主频更高的A8处理器,并且内置摄像头还会加载光学防抖功能。  值得一提的是,苹果这次两个型号的iPhone 6在发布前通过泰国相关部门的审核和批准,也有可能预示着苹果计划让更多国家加入到第一批新机上市的名单中。当然,如果推测准确的话,那么也意味着苹果iPhone 6在产能方面将没有任何问题,从而能够满足更多市场的同步发售。9月9日发布  值得注意的是,根据网友的爆料称,苹果iPhone 6目前已经进入最终产品验证测试阶段,而且测试中产品的良产率高达90%,预计不久后便会进入大规模量产阶段。据悉,苹果iPhone 6目前已经进入PVT测试阶段,也就是进行小批量过程验证测试,主要是验证新机型的各功能实现状况,并进行稳定性及可靠性测试。  而根据国外媒体Re/code披露消息称,苹果将会在9月9日推出4.7英寸和5.5英寸版本iPhone 6,但开卖的时间则存在差异。其中,4.7英寸iPhone 6会在9月中旬正式发售,而5.5英寸版本则有可能推迟数周乃至一个月发货。  作者:爱你卡侬更多精彩:
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