
生化危机6 蓝牌的作用 解锁文献背景资料+娃娃贩卖机_生化危机吧_百度贴吧
生化危机6 蓝牌的作用 解锁文献背景资料+娃娃贩卖机
是否打完生6剧情 依然对很多地方糊里糊涂?其实要弄懂真正的详情 还需要读蓝牌文件的。每打到一章蓝牌都会解锁一个对应文献资料。当然文件里也有很多内幕啦,咳咳,像我la党自然不会放过每一句和的话,虽然通篇读下来,卡表很坑人的用了个次“复杂”(艾达见里昂的时候 也提到了这个词&&应该是第二句话 第一句是:“你见鬼了呀”)咳咳 话先说在前面 蓝牌在哪里看哩 防止很多人找不到 附上图片好了 看到娃娃机子了吧 每章4个蓝牌换一个娃娃(横向),每一章的第一块蓝牌打了又换一个娃娃(纵向)。蓝牌哩点开来就会变成文件的样子,没点之前是星星的样子(弄得我一开始找不到在哪兑换文件- -)可以看画面右边的克里斯章的我就还没点开,还是星星。嘛 收集蓝牌的图文攻略 这个是我用的最好的,不是视频,可以边游戏边打开找蓝牌的文献资料 中文翻译 有人发过了地址如下我哩,会找到英文原版 配合图片 然后自己翻译。所以如果想看直译的,戳上面的,想看楼主自己卖萌吐槽白话翻译的,鼠标继续向下滚动吧O(∩_∩)O~对了,先说一下娃娃。亲们,娃娃下方的提示 不要因为觉得遮挡你们转动视角看福利,就关掉不看了呀,按键是可以让娃娃发声音,还可以换衣服的,为例。咳咳 言归正传 蓝牌解锁的背景资料
新浪娱乐讯 北京时间8月...
Ladies and gentlemen!...
工作室镇楼 希望大家喜...
篇.s.36岁的,是最“受”尊敬的特工(没有之一),直接效力。作为著名的浣熊事件幸存者,生化袭击的目击者,他对和使用它们的人深恶痛绝。他以冷静和理智见长,不过他不该因为这些,被误会是一个冷漠的人。他很积极主动的完成他的任务,但是每每会因为要救助平民而让自己身处险境(而且所有平民和交通工具,都被他的光环克死了)。他执行任务的时候,每个决定都很谨慎有序。(除了有些时候→ →)他的本性会被唤起,菜鸟警察的使命召唤。他依旧是那个喜欢自嘲(总是被女人调戏),在最困难的时候也不忘几句的人。At 36 years of age, Leon S. Kennedy is the most respected agent working for the U.S. government, reporting directly to the president himself. The horrors he witnessed as a result of a biohazard outbreak, known as the Raccoon City Incident, left him with a deep-rooted hatred of bioterrorism and those who would use it.While his demeanor is calm and rational, it should not be mistaken for apathy. He will take the initiative on any mission he’s been assigned, often putting himself in danger in order to save the innocent. He takes his missions seriously, making decisions cautiously and logically. From time to time, however, his sardonic wit will surface, recalling his time as a good-natured rookie cop with a sense of duty who was able to maintain his sense of humor even in tough times.
里昂和总统亚当里昂和总统与其说是朋友,不如说是同是天涯沦落人的战友兄弟。当总统还不是总统的时候,他就亲手提拔里昂到自己麾下做事(Yooooo)。两个人秉承相同的渴望,根除浣熊市后的所有的生化恐怖主义。亚当总统是政界位数不多的廉直的人,说一不二。这样的一个人,赢得了里昂的信任,虽说他从来没有面对过生化袭击(现在已经有了)。共同的目标,对彼此的敬爱,在他们共同成长的十年里,两人一起面对生化恐怖袭击。天有不测风云,一场生化袭击,如同1998年浣熊市事件的一面镜子,里昂被迫射杀了总统,终结了两人之间长达10年的友谊。Leon Kennedy and U.S. President Adam Benford are not only close friends, but champions of similar causes. When President Benford was a high-ranking government official, he handpicked Leon, elevating him to his high-ranking status. The two men were both motivated by a righteous desire to root out bioterrorism following the events that transpired in Raccoon City in 1998. Adam had a reputation for being one of the few politicians with integrity, a man of his word, and Agent Kennedy found himself able to trust a man who had never directly faced the evils of bioterrorism. With mutual goals and a mutual respect, they grew close during their ten years of fighting bioterrorism together.Unfortunately, their friendship is abruptly ended during a biohazard outbreak - one with eerie echoes that mirror the tragedy of Raccoon City - when Agent Kennedy is forced to shoot and kill President Benford.
地面控制中心(FOS) ←这个是(坑爹)翻译的最初作为联系在实地中进行任务的特工的主要部门,F.O.S.工作人员的职责是为处于实地中的特工提供与任务相关的信息并且提供如地图路线、任务升级信息或者特殊指令等的资源。同时,F.O.S.也作为高级政府官员对特工发送情况报告的一个联系途径。随着生化危机的日益严峻,F.O.S.重新发展成为了美国最主要的反生化危机的信息枢纽中心(- -)地面控制中心是由美国政府运营的高层组织,原本的任务是为美国各的特工作战时提供服务支持。随着把生化恐怖列为首要危害,地面控制中心逐步转换为所有预防和应对生化恐怖的监管机构。亚当总统于2011年成立地面控制中心,哈尼根为协调员,为首席执勤特工。Field Operations Support (FOS) is an organization operating at the highest level of the U.S. government. Its original mission was to provide support for agents from multiple U.S. intelligence agencies discharging their duties around the world. As the dangers posed by bioterrorism came to take priority for U.S. security, the FOS was evolved to oversee all operations that deal with response to and prevention of bioterrorism. The FOS was originally formed in 2011 by Adam Benford, with Ingrid Hunnigan installed as operations coordinator and Leon Kennedy as its chief field agent.
丧尸1998年的生化事件,T污染了整个,居民全被病毒感染死亡,但是他们寄宿病毒的尸体变成了一具具缓慢行走的,觅食生物。(我突然饿了- -要闹哪样)报告指出这些被感染者,多半目光呆滞,皮肤腐烂脱落。如果恐怖小说中的行尸走肉,他们被冠以一个反科学的名字,。最近的高橡市生化袭击起因不明,但此次受害者与极度相似。该说是庆幸还是不幸哩,这丧尸的称呼,也被运用到他们身上了In 1998, a biohazard incident involving the T-Virus contaminated the entirety of Raccoon City. Inhabitants infected by the virus succumbed to infection, but their corpses were reanimated by the same virus into shambling, flesh-eating creatures.Reports from the incident indicated that many of the revenants' eyes were glazed over, and their skin had either decayed or been flayed. As these revenants resemble the walking dead of horror fiction, they were given the decidedly unscientific name of zombies.The source of the current biohazard event in Tall Oaks remains unknown, but the stages of infection of the victims bear a striking resemblance to those of Raccoon City. For better or for worse, the appellation of zombie has been applied to these victims as well.
哈尼根(我找不到官方翻译 她的名字- -Ingrid)哈尼根,33岁,地面控制中心 防御部门的任务协调员。2004年,帮助特工()从手中,解救当时总统的女儿(碍事梨)。睿智,出色的领导(就她指引的路线- -真的是出色的么 喂!),她可以黑进最机密的系统,也可以聪敏的解决任务。她就是把里昂从困难险境中拯救出的女人~Ingrid Hunnigan is a 33-year-old Mission Coordinator for the U.S. Department of Defense's Field Operations Support. In 2004, she was instrumental in helping Agent Kennedy recover the then-president's daughter from a terrorist group.Level-headed and intelligent, she is competent at hacking into most security systems as well as handling the relevant mission intelligence. She is the guiding voice that has successfully delivered Agent Kennedy from many a perilous predicament.
- -今天先到这里 每天都更5条 正好是游戏一章的内容
里昂和浣熊市事件1998年,人为地污染了整座城市,在这场20世纪最凶残的病毒爆发中,10万人丧生。单从这个事件的名字“”田园般的美国小镇,根本无法感受到那惨案的恐怖。在此次事件中,一个名叫的菜鸟警官卷入噩梦之中。他被人类形状的感染者袭击,那是公司研发的BOW。激战后,他和少数几名幸存者讨论了城市。他悔恨自己只能拯救几个人(还“害死”了那谁= =),而这三个字,也成为他精神上永不磨灭的刻痕。从那刻起,他发4他会尽其所能让这个世界永不在现,浣熊市惨案。(I really wish he could- -)In 1998, a biohazard incident involving a man-made virus contaminated the entire town of Raccoon City. The town of 100,000 became ground zero for the world's single worst biohazard outbreak in the 20th century. The clinical naming of the event as the Raccoon City Incident does nothing to express the tragedy and horror that occurred in that idyllic American town.During the incident, a rookie police officer named Leon Kennedy was caught up in the nightmare. He was attacked by human infected, a.k.a. zombies, and Umbrella-engineered bio-organic weapons. Against all odds, he and a few other survivors were able to escape from the city. He regretted that he was only able to save so few people that day, and the events that transpired in Raccoon City etched themselves indelibly on his mind. From that point on he vowed he would do all he could to ensure the world would never see a tragedy like Raccoon City repeated.
髙橡市大教堂&地下实验室教堂耸立在髙橡市边缘的家族领土上,这地方通常是用来家族秘密集会,隐密策划的。密道和机关,静候着意图潜入者。现任领导人,德雷克·C·西蒙斯,最近把这地下“有求必应室”翻新成现代研究所,方便他管理c病毒的研发。Standing out in the skyline of Tall Oaks is a cathedral that marks a plot of land that has been in the Simmons family for generations. This land primarily serves as a meeting ground for the family's secretive dealings, and there are many hidden passageways and booby traps to obstruct any potential interlopers.The current head of the family, Derek C. Simmons, recently had a portion of the underground chamber refurbished into a modern research laboratory so he could have scientists conduct research on the C-Virus
美女兽美女兽也是c病毒下的牺牲者之一,而且是完全突变体。“美女兽”一词源于塞尔维亚语,极具讽刺意味,它的含义是“美人儿”(= =想见美人的,自己第二章 开圣约柜去)这生物的身体满布内藏毒气的气孔(我这是涂抹剧毒的气孔&&),3英里半径内任何人吸入雾气都会变成。不像传统意义上的丧尸传染,不再是咬一通过血液变身了&&.这回病毒以空气为介质是灰常难以躲避的。在校园遭受的生化袭击,就是这个丫弄出来的。Lepotitsa is a victim of the C-Virus, although one that is extremely mutated. The word Lepotitsa, ironically, is derived from the Serbian word for "woman of beauty."The creature's body is covered in large pores that secrete a deadly gas. Anyone who inhales its fumes will die and be reanimated as a zombie. One creature has the potential to infect an area within a three-mile radius. Unlike a traditional zombie infection, which is spread by a zombie's bite or contact with contaminated blood, this creature turns the virus into an airborne agent, thus creating a contaminant that is harder to avoid. The bioterror attack that Agent Kennedy encountered in Tall Oaks was triggered by this creature.
海莲娜·哈博①海琳娜今年24岁,她妹妹戴bra是唯一已知活着的亲人(- -我怎么吐槽这个)。在浣熊市,啊不,是(- -浣熊打多了)髙橡市恐怖袭击中,西蒙斯派遣海琳娜去保护总统。她是一个激进正义者,对陷入困境的人抱有深刻的同情,她特么不希望情绪总是影响她的行动。Helena Harper is a 24-year-old U.S. government agent. Her sister Deborah is heronly known living relative. During the Tall Oaks terrorist attack, she is dispatched by the U.S. Secret Service to protect President Benford. She is a woman of strong moral convictions, and is very sympathetic to the plight of others, although she does let her emotions get the better of her from time to time.
海莲娜·哈博②她从来不委屈她的信仰,也从来不会站着让旁人掌控一切(- -这女人爱权呀)。遗憾的是,她确实总被情绪影响。班级第一的她,第一志愿便是当一名特工,但是“有关部门”担忧她的道德感会阻碍她的工作,他们“可耻的”对了。追查连环凶杀案时,海琳娜成功逮捕了凶手,但是她暴虐了嫌疑犯,致使她被停职。她声称她必须让疑犯闭嘴,因为疑犯威胁被害者家属。停职期限结束后,她发现自己处在精神失控的状态。当戴bra的男朋友嘴里不干净时,她发火了然后一枪崩了他(没崩死- -)(妹子 你要不要这么猛)。上司不愿意再处理她制造的麻烦,但又不舍得炒了她,所以上司调她去特殊部门。髙橡市袭击中,她被床垫操执行控刺杀(assassin)总统的计划。Helena Harper doesn't compromise her beliefs, and is not one to step aside and let others take charge. She does, however, have a tendency to let her emotions get the best of her. She was in the top of her class, and the agency's first choice for the job, but officials were concerned that she would let her morals let in the way of her work. They were right.While investigating a series of murders, Helena successfully found and apprehended the killer. In the process, she used excessive force on the suspect and was suspended from the agency. She claimed she had to shut the killer up because he was making threats in front of the victim's family. After her suspension period was over, she found herself in situations where she couldn't maintain her self-control. When Deborah's boyfriend became abusive, an enraged Helena shot and injured him. Her superiors were unwilling to overlook her gross misconduct, but they didn't want to fire her, so they transferred her to the Secret Service.During the attack on Tall Oaks, Helena was manipulated by Derek Simmons in his plan to assassinate President Adam Benford.
- -好了 今天到这了明天继续
地下墓穴地下墓穴在髙橡市底下错综衍生了近400年,它是席梦思家族以及服从家族的神秘组织的长眠之所。地下埋葬着不为人知的会所,精巧制作的奇妙装置(用王姐姐的话说:席梦思,都是你个怪品味吸引这些丧尸的)保护着墓穴内家族秘密事物不被外人盗取。尽管现在的主要使用者是西蒙斯家族,那些洞穴和祭坛表明存在更早的居民。The catacombs that maze their way under Tall Oaks go back almost 400 years. They are the final resting place of not only members of the Simmons family, but those who have served the mysterious organization known as The Family.These underground burial chambers are not known to the public, but the catacombs themselves are still protected by many elaborate contraptions to keep outsiders from digging too deeply into The Family's secret affairs. Although the catacombs are primarily used by the Simmons family, the primitively constructed caves and altars hint at the existence of inhabitants prior to them.
黛博拉·哈柏她是一个20岁的大学生,海莲娜的妹妹。不像她姐,黛博拉是个呆萌的聚会狂热粉。两人的生活方式迥然不同,偶有摩擦,但还是亲密无间的姐妹。床垫绑架黛博拉,用她实验c病毒,至此姐妹两的生活陷入混乱。当海莲娜再见妹妹的时候,那不是她期待的欢聚重逢,黛博拉变成了一个不成人形的丑陋生物,她再也没有从前那美丽温柔的容颜。Deborah Harper is a 20-year-old college student, and Helena's sister. Unlike her sister, Deborah is a carefree party girl. Their different approaches to life are a cause of friction between them, but those issues aside, the two are actually very close. The two sisters' lives are thrown into chaos when Derek Simmons kidnaps Deborah and uses her for The Family's C-Virus experiments. When Helena is reunited with her sister, it's not the happy reunion she had hoped for. Deborah had been turned into a hideous creature with no semblance of the humanity she once had other than the gentle facial features that hint at her former beauty.
里昂和艾达艾达王是 一个执行秘密行动的间谍,她的资料并不多,就连艾达是不是她真正的名字也不清楚。(年龄也给弄成未知的了)艾达第一次邂逅里昂是1998年在浣熊市,那啥他是一个不成熟的小菜鸟警官,拼命的想从噩梦包围中逃脱。艾达那时候去浣熊市是有任务在身,一个来自安普雷拉竞争对手公司的命令。险境让两人一起行动,艾达影藏了自己的目的,并且利用里昂完成目标。二人生死相依,关系越来越紧密。最终艾达救了里昂的命,很不幸的,两人被迫分道而行,但是彼此都无法忘记对方的感觉。逃脱浣熊市后,二人的轨迹时不时总会相交,里昂,一个美国政府工作者;艾达,一个间谍。艾达丝毫不掩饰的在需要时利用里昂,同时里昂却总是不舍,不愿意结束他两的感情。他们从不把对方看成敌人,却也很难说出彼此对对方的感觉(两傲娇无误)。莫过于“复杂”一词,最适合形容两人的关系了。(复杂汝妹呀- -)Ada Wong is a spy whose major activities occur off the grid. Not much is known about her, not even if Ada Wong is an alias or her real name.Ada first encountered Leon Kennedy during the Raccoon City Incident in 1998 when Leon was a callow rookie police officer trying desperately to escape from the nightmare that had enveloped Raccoon City. Ada was in the city carrying out a mission for a rival company to the Umbrella Corporation. When circumstances threw the two together, Ada hid the nature of her activities while using Leon to help her carry them out. The life-and-death struggle they endured brought them close together, and Ada ended up saving Leon's life. Unfortunately, they had to make their way out of the city separately, but they could not forget what they felt for each other.Following their escape, their paths would cross from time to time, Leon as a U.S. government operative and Ada as a spy. Ada makes no qualms about using Leon when it suits her needs, but Leon is loath to bring himself to be done with her. They don't consider each other enemies, but it's hard to tell how they feel for each other. Complicated is the word that aptly summarizes their relationship.
海伦娜的罪行西蒙斯绑架了戴bra,强迫她帮忙刺杀总统,她没有任何办法,只能悄悄送出一个无线消息给特勤局,说明有一组人马已经潜入校园准备刺杀总统。总统当时在校园做演讲,特勤局则确保在演讲前总统绝对安全(= =结果 呵呵了)。特工们被派遣四处搜寻可疑人物,却给西蒙斯实现计划创造了条件。深爱妹妹的海琳娜无法原谅自己参与了恐怖袭击,她冲到校园请求特工们集中起来保护总统(怎么可能有人听她的话哩),特工们都对她的“暴行”记录敬而远之,不相信她说的话。随后,生化袭击降临,由于一半的特工在四散寻找可疑人物,未能及时疏散撤离,无人能挽回总统的命了。Derek Simmons coerced Helena Harper into helping him assassinate President Benford when he kidnapped her sister Deborah. Helena had no choice but to send out an alert over the Secret Service's radio that a group had entered Ivy University with the intent to kill President Benford.The president was on the campus to deliver a speech, and the Secret Service made sure the president was secure before his speech. A number of agents were dispatched to look for the suspects. This created the opening Derek needed. Helena loved her sister, but she couldn't let herself be party to a terrorist attack. She rushed to the campus to entreat the agents to give up their wild goose chase and protect the president. Many of the agents were aware of her past infractions, so they were disinclined to believe her. Then the attacks came. Because half the agents were out looking for assassins, the Service was slow in evacuating President Benford, and was unable to save his life.
急流在里昂和海伦娜章节高橡树大教堂下的古代墓穴内的深处,它的名字来自塞尔维亚字为“急流”。Brzak似乎是一个超大的公牛鲨,但他从前是人类(0 0究竟是这样一个人呀,为什么变成的是鱼,而不是美人鱼哩)。它似乎是瞎子的,因为它眼睛被鱼叉击中过。它的舌头是惊人的,变形的,由骨突起和一个明亮的橙色组成。此生物的头部占据了一大截,舌头似乎能够延伸到诱捕受害者。生物的鳍似乎有爪,使其能够爬行于崎岖的地形和干燥的环境中追寻猎物。(选自 resident evil wiki)急流,c病毒极端变异体,塞尔维亚语“急流”的意思。它没有听觉 视觉(- -原来耳朵也聋了 等下 鱼有耳朵吗),所以它依赖动作感知,通过水波捕食。它无法区分 活动的东西和猎物,所以一会可能摇着人了,一会可能啃着丧尸了。不过它也是挑食的,漂浮的死尸 可是引起不来它的兴趣。Brzak is a victim of the C-Virus, although one that is extremely mutated. Brzak is derived from the Serbian word for "rapids."It's aural and ocular faculties are practically non-existent, so it relies on kinetic sensations based on movement in the water to hunt its prey. It will indiscriminately attack all moving prey, be it human or zombie. Cadavers that float in the water, however, do not interest it.
拆(迁办)(再生怪- -)C病毒感染,极端突变体,来自塞尔维亚语“拆”或者“掰开”。光滑,白皙的皮肤,包裹此生物的外骨骼(要是我不知道它是再生怪 我会觉得很漂亮的呀 魂淡)和类似蛞蝓的主体。这种生物的人形即使被破坏肢解,主体也不会有任何影响。其结构灵活的特性使得它可以通过狭窄的开口,如通风管道和其他狭小的空间。它的主要弱点是火,当遇到强烈的热,其主体将从骨骼跳出来逃离危险。(实际上反而将弱点暴露了方便玩家凌虐)然而,最可怕的特点,其四肢肢解后,它也能够分离其四肢,然后独立搜索猎物诱捕。它已被证明是几乎无懈可击,传统的枪支;枪声只能暂时丧失能力。如果玩家等待太长或不离开当前区域,最终将重组本身。只有极为致命的环境危害能够查杀这种生物。身体躯干分开的下部,下部主体的 - 喷洒一种毒素的潜在目标的能力。生物的鲜明特征是其水蛭般的长鼻,从它的嘴伸出,吞食受害者的脸。当它成功地杀死猎物,一种新的水蛭的生物会从受害者的尸体迸发。(以上摘选resident evil wiki)Rasklapanje is a victim of the C-Virus, although one that is extremely mutated. Rasklapanje is derived from the Serbian word for "demolition."The smooth, white skin that envelopes this creature is an exoskeleton designed to protect the slug-like part of its main body, located in the torso. Even if part of this creature's humanoid form is destroyed, it will not have any effect on the main body. These detached body parts can still search for prey independently and ensnare it. The flexible nature of its structure allows it pass through narrow openings like ventilation ducts and other tight spaces. Its primary weakness is fire, and when it encounters intense heat, its main body will leap out of its humanoid exoskeleton to escape danger.
德雷克·C·西蒙斯床垫,46岁,美国总统的顾问,残暴的完美主义者,成名于完善美国权利梯队。目前是家族的领导人,该家族是调教操控西方社会长达数世纪的类似兄弟会的组织。组织会为了维护世界的稳定 做任何事情。因为担心亚当总统公布浣熊市真相的计划会引起社会的混乱,床垫谱写了一曲生化袭击让总统成为遇害人之一Derek C. Simmons, 46 years old, is an aide to the president of the United States. He is a ruthless perfectionist, a personality well disposed to rising to a high echelon of power in government.He is the current head of The Family, a secret fraternity of powerful movers and shakers that have manipulated the development of the Western world for centuries. This organization will do whatever is necessary to ensure stability and world order. Fearing the ensuing chaos that would result from President Benford's plan to reveal the truth about the Raccoon City Incident, Mr. Simmons orchestrates his own bioterror attack where the president would be but one of the many casualties.
床垫①阶段变身被注入强化c病毒后,他开始一阶段的变身了!上半身还有人形,暴力倾向放大,感官消失。下半身变成兽形,速度可以赶超d字头动车。骨骼变成他的盔甲,也可以作为致命子弹射出。感谢c病毒给他治愈能力,失去的骨骼可以很快长出。After Derek Simmons is injected with an enhanced C-Virus, he enters a stage-one mutation. At this stage, his upper body maintains a humanoid appearance, and his violent tendencies are amplified. He has yet to lose his sense of self. His legs, however, transform into something beastlike, and he is powerful enough to outrun a high-speed train. He can also use shards of his own bone as projectiles, and can fire them off with deadly accuracy. Any bone matter lost in this manner is regrown thanks to the effects of the C-Virus.
床垫②段变身随着c病毒的根深,他开始了第二形态。此时,床垫的身体类似与一个巨大的恐龙,覆盖着坚实的肌肉。不同于一阶段,他的攻击本能变成了吞噬敌人,有时他还会跃起去攻击艾达的直升机。As the C-Virus infection begins to take root in Derek's body, he enters a stage-two mutation. At this stage, Derek's body resembles a gigantic dinosaur, and his musculature is quite dense. Unlike the stage-one mutation, stage-two Derek behaves instinctually instead of rationally. His driving force is to devour his enemies, and he even goes as far as to leap into the sky and attack a helicopter Ada is piloting.
床垫的③阶变身人性消失殆尽,只有本能仅存。他吸收尸体去保持身体机能的稳定,他就像是混合了多种昆虫,当失去肢体时,他可以通过吸收尸体再生。理论上说,只要有足够的尸体,他可以无限再生。Derek's body continues to mutate, and he enters stage three. Derek's humanity is completely gone at this point, but his survival instinct remains. He ingests multiple corpses in order to give his body the organic matter needed to assume this form. This new, hideous form resembles an amalgamation of multiple insect species. When stage-three Derek loses a limb or other body part, he can regenerate it by ingesting more corpses. He could in theory live forever as long as there are corpses for him to ingest.
克里斯·雷德菲尔德39岁,在BSAA北美分公司工作。他曾是阿尔法小队的领导者,直到他在欧洲中部一次战役遭受创伤失忆。之后他开始买醉的生活。大约同一时候,一场生物危机在中国爆发,震惊世界。他的队友皮尔斯·奈文斯找到克里斯,并说服他继续当领导。尽管他的记忆力减退,克里斯依然保留坚韧精神和出色的领导能力(指导死全小队的强大杀伤力),使他的BSAA的顶级特工之一Chris Redfield is a 39-year-old BSAA operative working for its North American Branch. He was the leader of Alpha Team until he suffered post-traumatic amnesia and wound up a belligerent drunk in the underbelly of eastern Europe.Around this time, a biohazard outbreak in China shocks the world. Piers Nivans, his teammate on Alpha, finds Chris and convinces him to resume his leadership role in the BSAA. Despite his memory loss, Chris retains the fortitude and leadership skills that make him one of the BSAA's top agents.
生物恐怖主义安全评估联盟 (这个是直译)2003年,在安布雷拉公司的解散在之后,许多其他制药公司中意于在黑市购买他的生化武器研究。生化武器吸引全世界,无论是犯罪集团还是恐怖分子。应呼吁,全球制药协会成立反恐特遣部队,被称为生物恐怖主义安全评估联盟(BSAA)。最初,BSAA只是一个民间组织,只有顾问资格。但伴随生物恐怖主义威胁蔓延,联合国决定承认这个组织,以便能有一个快速反应部队,可以处理世界各地的威胁。 BSAA有了新的赞助,获得了国家允许后,有权开展调查,并作出世界范围内的逮捕。In the wake of the Umbrella Corporation's dissolution in 2003, many other pharmaceutical companies saw their bio-organic weapons research enter the black market.Whether in the hands of organized crime or terrorists, bioweapons were destroying lives around the world. In response to voices calling for action to be taken, the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium formed the antiterrorist task force known as the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA).Initially, the BSAA was just a civilian organization with only advisory status,but as the threat posed by bioterrorism spread, the United Nations decided tosponsor the group in order to have a quick-response force that could deal with threats around the world. With its new sponsorship in place, the BSAA gained the authority to carry out investigations in countries the world over, and to make arrests wherever it is dispatched
吉娃娃(这个是乱译的)C病毒注入人体后 会将宿主变成吉娃娃。宿主会丧失人格,自控能力,但其丧失理智时是突发的,往往没有明显提示。这也就解释了,他们会拿枪,拿武器。当变成吉娃娃的时候,他会记住注入c病毒前的最后一个指令,并且会不顾生命的完成这个指示。突变会因为受伤害的程度而进阶,(我就遇到过一怪,打头变异了,打手变异了,打腿又变异了,打身体还变异的悲剧情况)突变可以理解为一种自我修复,哪儿受伤就修补哪儿。(这段网上英文不一样 就不贴了)
吉娃娃の突变C-病毒将感染的人类变成J'avo后,主体还会继续变异。突变通常发生在一个身体特定的部位。当身体被破坏时,拥有再生能力的C病毒,将尝试修复损坏,维修更换正常的人体组织。在某些情况下,维修更高能,用武器,镰刀或盾来更换身体肌肉。其他报道声称,一些J'avo可以“萌”生翅膀和获得飞行能力,该突变,已经在许多场合观察到,但此突变类型的确切数,目前未知。After the C-Virus turns an infected human into a J'avo, the host will continue to mutate, with the mutation usually occurring in a specific section of its body.When a host's body is damaged, the regenerative properties of the C-Virus will attempt to repair the damage. The repairs replace the normal human tissue with chitinous, insect-like appendages. In some cases, the repairs take on a utilitarian purpose, replacing arms with scythe- or shield-like appendages.Other reports say that some J'avo sprouted wings and gained the ability to fly.Certain mutations, like the aforementioned wings, have been observed o the exact number of types of mutations that actually exist is unknown at this time.
皮尔斯·奈文斯皮卡丘今年26岁,在BSAA北美分公司工作。克里斯·雷德菲尔德是他的指挥官。他的手眼协调能力和专注力,让他成为BSAA排名第一的狙击手(还是第一的赛车手)。在战场上瞬息万变的条件下,他能迅速作出反应。并且,因为这样,他通常会客服何不利条件,找到一种方式完成他的使命。困境下,他仍然有时间为追随他的战友提供直视。正是这些品质,导致他C.O.(这个不会翻译)如此评论他:BSAA的未来要靠他这样的男人的肩膀挑起。皮卡丘,个人不喜欢把团队看成的单纯的“上司下属的故事”,相比下,他更喜欢将团队看做一个大家庭。他认为BSAA的强度取决于每一个特工的能力。他c叔持有最崇高的敬意,而c叔对他也是绝对的信任。Piers Nivans is a 26-year-old BSAA operative working for its North American Branch. Chris Redfield is his commanding officer.His hand-eye coordination and concentration skills are without peer, making him the BSAA's top-ranking sniper. He can react quickly to the changing conditions on a battlefield, and, as such, he will usually find a way to complete his mission in spite of any adverse conditions.A serious and determined man in battle, he still has time to offer a kind word for his fellow soldiers. It is these qualities that cause his C.O. to comment that the future of the BSAA rests on the shoulders of men like him.Nivans himself prefers not to think of his team as subordinates, but as members of a big family. He believes that the strength of the BSAA hinges on the bonds of all its agents.He holds Captain Redfield in the highest respect, and Captain Redfield trusts him implicitly.


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