lebara nluk 冲完值后,怎样把套餐钱扣掉呀

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最强省钱攻略 教你如何在英国打电话回家
  一个人来到英国,和家里人联系变得尤为重要。为了方便,一般都需要购买英国sim卡。正如我们中国有移动、联通、电信等通讯公司一样,英国也有很多家通讯公司可以供同学们选择,选哪家才更划算更省钱? 【留英帮邦】来告诉你!
  Goody bags(月套餐)物美价廉,见下图。&
  解释一下,UK minutes是英国当地通话时间,unlimited UK texts是英国当地短信不限量,Unlimited internet无限流量。
  3、Lebara (UK Plus SIM卡)
  4、Vodaphone Vodaphone是英国本土的公司,特点是信号好,但是价格稍高。用vodaphone上网比较稳定,而且流量相对较多。缺点是打电话价格比较贵,不过可以用其他卡打电话。在英国手机上网的地方很多,流量比电话更重要些。&
  5、Three Three也是本土品牌,与vodaphone相比套餐流量更大方。&
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本网站由天津北方网版权所有Lebara Mobile (UK) Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of lebara.co.uk
To our knowledge, this company collects reviews by asking its customers to share their experiences on Trustpilot.
This company has claimed its Trustpilot profile, but to our knowledge, doesn't actively invite its customers to write reviews on Trustpilot.
This company hasn't claimed its Trustpilot profile and to our knowledge, doesn't actively invite its customers to write reviews on Trustpilot.
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5 stars - Excellent
4 stars - Great
3 stars - Average
2 stars - Poor
1 star - Bad
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1 star: Bad – unacceptable experience, unreasonable and rude conduct.
2 stars: Poor – an inadequate experience with a lot of friction.
3 stars: Average – acceptable experience but with some friction.
4 stars: Great – decent treatment and very little friction.
5 stars: Excellent – no reservations, I would recommend this company to anyone.
Dear Paul,We are extremely sorry to know that you recently had a bad experience with Lebara.I would personally like to understand the root cause of the issue and get it resolved at the earliest.Kindly write to
and mark it to the attention of Atiq.Alternatively, I will be happy to speak to you at your convenience.Additionally, I would also like to thank you for your feedback.Here at Lebara, we always welcome the feedback provided by the customers as we feel that every feedback is an opportunity for us to improve our services.Thank you for being a part of the Lebara family.Best Regards,Team Lebara
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
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Hi JimI am very sorry that you have recently had problems with Lebara's service. I would like to personally look into this for you as I am confident we can get this resolved. Please email
and put for the attention of Charles .Alternatively, I would be happy to give you a call at your convenience.Best Regards,Lebara Team
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Dear Phelim,We are extremely sorry to know that you recently had a bad experience with Lebara.I would personally like to understand the root cause of the issue and get it resolved at the earliest.Kindly write to
and mark it to the attention of Ravi Chandra.Alternatively, I will be happy to speak to you at your convenience. Please share a contact number while sending the email. Additionally, I would also like to thank you for your feedback. Here at Lebara, we always welcome the feedback provided by the customers as we feel that every feedback is an opportunity for us to improve our services. Thank you for being a part of the Lebara family. Best Regards, Team Lebara
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Dear Anupama,We regret the inconvenience caused to you. We have already escalated this issue to the relevant team and hoping to get it resolved at the earliest. I am personally looking in to this issue. Kindly write to
and mark it to the attention of Atiq Rehman.Alternatively, I will be happy to speak to you at your convenience. Additionally, I would also like to thank you for your feedback. Here at Lebara, we always welcome the feedback provided by the customers as we feel that every feedback is an opportunity for us to improve our services. Thank you for being a part of the Lebara family. Best Regards, Team Lebara
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Hello Rong,I am very sorry that you have recently had problems with Lebara's retail store.I would like to personally look into this for you as I am confident we can get this resolved.Please email
with the details of the store and put for the attention of Preetham B.Alternatively, I would be happy to give you a call at your convenience.Best Regards,Lebara Team
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Read 2 more reviews about Lebara Mobile (UK)
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Hello Eugene,I am very sorry that you have recently had problems with Lebara's service.I would like to personally look into this for you as I am confident we can get this resolved.Please email
and put for the attention of Atiq.Alternatively, I would be happy to give you a call at your convenience.Best Regards,Lebara Team
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Hello Robert,I am very sorry that you have recently had problems with Lebara's service.I would like to personally look into this for you as I am confident we can get this resolved.Please email
and put for the attention of Atiq.Alternatively, I would be happy to give you a call at your convenience.Best Regards,Lebara Team
Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore
Hello Vasil,I am very sorry that you have recently had problems with Lebara's service & we appreciate your feedback.I
understand that you don't want us to contact you via Email or call.Please suggest is there any other way we can contact you, so that we can get this issue resolved for you.Please email
and put for the attention of Preetham. Alternatively, I would be happy to give you a call at your convenience.Best Regards,Lebara Team
Read 1 more review about Lebara Mobile (UK)
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Read 1 more review about Lebara Mobile (UK)
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To reply as a company, please
to your business account.Lebara | 专为中国人设计的电话卡 — RED SCARF | 英国生活消费指南
又到了一年一度的新生入学季, 许多小学妹小学弟就要在腐国踏上新的征程了。每年的这个时候手机厂商们也极其给力,9月4日三星金属note 4发布,9月9日苹果也推出全新大屏iphone 6。目测来留学的小土豪们不用卖肾也能换新机呢,不过光有手机也不行呀,选择一张合适的手机卡也是非常有必要的!
最近很多人顾问一些怎么使用Lebara mobile 电话卡,我今天帮解答一些Com
mon问题。不要忘了英国Lebara给Lebara 通话或者短信都是无限的!!!
<img src="http://simg.sinajs.cn/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif" real_src ="http://s14.sinaimg.cn/mw690/0049p4ubgy6IP56jOfH7d"
TITLE="Lebara&Mobile&使用" />
1. 怎么使用Lebara电话卡?(卡只能在英国激活)
(你只需要改变你的APN不用另外的信息) 等你设置完了重启你的手机
*#1345#查你的充值& 5588客服号码&
激活:发短信uk,有效期30天,30天后自动跟新。 (学生套餐)


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