my password isentry is disabled 怎么解决很急 在线等

8万吨,共有垃圾处理厂(场)696个,余热还能用来供热、电话,相当于节约标准煤4、物理、无味的腐殖质、电脑等废旧电器的电子垃圾),中国城市垃圾处理率还不足2%,焚烧占5%,中国城市生活垃圾收集方式基本为混合收集,生活垃圾变成卫生的请把下面的文字翻译过来.4%,有的被运到卫生填埋场,中国城市仅生活垃圾无害化处理场有700多个,中国制定了不少相关标准!,上世纪80年代才开始进行垃圾处理。但是在2003年发生非典之后,焚烧法处理垃圾在中国发展较慢,将垃圾填入已预备好的坑中加盖盖好并压实。天津市双港垃圾发电厂,这些垃圾被分类运走、塑料),还有部分渗滤液经过过滤后达到国家一级标准再排放出去,在1990年前、砖瓦,以及可利用的和不可利用的。对于大体积的垃圾还要进行压缩处理。目前。进入90年代以后。二是在居民小区建有固定的垃圾收集站!。 混合收集主要有三种方式,使垃圾中可燃成分充分氧化、生物垃圾)!,年发电量1,但垃圾分类收集目前只占16%.3%,对焚烧法处理垃圾不大使用。 中国城市的垃圾处理首先要经过收集,分别为材料垃圾组(包括玻璃。 收集到的垃圾由专门的垃圾车运到垃圾转运站。 对于可回收利用的垃圾,因垃圾道利于细菌传播,大约需要7-8亿元人民币。垃圾被运到转运站后要进行第一步处理,产生的热量用于发电和供暖!多谢了,建设一个日处理垃圾1000吨的焚烧炉及附属热能回收设备。 在处理垃圾过程中,其中包括不到200个的无害化处理厂!多谢了。 从转运站运出的垃圾。 目前。 中国城市垃圾处理起步很晚。而且由于焚烧法处理垃圾时会产生二恶英气体,目前中国城市垃圾处理中填埋法处理的垃圾占70%、杀虫剂容器,分解有机物.2亿度,将被回收再利用。在这些坑中铺有专门的管道和防渗层、有机垃圾组(厨房垃圾。气体经过燃烧处理!。一吨垃圾可发电300度、回收利用)占5%!中国垃圾分类中国将把城市垃圾细分为四组,用来收集垃圾发酵产生的气体和渗滤液!我会再加分的、陶瓷等)。 还有的被运到了堆肥厂。垃圾运输车是完全密封的。目前中国建成,被分为有机物和无机物,中国城市垃圾处理才有了不断提高、化学变化!、焚烧废气排放标准等。许多城市更多的是使用卫生填埋法。 在目前的垃圾处理方法中,中国设市城市为668座。三是垃圾道,用作了植物的肥料,日处理垃圾1200吨。 据中国环境保护产业协会城市生活垃圾处理委员会资料显示,因此许多城市除因处理医疗垃圾需要外,其他(包括露天堆放!。之后、废纸,经过堆肥处理后,不会对环境造成污染,全国城市生活垃圾无害化处理率为52%,居民每天可以把生活垃圾扔到垃圾站、有毒有害垃圾组(废旧电池、过期药物,每天有专门的环卫人员负责收集这些容器里的垃圾、废荧光灯管、橡胶。1999年,一是将收集容器放置于固定的地点,渗滤液一部分经过净化处理成中水、无机垃圾组(炉灰渣,如城镇垃圾农用控制标准。 还有一部分被送到了焚烧炉中进行焚烧,无害化处理率仅为20。焚烧处理的前期投入较大,堆肥占20%、医疗废物以及废电视机,被许多城市禁用了,这种方法被环保官员认为比较适合中国国情。 据中国环境保护产业协会城市生活垃圾处理委员会资料介绍!请不要用翻译机~语句会不通的……很急,垃圾都是露天堆放的,主要是因为资金短缺,垃圾处理率63,虽然2002年中国政府提倡分类收集,用于清洁垃圾车辆以及地面扬尘。首先由分类机进行分类,可供5万户居民一年的生活用电!真的很急、在建和正在报批的垃圾发电厂已有140座,达到减量化和无害化的目的,专业名词请一定要准一点~、磁性或非磁性金属,使其发生生物。之前!
also used for heating Heat, incineration of waste disposal development in China slow, medical waste and waste television sets, and many cities in addition to the need for handling medical waste, although in 2002 the Chinese government to promote the separate collection. The use of recyclable waste will be recycled or reused, many cities were disabled. At present, the generating capacity of 120 million for 50, 20% composting, and impervious layer, plastics). In these pits shops specialized channels, refuse vehicles. Collected garbage from the garbage truck specially shipped to refuse transfer station, physical and chemical changes.4%,我就机器翻译一下你参考参考吧, containers of expired drugs, computers and other electrical waste e-waste), due to the spread of germs, leachate treatment as part of the purification of water, paper. 1999, equivalent to 48, and in the 1980s began to waste disposal!China garbage classification China will be divided into four city garbage group, will require approximately 7-8 billion yuan. Second, waste disposal rate of 63, brick and tile, and some were shipped to the sanitary landfill will be filled garbage pits have been prepared to cover stamping and compaction. However. The large volume of waste but also compressed, organic matter decomposition achieve reductions and sound purposes, the collection containers will be placed in fixed locations, this method is more suitable environmental officials believe that China&#39, respectively refuse materials (including glass. Some were shipped to a composting plant. To deal with the litter in the process, garbage,000 tons of waste disposal, biological waste), China was the only city garbage continues to increase. Part was sent to the incinerator in the incineration to dispose of combustible ingredients fully oxidized to produce heat for electricity generation and heating. Generating a ton of garbage can be 300 degrees. Tianjin Shuanggang Garbage Power Plant. Before the garbage dumps are open, in its biological, used for the collection of refuse from fermentation gases and leachate, the disposal of refuse incineration little use.3 %, after composting, magnetic and non-magnetic metals, the residents refuse daily life can be thrown into the garbage station, 668 Chinese cities for a total of garbage disposal plant (field) 696, 1, China&#39, the incinerator and its subsidiary heat recovery equipment, rubber, the burning of emission standards, waste separation and collection currently accounts for only 16 per cent. China city garbage started late, China completed, mainly because of a shortage of funds. After burning gas, daily sanitation specialized personnel responsible for the collection of these contas urban garbage in the landfill refuse treatment accounted for 70%, fluorescent tubes waste, China's urban garbage treatment rate of less than 2%, organic waste (kitchen garbage. China city garbage collection to go through first, sound processing rate was only 20. Waste were shipped to the station after a firs urban refuse collection methods to collect basic mixed, such as farm towns garbage control standards, as well as the use and non-use, pesticides, etc, the construction of a 1, Inorganic rubbish (furnace slag, as well as for cleaning dust ground,000 tons of standard coal conservation, the outbreak of atypical pneumonia in 2003. Third. Currently, China&#39, the environment will not be polluted, ceramic. After the garbage was classified removed. In the current method of waste disposal.). Since incineration and disposal of refuse will produce dioxin gas, in small residential area built fixed RCP. At present, China&#39, tasteless humus for the fertilizer plant, toxic and hazardous waste (used batteries. Shipped out from the refuse transfer station,000 residents in the lives of electricity a year, telephones. In the 1990s. The China Environmental Protection Industry Association of urban life garbage information on the Commission, and after some leachate filtered to meet emissions standards at the national level out. The China Environmental Protection Industry Association Committee urban life garbage data, it is rubbish Road, in 1990, garbage into health,200 tons of waste disposal. First-classification by classification are divided into organics and inorganics, the National MSW harmless treatment rate of 52%没人回答你;s cities only wastes disposal sites have more than 700, first, recycling use) or 5 per cent, China formulated a number of criteria. Many cities use more of the sanitary landfill method, including 200 less than the sound ofs national conditions. Incineration pre invest more, and construction is being submitted for approval in the garbage power plant has 140. Waste transporter is fully enclosed. Mixed collection are the three major ways, incineration accounted for 5% Others (including open dumps
China will be divided into four city garbage group, respectively refuse materials (including glass, magnetic and non-magnetic metals, paper, rubber, plastics), organic waste (kitchen garbage, biological waste), Inorganic rubbish (furnace slag, brick and tile, ceramic, etc.), toxic and hazardous waste (used batteries, fluorescent tubes waste, pesticides, containers of expired drugs, medical waste and waste television sets, telephones, computers and other electrical waste e-waste). China city garbage started late, and in the 1980s began to waste disposal. Before the garbage dumps are open. The China Environmental Protection Industry Association of urban life garbage information on the Commission, in 1990, China's urban garbage treatment rate of less than 2%. In the 1990s, China was the only city garbage continues to increase.
Chinese cities for a total of garbage disposal plant (field) 696, including 200 less than the sound of the treatment plant, waste disposal rate of 63.4%, sound processing rate was only 20.3 %. At present, China's cities only wastes disposal sites have more than 700, the National MSW harmless treatment rate of 52%. China city garbage collection to go through first. Currently, China's urban refuse collection methods to collect basic mixed, although in 2002 the Chinese government to promote the separate collection, waste separation and collection currently accounts for only 16 per cent. Mixed collection are the three major ways, first, the collection containers will be placed in fixed locations, daily sanitation specialized personnel responsible for the collection of these containers in the garbage. Second, in small residential area built fixed RCP, the residents refuse daily life can be thrown into the garbage station. Third, it is rubbish Road. However, the outbreak of atypical pneumonia in 2003, due to the spread of germs, garbage, many cities were disabled. Collected garbage from the garbage truck specially shipped to refuse transfer station. Waste transporter is fully enclosed. Waste were shipped to the station after a first step to deal with. First-classification by classification are divided into organics and inorganics, as well as the use and non-use. The large volume of waste but also compressed. After the garbage was classified removed. Shipped out from the refuse transfer station, and some were shipped to the sanitary landfill will be filled garbage pits have been prepared to cover stamping and compaction, in its biological, physical and chemical changes, organic matter decomposition achieve reductions and sound purposes. In these pits shops specialized channels, and impervious layer, used for the collection of refuse from fermentation gases and leachate. After burning gas, leachate treatment as part of the purification of water, refuse vehicles, as well as for cleaning dust ground, and after some leachate filtered to meet emissions standards at the national level out, the environment will not be polluted. Some were shipped to a composting plant, after composting, garbage into health, tasteless humus for the fertilizer plant. Part was sent to the incinerator in the incineration to dispose of combustible ingredients fully oxidized to produce heat for electricity generation and heating. At present, China completed, and construction is being submitted for approval in the garbage power plant has 140. Generating a ton of garbage can be 300 degrees, also used for heating Heat. Tianjin Shuanggang Garbage Power Plant, 1,200 tons of waste disposal, the generating capacity of 120 million for 50,000 residents in the lives of electricity a year, equivalent to 48,000 tons of standard coal conservation. The use of recyclable waste will be recycled or reused. To deal with the litter in the process, China formulated a number of criteria, such as farm towns garbage control standards, the burning of emission standards. In the current method of waste disposal, incineration of waste disposal development in China slow, mainly because of a shortage of funds. Incineration pre invest more, the construction of a 1,000 tons of waste disposal, the incinerator and its subsidiary heat recovery equipment, will require approximately 7-8 billion yuan. Since incineration and disposal of refuse will produce dioxin gas, and many cities in addition to the need for handling medical waste, the disposal of refuse incineration little use. Many cities use more of the sanitary landfill method, this method is more suitable environmental officials believe that China's national conditions. The China Environmental Protection Industry Association Committee urban life garbage data, China's urban garbage in the landfill refuse treatment accounted for 70%, 20% composting, incineration accounted for 5% Others (including open dumps, recycling use) or 5 per cent.
更改“电源使用方案” 保护电脑节约用电量 作者:雨晗
目前空调、电视这些电器都有了待机功能,当暂时不用时就会处于等待状态,这样便可节约所使用的能源,另一方面也延长了电器的使用寿命。对于天天使用的电脑,在暂时不用时,傻龙却从来没有发现电脑出现过待机状态。照理说电脑应该是更聪明才对,这究竟是何原因呢?傻龙决定自己探究一番。 记得上次楠楠曾说过系统的“控制面板”里隐藏了不少秘密,于是傻龙打算打开“控制面板”看看。系统、显示、任务计划……这些组件看起来都不是。咦?傻龙突然看到其中有一个名为“电源选项”的组件。从名称来看,似乎应该与电有些关系,不管那么多了,先打开它再说。 双击“控制面板”上的“电源选项”,在出现的属性对话框中发现有多个选项卡,在其中的“电源使用方案”选项卡页面中,终于找了解决方案。 打开“电源使用方案”区域中的方案列表,选择列表中的“家用/办公桌”选项,便会在下方区域中出现了设定好的具体应用方案。在方案中的各个选项均可调整,比如想让显示器在电脑暂停使用一分钟后关闭,只要在“关闭监视器”一栏中打开下拉列表,在列表中选择“1分钟后”即可。用同样的方法,还可设置“关闭硬盘、系统待机、系统休眠”等栏目,当然也可以让其中所有的选项都不起作用,只要选择列表中的“从不”选项即可。 通过这种方法,傻龙顺利实现了节电目标,这下收入不丰的傻龙就又能节约一些银子了。 小知识 待机与休眠的区别 待机:将当前处于运行状态的数据保存在内存中,机器只对内存供电,而硬盘、屏幕和CPU等部件则停止供电。由于数据存储在速度快的内存中,因此进入等待状态和唤醒的速度比较快。不过这些数据是保存在内存中,如果断电则会使数据丢失。 休眠:将当前处于运行状态的数据保存在硬盘中,整机将完全停止供电。因为数据存储硬盘中,而硬盘速度要比内存低得多,所以进入休眠状态和唤醒的速度都相对较慢,不过在休眠时可以完全断开电脑的电源。参考资料:《中国电脑教育报》
太多了,分太少,划不来,你自己翻吧,有疑点提出来全部交给他人完成 也太不负责任了
China garbage classification China will be divided into four city garbage group, respectively refuse materials (including glass, magnetic and non-magnetic metals, paper, rubber, plastics), organic waste (kitchen garbage, biological waste), Inorganic rubbish (furnace slag, brick and tile, ceramic, etc.), toxic and hazardous waste (used batteries, fluorescent tubes waste, pesticides, containers of expired drugs, medical waste and waste television sets, telephones, computers and other electrical waste e-waste). China city garbage started late, and in the 1980s began to waste disposal. Before the garbage dumps are open. The China Environmental Protection Industry Association of urban life garbage information on the Commission, in 1990, China's urban garbage treatment rate of less than 2%. In the 1990s, China was the only city garbage continues to increase.
Chinese cities for a total of garbage disposal plant (field) 696, including 200 less than the sound of the treatment plant, waste disposal rate of 63.4%, sound processing rate was only 20.3 %. At present, China's cities only wastes disposal sites have more than 700, the National MSW harmless treatment rate of 52%. China city garbage collection to go through first. Currently, China's urban refuse collection methods to collect basic mixed, although in 2002 the Chinese government to promote the separate collection, waste separation and collection currently accounts for only 16 per cent. Mixed collection are the three major ways, first, the collection containers will be placed in fixed locations, daily sanitation specialized personnel responsible for the collection of these containers in the garbage. Second, in small residential area built fixed RCP, the residents refuse daily life can be thrown into the garbage station. Third, it is rubbish Road. However, the outbreak of atypical pneumonia in 2003, due to the spread of germs, garbage, many cities were disabled. Collected garbage from the garbage truck specially shipped to refuse transfer station. Waste transporter is fully enclosed. Waste were shipped to the station after a first step to deal with. First-classification by classification are divided into organics and inorganics, as well as the use and non-use. The large volume of waste but also compressed. After the garbage was classified removed. Shipped out from the refuse transfer station, and some were shipped to the sanitary landfill will be filled garbage pits have been prepared to cover stamping and compaction, in its biological, physical and chemical changes, organic matter decomposition achieve reductions and sound purposes. In these pits shops specialized channels, and impervious layer, used for the collection of refuse from fermentation gases and leachate. After burning gas, leachate treatment as part of the purification of water, refuse vehicles, as well as for cleaning dust ground, and after some leachate filtered to meet emissions standards at the national level out, the environment will not be polluted. Some were shipped to a composting plant, after composting, garbage into health, tasteless humus for the fertilizer plant. Part was sent to the incinerator in the incineration to dispose of combustible ingredients fully oxidized to produce heat for electricity generation and heating. At present, China completed, and construction is being submitted for approval in the garbage power plant has 140. Generating a ton of garbage can be 300 degrees, also used for heating Heat. Tianjin Shuanggang Garbage Power Plant, 1,200 tons of waste disposal, the generating capacity of 120 million for 50,000 residents in the lives of electricity a year, equivalent to 48,000 tons of standard coal conservation. The use of recyclable waste will be recycled or reused. To deal with the litter in the process, China formulated a number of criteria, such as farm towns garbage control standards, the burning of emission standards. In the current method of waste disposal, incineration of waste disposal development in China slow, mainly because of a shortage of funds. Incineration pre invest more, the construction of a 1,000 tons of waste disposal, the incinerator and its subsidiary heat recovery equipment, will require approximately 7-8 billion yuan. Since incineration and disposal of refuse will produce dioxin gas, and many cities in addition to the need for handling medical waste, the disposal of refuse incineration little use. Many cities use more of the sanitary landfill method, this method is more suitable environmental officials believe that China's national conditions. The China Environmental Protection Industry Association Committee urban life garbage data, China's urban garbage in the landfill refuse treatment accounted for 70%, 20% composting, incineration accounted for 5% Others (including open dumps, recycling use) or 5 per cent.
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